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Everything posted by sher179

  1. Please give us that Gwenny Gwen (Hard 2 Love etc.) ;) 

  2. Hey everyone! I appreciate everyone here that listened to "Ballistics" and gave me feedback! I've started voice training with an app and videos (I couldn't find a teacher that I clicked with), but I've got a good feeling about it! I'm gonna record it again when my accuracy has improved. As for this post, I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm working on my second song. The title initials are "NNN" and it's a more sensual/meaningful pop song. I thought I'd start a new thread to post lyrics and clips as it comes along! Or maybe pm me if you're interested to hear it when it's done!
  3. Yeah that's definitely good advice. And Id love to hear your music some day! That sounds pretty interesting, i'm sure its great . A lot of the music i make definitely depends on my current playlist. It's always great to be single! But if you have feelings, explore them . One of the mottos I live by is "never wondering what if". I mean to an extent we shouldn't leave ourselves with unanswered questions you know? If you have a feeling and pursue it, but the guy was an ass, at least you won't ever wonder or have anything to regret. And if it becomes a great relationship, you didn't lose anything either! But always love yourself first
  4. I am SO sorry, I probably look like such a bitch. I missed this post (I'm at work). I think that's really inspiring and I love the different perspective. I'm super happy you're able to balance music and a boyfriend . What kind of music do you make? I really love the two different sides of beautiful and ugly, it was just sometimes it got like too much. And I guess it was toxic to the point of no repair for me and that guy. I'm happy you aren't suicidal any more. I think we're both doing better it sounds like! Thanks for the kind words I also hope we can use this thread to discuss any personal problems or daily troubles if we have them! I love to listen and give (hopefully helpful) advice
  5. I totally agree! I mean I'll never put down anyone that wants to get married or anything like that even if it isn't my style, but I want to experience as much people (not like sexually) as possible. And thank you . Haha I had that exact thought a couple of months ago, how 30 is the 20. Which is a really great thing, because it does give so much more time to enjoy life and feel like you don't have to "peak" as soon as society wants you to. And thank you for that as well! I'm actually really comfortable with myself and being single right now. Also I've stopped being so desperate, even if I feel a tad sad about being single. I don't drop to the feet of anyone that seems a bit interested. Totally understand that! Really well actually. I'm sure someone will find you boo, just stay your awesome and busy self until then plus you gotta make some mistakes to learn Hey? That's good that you know what you want. I feel the same way, between myself and my family I'm actually really happy. And I find the idea of a boyfriend nice. But with how much I have going on. I wouldn't be able to keep a relatonship so there's no need to fawn over something like that. Maybe one day you'll get a stimulating boyfriend that keeps you interested, but being happy first and foremost with yourself is always the greatest!
  6. Haha I think they definitely make movies like that. But I totally love that perspective. It happened awhile ago. I was depressed for all of 2013 over someone and it took a lot of will power to get over them, but in the end it resulted in some of my best music/lyrics. I mean it also saved me from going to university which I would've loathed. Right now I'm single and enjoying it as well. I even joke with family how I want to be with someone new every year. Ive never dated, but I just feel like I'd love to experience so many different faces of the spectrum known as love. Also as an artist, I feel like this path will be travelled alone for a good chunk because a lot of people aren't able to handle my creative and emotional hurdles. I remember Stevie Nicks and Madonna saying different things, but the end message was how they sacrificed love for the sake of their art. Which is what I think it will come down to for me. I mean I'm turning 20 this year and it gets kind of depressing seeing everyone with their boyfriends, but then I see my guitar, get undre---, well let's just say I love music. Haha
  7. Hey everyone! I was just wondering who was single or not on the site? I've been single literally my entire life. And honestly I go from hating it to really appreciating it. Music is something I wouldn't drop for anyone or anything. I was actually deadly in love with someone I almost committed suicide over. I thought I'd never get over them, but a new year (2014) brought lots of clarity. I guess I have a lot of self discipline regarding music. What are your thoughts on being single? I just wanted to open this thread in case anyone wanted to talk about relationships, or troubles or anything. (I thought I'd make the title light hearted). Love you all!
  8. Here it is! Whoever hasn't heard it, let me know what you think! :3 Lyrics are in the description!
  9. Thank you SO much! those kind words mean a lot. I actually had to record it in my room (we have equipment for it though) since I'm still in my small town. But I finished the recording today! I'm gonna be sending it in tonight. And of course! Once it's uploaded I'll post the link here. Thanks again! I've been working my ass off for the last couple of years Im just crossing my fingers that it works out you know? And my fingers killed me at first lol.
  10. Thanks! It really means a lot. I took all of 2015 just to learn the guitar, and now everything seems to be falling into place
  11. Hey everyone! I know it's been awhile since I've posted on here (SUPER busy AND sick which was the worst), but I'm back with a topic that makes me nervous typing. Tonight I record my first original song (I've been working on it for a long time now), it would've been done sooner had I not had to film for my brothers project. And then after the video is uploaded I am sending it to my mentors. This is a really big deal for me, as this will be the first thing they've heard my vocals on and they have been anticipating it for a long time now. I was just hoping all of you could wish me luck. And those of you interested could maybe let me know, so I could send a recording or little clip at least to get your opinions. I hope everyone is doing awesome! - D
  12. I'm back!!!! And since I don't know how to upload an avi yet. This is me http://m.imgur.com/hXxsEZz
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