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Natalia Kills

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Everything posted by Natalia Kills

  1. my fave hasn't had an interview in over a year we take what we get
  2. updated with video will get you guys a HD video by the end of the day
  3. link here http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/live/bbcone
  4. my boyfriend already is he found a way to bypass the website's proxy
  5. bitch.. Belinda just landed a role in a movie with zac efron and shes touring with a 3 year old album still don't try her lol
  6. so after 5 days of searching for a part online I finally found one and my boss is beyond happy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      I work for an aircraft company, I handle the quoting of parts for the Mexican airforce since I speak spanish

      i'm the international sales rep lol

      so basically i'm in charge of selling airplane parts on a military level or the actual jet itself

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Ooooh shit, that's pretty awesome! So you just have to sweet talk all these bitches to make them buy your shit? You would be good at that tbh. ;) 

    4. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      lmfaoo no more like they call me

      and i'm just like this is how much it is

      take it or leave it You're the one that needs it
      Wanna feel that rush
      But it hurts too much
      When your heart gets crushed...


  7. you're my fave user now
  8. does anyone know of a site that might host free artist galleries? I wanna start my own Natalia Kills gallery cause Teddysinclair.net is EXTREMELY unorganized with photoshoots
  9. if someone figures it out LMK lol
  10. mines not completely organized my iTunes wont put some songs together and it bugs me
  11. but they scream "Natalia Kills" it just doesn't go with her new wife look but bushy eyebrows are in
  12. I think she needs to its time
  13. THANK YOU yeah once I posted it I was kinda like ehh I don't like it lol ima make one without it
  14. @Mr. Watsoninspired the one I posted with eyes being covered
  15. updated with more lol
  16. excited for this I hope Peter beats the shit out of alice and alice slaps peter into reality
  17. the newest one I made for diamond days the text is fading just like the diamond days
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