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Natalia Kills

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About Natalia Kills

  • Birthday 05/31/1994

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  1. This guy called me the N word.. I told him that was racist.. he said I looked black. 1) i'm white as snow 2) gurl how is that better that's worse 3) get your life

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      He was white, it was at a store, and he said "yo n***" he was trying to get my attention.. but homeboy is in the hood you can't be talking like that and dressed like Donald Trump's son

    3. RadiantEdits


      @Baby V Alex um It's racist bcuz nobody especially a white guy should say that word no matter who they're speaking to.

    4. Baby V Alex

      Baby V Alex

      @RadiantEdits a WHITE person should not, I didn't know that, that's why I asked. Some black people are ok using the word so for them saying it it's not racist.

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