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Everything posted by godneyjean

  1. LOL its a sample of Katerina Graham's "My Boyfriend's Back" which came out in 2009 so... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Senl0QsduCw
  2. that's so strange then, i could've sworn it was planned to be a japanese bonus track along with All I Want is a Name
  3. don't know if this is an edit or not but http://imgur.com/a/KsV4M wasn't this supposed to be a japanese bonus at some point?
  4. original leak: been waiting for this track since 2013 oh my god its glorious
  5. go find them, they're out there.
  6. so cute that she remembers all the words

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tweener


      R U drunk, sis?

    3. godneyjean


      Probably omg 

    4. Speedy


      Not me thinking it was real and i did not posted anything and it's too late :fishie::fishie::fishie::fishie:

  8. Now we just need the bangerz official instrumentals
  9. Trust me. She's happy. If she wasn't she could just leave him, he's giving ha everytin she wants he's disgusting though
  10. I wish we had more bangerz outtakes, seriously one of the best albums I've ever listened to
  11. Okay but can someone post that song now for the love of god
  12. It's coming around now pretty sure
  13. This year kinda sucked in so many ways? Including music
  14. I don't even care what we get I'm just very thirsty for something new these tracks are getting so dusty to me someone leak something, anything idc
  15. Where Do Babies Come From? - Melanie overhyped, honestly probably just as awful as she says, I don't see what's so special about it lmao
  16. leak that annoying Melanoma song so I can purge
  17. Venus as a boy by bjork xox good luck
  18. Chill it's just a joke why can't I have the smallest bit of fun
  19. Bombs On Monday - EP 1. Dead To Me 2. Bittersweet Tragedy 3. Cry Baby 4. Pity Party Bombs on Monday is not featured on the EP because Melanie said it was too personal for her to release and that she can write better songs
  20. Ok but the co-writer said otherwise
  21. It's 100% I Scream
  22. Macklemore (free ticket with a friend idek why I was there tbh) Demi World Tour (Amazing) Charli at her Sucker tour (she played in some shitty night club (Amazing) Melanie acoustic set and Cry Baby tour just last week (Amazing) Sometimes before the show, waiting in line is shitty but like you gotta make the most of it
  23. It wasn't me who tried to scam I got it from a lanaboards member ?
  24. Ah I see, well it's a good thing the voices were supportive then, if you ever need someone to talk to I'll listen always, I've felt the way you do before, I've been there, and it's okay!
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