Ace of Base - Redefined. An album that I was praying for that was never completed but a ton of music was recorded. Drives me crazy that people have the recorded tracks and won't share blah. Someday (fingers crossed). I thankfully received a few of the tracks but there are many more sigh
I also wish I knew the Veronicas "official" life on Mars tracklisting as well as the albums of u released music and the rerelease that they had already picked all of the tracks for
I thought for brief moment that they were dropping the entire album next week. I'm happy w a single but I need new jams from them ASAP after being promised things only to be disappointed
Agh well if anyone is willing to share please hit me up. Not a huge fan so I will never trade for them. Just wanted to give them a quick listen. Thanks xo
Anyone have any scoop on the new album/any new tracks floating around? I'm missing these girls like whoa and am praying this next album is in the vein of "stutter" and "101"