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Everything posted by Eros_92

  1. This is suppose to be a cover for something for Demi... lol Side note, I gotta stop using borders. It's like my signature lol
  2. So I have some Cruel Youth ones coming shortly....
  3. See I think thats kinda hot... lol
  4. Using sex to sell here...
  5. i mean these game looks gorgeous and I didn't know the Wii U had this kinda power. Very excited to finally get a game for the Wii U that I want lol.
  6. Yes it is! Thank you! I'm still fidgeting with the title, it's a little hard to see!
  7. I can get on that! Sorry for the long delay, my account keeps logging me out then saying my password isn't right... Well thank you! And no I don't have one yet
  8. TS if for sure on my list! Here are some more Gaga ones!
  9. And here are some other randoms...
  10. Again nothing special but something I whipped up. Took inspiration from another cover. There aren't any decent covers for her unreleased stuff...
  11. Thank you! And I do! __kyletristan__
  12. Thanks! Ive been self conscious about it... I did have bleach blond hair then tried to dye it a pastel color and it didn't take.. So my hair came out periwinkle lol
  13. Thanks! I also take requests!
  14. I made this. I'm using it. It's really nothing special but hey thought I'd share
  15. So the Gaga one is just something I made for total fun. I wanted to recreate the corny retro 80's feel that BTW had!
  16. That Kesha one is my pride and joy
  17. Well thank you
  18. Before Cry Baby. Probably recored around the same time as "Can't Shake You". After The Voice she started recording music for her first album but scraped it because she didn't feel like it was true to what who she was as an artist so Cry Baby was the end result.
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