Kesha's get sleazy tour was the first concert I ever went to and though it may sound overzealous, it really did leave a lasting impression on me. Her music, her message, and ideals she stands for are all concepts and movements I support as well. When I found out the news yesterday, a pit formed in my stomach. It's just so heartbreaking, disgusting, and inexcusable. To look up to someone, who's made a very positive influence in my life, and to watch as that person, already abused and cracked, faces yet another set-back makes me so upset. I can barely look at the pictures of her in court because it makes me feel helpless, I can't even imagine nor empathize with what she must be going through at this moment. Regardless of anyone's personal bias towards her, its clear to see she's been hurt, and no one should have to face the same struggle she's going through now. As grueling and disheartening as this whole process has been however, it's comforting to finally see more, albeit a little late, vocal and public support regarding her case. I can only hope that she continues the fight and gains more strength and courage, though she's already got so much, from everyone taking a stand with her. I hope this raises awareness concerning mental/physical abuse and rape in the music industry and in other industries as well. I hope her story, as devastating as its been, continues to elicit strong reactions from the public, instigating a desire and need for change and progression. Apologies for the long post, its just Kesha and her music hold a dear place in my heart and watching all of this unfold has made it difficult not to say something. Thoughts and prayers are with her, never losing hope.