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  2. I'm thinking about it. Just need V12 lol
  3. LOVE your Erika one! Very similar to the one i did a few years back, and I love that we used the same photoshoot! I may need to leak united
  4. Please pin this thread to the top!
  5. We need more!
  6. I wonder if she ever finished it?
  7. If Queen Heidi Montag's 2010 pop album can make a resurgence, so can Lolene's infamous debut "The Electrick Hotel"! Lolene was set to be the next Lady Gaga, but Capitol focused more on Katy Perry, stealing many ideas from Lolene, including pop hit day star, making into Fireworks by Katy! we should all set a day to purchase Lolene on iTunes and help her album chart!
  8. Every single one. lol.
  9. Ya’ll gotta just delete this thread. This girl is never gonna do anything.
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