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Everything posted by sher179

  1. Releasing my first slice of music next month! It's been ages since I've posted here. But I really loved the sense of community during the time I've been around. So I wanted to share the cover art with all of y'all since I just revealed it ??
  2. Hey everyone, I check up on the site frequently, but haven't been as active on the site for awhile. Been working on my own music and I thought I'd share a clip. Would love to hear your thoughts.
  3. Hey everyone! Could y'all possibly do me a huge favor and like this photo? It's for a photography contest my mom entered and it would mean a lot! *and no it's not spam lol. Just didn't know how to get a simpler link lol https://m.facebook.com/ArcticCoopsLtd/photos/a.875415949312351/875416655978947/?type=3&source=57&ref=opera_for_android_speed_dial&notif_t=story_reshare Also I've been so busy with my own music and actually working on some big things that I'll share when I'm able to! ❤
  4. Omg I never saw this until now. Ive been so busy working on music, I browse, but I was looking through old posts I made to find the first thing I posted and I saw this!!!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!!❤❤ My vocals have gotten a lot better since this so I cant wait to share.
  5. I just heard the snippet OMG. IT'S SO GOOD.
  7. Listen to "Last 7 Months" by sher179 #np on #SoundCloud Hope you guys like it!
  8. Hey Everyone! So it's been literally forever since i posted on Phf, let alone in this thread so I just thought I'd post a clip of something I've been working on to get everyone's opinions! I've been so busy this last year with working on music and am really hoping to start getting the gears in motion for bigger things. Hope everyone has been well!
  9. Omg @CountessI love this idea! Lol keep pairing and messaging me y'all. I hate being lonely in the fall/winter . @Amelia Lilyis super cute, but he has a bf so #sadlyofflimits.
  10. Azealia Banks dm'd me back on Instagram after I told her I was dissapointed in her, we got in a heated debate. 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. sher179


      Hahaha omg ok maybe I'll have another chat with her and like use the whole thing to product place, different things. Or if y'all take selfies saying what you think would help her grow (like constructively, not just bullying y'all) Id totally send it. She'd probably have SO much worse to say though lol. 

    3. Tweener


      Just tell her to listen to this Grammy-nominated, suicide level lowering, future Nobel Peace Prize winning song :magic: 


    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      You better bring those receipts for us bitch! :rockon: I need to see you read this ho!

  11. Anyone here from Canada that can drive and is looking to go on an adventure?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sher179


      Hahahahahaha what? I'm literally looking for people to go roadtripping with silly. And no one NEEDS dick ;)

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @Dayfid is willing and ready. :tan: 

    4. Dayfid


      @Countess "That can drive" :magic:

  12. Smother me in your luscious boobs and then SMOTHER YOURSEELLLLLFFFF But first, send me some vegetarian recipes. The other hoes on this site don't got knowledge like you do
  13. Feeling pretty overwhelmed right now... 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sher179


      @Tweener so you know how I've been seeing a vocal teacher? I've seen her for four lessons and the pricing was great. I really felt I was making some progress. But everytime I have a little question that will help me practice on my own, she says "we can talk about it next lesson". And it's been really hard for me to make any progress like that you know? Now I have to look for a new teacher and i'm just trying to find someone that loves music as much as i do. Also my money is running out and i'm just hoping for the best. Thanks for asking btw <3

    3. Tweener


      I hope you find someone who loves music then <3 Good luck!

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      You'll be okay! You can do a lot of these things on your own now you have the basis for your lessions. ;) I can't wait to hear some tracks from you!

  14. Y'all. Not this making my fucking life rn. Honestly I lost a lot of respect for Taylor and Selena and gained a bit for Kimye. Also like omg poor Katy. She was right all along. Snaky bitch. .... still gonna listen to TS6 though, BUT ILLEGALLY!
  15. I guess it would be kind of ironic for Satan to mention anything Holy jkjk. Also I'm pretty sure you joined the masses in forgetting about this you fuckers.
  16. Omg y'all I could never dye this luscious black hair of mine. I'd probably be in the glee club or sucking off everyone's sloppy seconds. Edit: This is me. http://giphy.com/gifs/movie-happy-mean-girls-ncNGTwJKxVOTu
  17. Me singing "Hackensack". I probably sound stupid. But I'm gonna work to get better



  18. Im just so dissapointed in her. Not this in particular. But I mean she was so racist and homophobic and everything towards everybody, plus to brown people as well (she said some really ignorant things). So I would never say "good for her" for anything she does. I'll just let karma get her.
  19. Anyone to talk to about taboo topics?

  20. Went to a gay bar for the first time in my life tonight with an old friend. Lmao so we're both sitting together and talking, having a good time, the music isn't too loud. Them two batches get up to the dance floor and the dj turns the music obnoxiously up. All of a sudden a guy from table comes us behind us. Now I usually don't judge people on their looks, but he was looking a mess and was only looking for one thing lol. So anyway he extends his hand to my friend and the my friends like "no, no I don't Dance", so as Im ready to turn down his offer as well, I realize I wasn't even sloppy seconds hahaha. Oh my god, my life. Definitely a good night though. Got some sweet smiles from a bartender who I think mightve been gay. 

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Lmfao, awwwww. <3 If it's any concilation, I never get hit on at bars either but I get a lot of dick from online. :morning: You just gotta find your niche!

    2. Tweener


      That's so cute!!!! <3 

  21. Turning 20 this August. Working on singing. Feeling so, so close. Yet so many steps back.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sher179


      @Tweener I've actually been thinking how cool it would to share unreleased stuff instead of keeping it locked away. I mean after a certain time period, there's no reason to not share ;) and @Jump Ropethe 12th! What about you??

    3. Jump Rope

      Jump Rope

      On the 24th! 

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Post it all! <3 Even if you don't love it I'm sure someone here will be able to do something with it. ;) 

  22. Haha ok that's a good point. Damn you're making this thread more work than I thought it would be :p. How about 15 pop albums (Im really curious to see if they ALL mention God or not) and 5-10 metal ones because you never know how faithful they might be
  23. DO TEN TRAYER. revive my damn thread haha but actually you have an interesting and wide taste. So maybe (and this goes for everyone else) if you have lots of albums. Pick 10 or 15
  24. Hey everyone! So after looking through my collection of CDs a couple of nights ago. I thought I could come up with a fun game just to see how different artists can be. The thing I noticed that shocked me quite a lot (and I personally wouldn't include as a first "thank you" or really any thank you at all) was that usually the first person the artist gives thanks to, is God, Jesus or something along those lines. Now this isn't a place to bash religion. I'm not personally religious myself, but I thought it would be fun for you guys to go through your Album Booklets and see just how many people mention God etc. In their thank yous. Then post pictures of what albums those were! (I'll be uploading mine later as I'm out right now)
  25. One day Bebe. One day!!!!!!!
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