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Everything posted by sher179

  1. One of my brothers ex gf's said the lemon chicken at nandos was "too spicy". Like bitch please.
  2. YASSSSSSSS. HOLY FUCK. Such good bops. Seriously. I always got a bit of steal my sunshine vibes from "BB Talk" by Miley and "Warm Blood" by Carly
  3. That means your ex doesn't want YOU, he wants the feeling of having you when you're taken. Ditch his ass and focus on your present boyfriend. But (and this goes for both of them or anyone in the future) don't let anyone put you through hard times when you don't need it. From what I've seen, you're a handsome and sweet guy that deserves someone cool. Not fuckers that are indecisive (although your current bf doesn't sound like that, it's just a note for the future). Thanks boo and I totally would, but I don't want to hijack this thread. Pm me! Or you can always read my introduction thread! It has a lot of info there
  4. Jkjk = just kidding just kidding :p. I don't judge people on looks lol 19 going on 20. I would say it's sad I've never dated, but I've accomplished more than I ever thought I could without doing so, so I'm pretty happy. But on topic, you should make it clear you don't want your ex back and that he's overstepping lines.
  5. Well I've never dated so it's different for me. But for the longest time I've wondered what it would be like to have 2 guys fight over me and be emotionally torn. I'm also a musician though so I guess the thought of having that kind of inspiration for new material as well, is a reason. but I hope things work out @AmeliaLilyOnline
  6. You should post both their pics. So I can tell you which one to choose ;). Jkjk yeah just block him. But good lord, it sounds like you're living the dream
  7. Made some good points trayer, i'm conflicted. Honestly it doesn't matter now anyway. I guess this is more for some people's comfort to know that he could've at one time been a good person. Violence is stupid.
  8. .
  9. Lol Im stalled in the process of listening to Björk's discography, do you have more? I really wanna find the complete "Post"

  10. Haha hahaha YASSSSSS. EXPOSE this Bullshit for what it is! In some cases, if it's out of respect of a culture (like the headresses) I understand. But C'mon beyonce wearing a sari and bindi are just her embracing a culture. I hated when people tried to hate on her for that. And I'm not really a big fan. Lol I was ready to blast you guys in a long post. Thank goodness this is sarcasm
  11. You guys are all way more compassionate and understanding than members on other forums. On topic: this is extremely sad and I agree with @Tweenerthat it's crazy to think how much goes on all around the world. That thought actually crossed my mind while I was looking at my doggy earlier and playing with him. I'm thankful for the life I have, but I also would give, give and give again to make this world better for others.
  12. Ok you're getting off topic, stop. It's a pictures thread, take the pettiness somewhere else.
  13. OMG how long ago was that haha. You're so silly, you're a tad cute dummy. Again the "bitch" part seems more relevant though
  14. What's this in reference to lol? I'm too busy making bomb ass music to remember . Also you're kinda cute, in a "I'm ready to shoot up the theatre now" kinda way
  15. I'll end up getting both lol. I'm so excited to see all of the new pokemon! Actually more, than the games, I love seeing the card artworks and stuff. Also, the detail of like the galaxy in both of the legendaries face areas, is so pretty
  16. YESSSSSSS. They revealed quite a lot today, and those legendaries look awesome!
  17. Apparently the legendary names could be Lunaala and Solgaleo according to pokebeach.com
  18. Dc2012k. Add me
  19. Such a shame people are so stupid and scared for no reason. Irrational fear is so dangerous. Also we have to remember that even though these specific people maybe be dumb (or uninformed). I know a lot of Christians that actually advocate for LGBT rights etc. One of my best friends used to be really religious and i'm pretty sure is still religious and she fights for equal rights etc. All the time.
  20. In person is the best way to go! Since I live so far from civilization this option worked the best for me :p. BUT guess what! I have a phone date with this voice teacher this upcoming Thursday! So hopefully that'll go well
  21. Gwenny Gwen's Hard 2 love and Hell Yeah Baby and bish this time tag the verses, not the perfect choruses
  22. What!? Was there no free version? I dont remember paying money for it. But maybe I did. I definitely didn't pay $25 though
  23. Happy Birthday <3<3<3 hope you had a great day! :) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cypher


      The many mysteries of the world! ;) 

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      He's actually 50, but those Eurasian genes keep him looking young. ;) 

    4. Cypher


      It's what happens when you have parents from Sicily. That island youth. :hail:

  24. Thanks for the advice . It's kind of funny though, because I have all of this left over equipment from my brothers filming they were doing. So I'm copping this mic from them. It worked really well for them so I'm hoping it'll be good :3
  25. Omg bitch. How did I not see this. Haha I'm super sorry. The app I use is for my ipad and it's called erol singing studio (it was free I'm pretty sure). BEST decision ever. I've already learned how to stop sliding my notes and my accuracy is improving! Working title for this new piece has these three initials "NnN"
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