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Natalia Kills

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Everything posted by Natalia Kills

  1. countess has it
  2. just saw it IM SHOOK
  3. wait... where is the "Radios not playing" version?
  4. I know right!!!
  5. Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's selection for education secretary, billionaire mega-donor Betsy DeVos, appears to be his most embattled Cabinet pick, but Senate Republicans have largely held tight in their support. Senate GOP leaders are confident they can squeak DeVos through the Senate with the support of 50 Republican senators Tuesday afternoon, plus a historic tie-breaking vote from Vice President Mike Pence. "The point is we're at a 50-50 moment where we only need one more senator to break and vote against Betsy DeVos and she won't be confirmed, and so we want to make our argument up until the last minute to see if we can get that 51st vote," Sen. Chris Murphy told CNN's Alisyn Camerota Tuesday on "New Day." http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/07/politics/betsy-devos-senate-vote/index.html
  6. please upload thanks
  7. Thank you! now we just need stardust to leak (not the tydi version)
  8. is this everything kerli related?
  9. it's been months without good music

    1. Woodcrest



    2. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      EXACTLY MONTHS without GOOD music

  10. I am disgusted at all the music you all have been leaking of mine @Countess @Tweener @Jump Rope I will take action for this


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Speedy


      @twenner :idkher: But he never talked /teased anything about her as i know :scamhook:

    3. Tweener
    4. Hawks


      we're disgusted by the quality of your music that has been leaked. Anything else?

      If not then go back to the pop music abyss :morning: 

  11. I am unstanning Melanin martenez for personal reasons. comment below if you don't care. ignore if you care

  12. Melanin Martenez is amazing

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jump Rope

      Jump Rope

      it's 2 rare i kan't

    3. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      sind itt 2 my gmail i prumise i wont telll @Jump Rope shhhhh

    4. Jump Rope

      Jump Rope

      here u go where_du_bebas_cum_frum.mp3

  13. tumblr_mvrm1j2mbh1qfy7xeo1_500.gif

    1. Tweener


      This profile is an ABOMINATION!

      It's disgusting. It's cheesy. I'm ashamed to be here. :tanya:

    2. Natalia Kills
    3. Tweener


      Stop trying to live my life for me! I need to breathe! I'm not your ROBOT! :tanya:

  14. leave her alone she slaysss
  15. favorite male name? derreck idk why who is one artist you cant stand?
  16. the one with no songs on it Who was the last person you kissed?
  17. hello


    1. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      everyday I will impersonate a new person

    2. From The Outside

      From The Outside

      i honestly love her just for this moment.

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I'm just going to state the obvious: we have a doppelgänger in our midst. As an artist who respects creative integrity and intellectual property, I am disgusted at how much you have copied my husband. You're a laughing stock. It's cheesy. It's disgusting. I personally found it absolutely artistically atrocious. I am embarrassed to be sitting here in your presence having to even dignify you with an answer of my opinion.


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