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Natalia Kills

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About Natalia Kills

  • Birthday 05/31/1994

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  1. ugh this is such a shitty week for me. My anxiety attacks keep getting worse

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      it's just a compilation of things

      My bday is in 5 days and everyone wants me to go somewhere with them to celebrate and I don't have much free time

      my grandpa's death anniversary is this month he passed away right before my bday so it puts me in a sad place, mainly cause everytime I look in the mirror I see him, I'm basically his twin in terms of looks

      my job cutting hours and my dad getting his hours cut so i'm helping him out with bills and i'm legit broke now

      my sister is in Chicago too and I help her out with money so I worry about her too

      in general just a lot of things at once but i'm hoping to push through it.

    3. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      You got me if you need to talk about it honey <3 and @Countess too... (he's a pretty good listener ;))

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Aww boo, I'm so sorry to hear that. :'( It's always hard to lose someone you love so much. And it's so sweet of you to look out for your family. <3 But don't even worry about that stuff, it sounds like your family is so strong and perseverant and I know it will turn out alright in the end. <3 

      I can't at you complaining about having too many friends who love you tho. :shocked: That's literally such a good thing! My birthday party was basically me begging people to come. :stretcher: You're lucky to have such good friends!

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