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Everything posted by Violetbud

  1. I know, its huge, and I'm guessing that there's going to be a lot of small roles/cameos, however there were also reports of the series continuing for at least two seasons. Also, even if that isn't true, there are going to be more than ten episodes regardless. I am excited to see how Amanda does, I think if she's given a good role she could really do well in this series!
  2. Most of the original cast yes! Except for a few like Harry (sheriff), and Donna. But the full cast is like 200 people, and it includes a lot of great people! http://www.indiewire.com/article/twin-peaks-full-cast-showtime-2017-david-lynch-amanda-seyfriend-michael-cera-20160425?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=IW_post
  3. The full cast for season 3 was just released! SO Excited!!!
  4. Twin Peaks! Which is actually coming back, thank god! I also loved Charmed growing up, it was so much fun! But I would've loved to see Veronica Mars continue for a couple of seasons, also an old show called Tru Calling. I watch way too much TV.
  5. I think I understand it a little better now, thank you! Also, good luck to anyone waiting for those songs, I hope you get them!
  6. I'm sorry to ask and be annoying but I'm a little confused by this thread, would anyone be willing to enlighten me?
  7. Me, being the complete Aly & Aj nerd that I am, was really excited to see Aly's film that was released on iTunes back September title "Sequoia". I absolutely adored the film, it was straightforward, transparent, unapologetic, and beautiful. Great performances all around, and the dialogue was genuine and witty. Also the structure of the film and plot was atypical in my opinion which made it that much more entertaining and thoughtful. If anyone get's the chance and is into indie dramedies I'd highly recommend it! I absolutely love The Way Way Back and It Follows! Two very different kinds of films, but each wonderful in their own right.
  8. Avril Lavigne - What "Goodbye Lullaby" was supposed to sound like before the label issues (still love the album but am really curious about songs like "Fine") - "Gone", "Complete Me", and "Candy" - Runners/Bonnie McKee songs that never saw the light of day, really kills me - All the David Hodges songs that didn't make the final Self-Titled album Aly and Aj - 78violet self-titled album, (praying against all odds that "Civilian" and "Damaged" surface) - Hothouse not getting an official release (also the couple of songs that were recorded but didn't make the final cut and have yet to surface anywhere) - The potential EP with a re-worked version of "Boy" - Any other music they worked on with Toby Gad - Suspended! After all this time, that snippet still kills me!
  9. YAY! Another person that loves that album! I can distinctly remember buying it in the morning and waiting for the bus to take me to school and listening to it for the first time, (I was in eight grade when it was released). I love that she wrote half of the songs on her own, and even produced two of them. People say its messy, basic, and has too many ballads but few albums have hit me quite like that one.
  10. This is too hard, but if I had to choose, I could probably narrow it down to around three: Green Day "Dookie", Avril Lavigne "Goodbye Lullaby", and 78Violet "Hothouse". I love too many albums though.
  11. Kesha's get sleazy tour was the first concert I ever went to and though it may sound overzealous, it really did leave a lasting impression on me. Her music, her message, and ideals she stands for are all concepts and movements I support as well. When I found out the news yesterday, a pit formed in my stomach. It's just so heartbreaking, disgusting, and inexcusable. To look up to someone, who's made a very positive influence in my life, and to watch as that person, already abused and cracked, faces yet another set-back makes me so upset. I can barely look at the pictures of her in court because it makes me feel helpless, I can't even imagine nor empathize with what she must be going through at this moment. Regardless of anyone's personal bias towards her, its clear to see she's been hurt, and no one should have to face the same struggle she's going through now. As grueling and disheartening as this whole process has been however, it's comforting to finally see more, albeit a little late, vocal and public support regarding her case. I can only hope that she continues the fight and gains more strength and courage, though she's already got so much, from everyone taking a stand with her. I hope this raises awareness concerning mental/physical abuse and rape in the music industry and in other industries as well. I hope her story, as devastating as its been, continues to elicit strong reactions from the public, instigating a desire and need for change and progression. Apologies for the long post, its just Kesha and her music hold a dear place in my heart and watching all of this unfold has made it difficult not to say something. Thoughts and prayers are with her, never losing hope.
  12. "Attack my crack" made me scream! It was hilarious, and she delivered it perfectly. Agreed on the hospital setting, I have absolutely no idea how they are going to pull it off but I'm excited for it nonetheless.
  13. Lol, that whole reveal will probably remain the messiest wrap up in Ryan Murphy's career. Though, now that some time has passed, I'm not nearly as upset as I was when I first watched the finale. Lea sold her part well.
  14. #3 truly was the break-out star of this season. I know some people didn't like her delivery in some scenes, but I appreciated how into the character Billie got. Such great chemistry between all the Chanels.
  15. Had such a fun time watching this first season with friends, flaws and all it was undoubtably entertaining. Tentatively excited for season 2, and very happy Emma's reprising her role as Chanel! I'm hoping this can be a reverse-ryan murphy experience and get better as the seasons progress. Unpopular opinion, I low-key loved Chanel #5 (Abigail), especially towards the end of the season, Liz Daw still makes me cackle.
  16. Just wanted to say that everyone on here who I've interacted with has been very kind, sweet, and patient (I'm new to a lot of this)! Very happy to have found the forum!
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