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Everything posted by Volcanion

  1. The album leaked. Has anyone listened to this track yet?
  2. TBH This demo was released a few years online before Katy added it to her album. I only remember that because I had a radio dj friend who showed me the new version when it was released. I showed him the old one I had at the time. This was legitimately in the days of Limewire, so I probably couldn't find it now. EDIT: But thanks for sharing!!
  3. That did not help me find it.
  4. Anyone grab starlight?
  5. Bonnie McKee's debut album, feat SLAY, Forever 21 etc Jojo's album with Bodyguard and Play This Twice on it.
  6. Ugh, she's had so many songs that could have been hits. It's almost as though she doesn't give a crap about her fans tbh.
  7. S.L.A.Y. (Studio Version exists) Forever 21 I Wanna Fucking Call You Don't Get Mad (Get Famous) (Studio Version exists) I know there are many more, I just don't remember their names.
  8. I love ORAS! I can get Volcanions for everyone!
  9. I'm hopeful with Britney or Gaga...
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