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Natalia Kills

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Everything posted by Natalia Kills

  1. inb4 they do a 40 inch ipad
  2. So, It's a question that I've been wondering for a while if something leaks how does that affect you? does it bother you? For me: It doesn't unless its a song my fave is gonna put out and I don't want the album being affected IF YOU DONT AGREE WITH SOMEONE HERE DON'T DRAG THEM OR ANYTHING IF YOU AGREE LIKE THEIR POST AND IF YOU DONT IGNORE IT DON'T TURN THIS INTO A TRADE WAR
  3. APPLE IS SET TO ANNOUNCE SOMETHING IN 3 HOURS Starting time: San Francisco: 10:00AM / New York: 1:00PM / London: 5:00PM / Berlin 6:00PM / Moscow: 8:00PM / Beijing: 1:00AM (March 22nd) / Tokyo: 2:00AM (March 22nd) / Sydney 4:00AM (March 22nd). http://www.apple.com/apple-events/march-2016/
  4. Natalia replied to me again yesterday!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RadiantEdits


      what she say? 

    3. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      She posted a pic saying "make America great again" and I dragged her on Twitter so she erased and reposted with the caption "make America high again" and on Instagram she @'ed me saying she'd never vote for trump. That bacon would be a better president than him. Check her IG POST

    4. RadiantEdits


      ooop I saw that too, Make America High Again is way better tbh

  5. no, bothered would be me shading someone in this thread and dragging them to the pits for irrelevant things that don't concern me but if you wanna tell me how I feel about a topic go right ahead you totally know me better than myself right
  6. if I meet Natalia in person one day i'm gonna cry. Not even kidding

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Marina Joyce

      Marina Joyce

      She smelled so good, I'll never forget that haha

    3. jlnsgr


      I met her twice and I did not cry but damn it felt good!

    4. RadiantEdits


      @Teddy Sinclair I imagine her smelling like perfume and rose water :blush: I bet her puss smells/tastes good :shocked:

      Lucky Willy he probably smells like cigarettes :stretcher:

  7. I don't really have an issue with anyone here, I guess all I have to say is.. it's an internet forum if you take the internet that serious maybe you should hit log out and get some friends. NO TEA NO SHADE this isn't aimed at anyone in particular more at everyone in this thread complaining about other members. EVERYONE has something that annoys someone else. xoxo, call me KILLS
  8. So as soon as I got out of work, I was supposed to go get 1 beer for St.Patrick's day.. but no these cute guys ended up coming up to us and then my girlfriends arrived and I got home at 3am and had to be at work at 7 omg

  9. Don't do kiss it better like that... its needed me tho
  10. I was really drunk last night and I made a grindr... and I woke up to 112 messages. LMFAOO I felt cute AF

    1. RadiantEdits


      Total MESS :stretcher: I only made one to see if there we're any undercover guys at my school and I got like 5 Messages... I Didn't even have a avi or anything :shocked:

      THE THIRST. 

    2. Natalia Kills
  11. I was so slayed when I saw this photo on the booklet
  12. all of us on here are so cute when will other forums Not to sound disrespectful but I wanna sit on your face
  13. This guy called me the N word.. I told him that was racist.. he said I looked black. 1) i'm white as snow 2) gurl how is that better that's worse 3) get your life

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      He was white, it was at a store, and he said "yo n***" he was trying to get my attention.. but homeboy is in the hood you can't be talking like that and dressed like Donald Trump's son

    3. RadiantEdits


      @Baby V Alex um It's racist bcuz nobody especially a white guy should say that word no matter who they're speaking to.

    4. Baby V Alex

      Baby V Alex

      @RadiantEdits a WHITE person should not, I didn't know that, that's why I asked. Some black people are ok using the word so for them saying it it's not racist.

  14. SAME SIDE POST LIKE AWAYS DONT JUDGE ME LOL My scars are more noticeable here
  15. Really wished Natalia used Dangerous on another song when she says "If my daddy comes home idk.." it sounds AMAZING

    1. Marina Joyce

      Marina Joyce

      wish she released the songs from Love, Kills episodes

    2. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      isn't that the perfectionist album?

  16. found that old "verbz" forum again lol people stanned so hard for her

  17. I was ready to snatch you behind a screen for coming for my fave album
  18. gurl.... you did not just do Perfectionist like that... PERFECTIONIST IS MY FAVORITE ALBUM EVER From the lyrics to the visuals this album is everything
  19. what do you guys think? I feel like my friends and family constantly judge who I date regarding their looks but I'm not the type to date based on that. I focus strickly on the personality and mental attraction.
  20. Sorting out Natalia's music is a mess

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Try working on a Michael Jackson masterpost like I am. :shocked: 

  21. Teddy commented to me yesterday confirming a music video for Mr.Watson
  22. Legit just fixed my iTunes music and I think my boyfriend got me a new laptop. Now to re do it :D

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I've been working on mine for the past two weeks and I'm still only up to the letter C. :stretcher: This shit takes too long!

  23. Having a really shitty Friday

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cypher


      Do it! Take a well-deserved siesta!

    3. Natalia Kills
    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Aww, why was it so bad bae? :'( 

  24. http://www.people.com/article/lady-gaga-matching-tattoos-sexual-assault-survivors-oscars
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