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About sher179

  • Birthday 08/12/1996

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  1. Went to a gay bar for the first time in my life tonight with an old friend. Lmao so we're both sitting together and talking, having a good time, the music isn't too loud. Them two batches get up to the dance floor and the dj turns the music obnoxiously up. All of a sudden a guy from table comes us behind us. Now I usually don't judge people on their looks, but he was looking a mess and was only looking for one thing lol. So anyway he extends his hand to my friend and the my friends like "no, no I don't Dance", so as Im ready to turn down his offer as well, I realize I wasn't even sloppy seconds hahaha. Oh my god, my life. Definitely a good night though. Got some sweet smiles from a bartender who I think mightve been gay. 

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Lmfao, awwwww. <3 If it's any concilation, I never get hit on at bars either but I get a lot of dick from online. :morning: You just gotta find your niche!

    2. Tweener


      That's so cute!!!! <3 

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