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Everything posted by Volcanion

  1. Yes, Hot City was actually written about global warming. it’s a cause we all need to get behind.
  2. #BonnieMcKeeforClimateChangeAction
  3. Omg Denny thank you so much for this valuable information re: Bonnie McKee. You are a gay king and we all stan.
  4. Nothing will ever compare to Silly Boy by Lady Gaga and Rihanna.exe
  5. AFAIK the version she performed is the Dr. Luke version. The one that is going around/being sold is definitely an older demo for a different song completely.
  6. I was chill until I was tagged and attacked for “hoarding songs” 😂
  7. This is like Joan on drugs energy what the fuck.
  8. From what I recall, Rules of Attraction was a Britney demo, but that’s from when I originally got it.
  9. 22nd Century is a legitimate song that leaked around the same time as Restless, Earthquake and Thunder. IDK where my file was, but I don't remember it being all that great.
  10. You’ve been tagging me and calling me a “hoarder” and attacking me. How does this not have anything to do with me? Lololol
  11. Why do you keep replying then?
  13. I Can Totally Do This screams broadway musical to me. Or like, Disney movie. Me when I'm on my last 2km of a run outside: "Hey Siri, play I Can Totally Do This by Bonnie McKee"
  14. TBH I get Epic album vibes from Catching Feelings, and it was on my tracklist at one point. Not you disrespecting Unlock Your Love tho 😭
  15. I joked about missing Joan’s drama. There’s a lot of Joan energy being channeled in this thread and it’s wild. Truth be told, I did not miss it. I take it back. 😭
  16. Lol I don’t actually. I wish. i was looking for it, but it hasn’t turned up. also, I’m not obligated to leak a thing.
  17. Not unless ya'll buy something and leak it.
  18. I doubt there was ever any confirmation. This was pretty early on, and she has since mentioned word for word how long and how many times she reworks things. I take any "tracklists" with a grain of salt. I'm more going off the vibes of the songs that sound similar along with the flow of the tracks.
  19. I originally included it specifically because it was on the whiteboard from that Kiss interview. It's definitely grown on me since.
  20. 1. Don't Get Mad (Get Famous) 2. Electric Heaven 3. Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt 4. Rewind Your Heart 5. Unlock Your Love 6. Everything But You 7. S.L.A.Y 8. Hot City 9. SPACE FOR FOREVER 21 10. I Wanna Fucking Call You 11. So Called Life (IDK if this was even meant for Epic but I loved the vibe) 12. Waking Up Diagonal 13. Outlaw
  21. I don't even have American Girl or Sleepwalker on my final tracklist 😂
  22. There were a few online promotions from Epic eluding to DGM being a single. I can try to dig them up. TBH Electric Heaven just fit the vibe of like 80s synth and bass that she was clearly going for, so it made most sense to me to use that. She straight up may never have had a final title or track list.
  23. Tbh now that I listen to the :45, I think it was just that looped. I don’t remember a chorus. It was unloopable to make a full. I was a dumb bitch and traded for a snippet back in the day. Edit: Now that I think about it, it was advertised as 1:30, which I guess I figured I could loop properly. That was not the case LOLOL. It's weird, there was a batch of Bonnie songs that all had the first :45 leak around the same time. In The Wild was one of them, along with a few others I don't recall specifically.
  24. It might not be. But I 100% get Bombastic vibes from it. Imagine a tracklist: I Want It All, fading into I Get What I Want.
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