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Everything posted by Eros_92

  1. Ok so it took Katy 3 years to get whee Gaga got in a few weeks? She doesn't have that many more views.
  2. I feel like this game was suppose to come out in/around 2009 (probably 2010 or 11) but then they decided that plot wise it was fitting in with the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythology so then they decided to switch if over to FF XV and have it be its own thing so they had to scrap stuff and redo the plot and craft it for all new system which is the only reason to account for the delay. I mean as a FF game it's probably one of my favorites. The plot is a little MEH but i mean arguably the only good FF plots are 2,4 and 9 to me (not a 7 fan kill me). So mean I wasn't to let down in that aspect. But I love the characters and the game looks amazing you can tell they really polished everything off nicely.
  3. The whole casting of this movie is a mess. I like no one. The Amazing Spider Man series was the best. Andrew and Emma really knew their characters and it stuck close to the comics. If Marvel thinks THIS it eh direction they wanna go with their new SM it will flop harder then ASM2.
  4. Thank you
  5. Well honestly now she might change the track list... Which is fine. But leave Hatefuck alone cause it's flawless lol
  6. Man can I only hope. I still don't get what they were thinking with the official
  7. I mean I know I posted these in my own Topic but I figure we could have this to post al of our alternate Glory artworks cause god damn the official is ugly. Here are mine... still making MORE haha I mean I think it looks better on my phone... haha
  8. glad you guys like
  9. Cause we all hate the official cover... I tried messing with her face a little... I like the second one more.
  10. Really? I'd like for someone to put together an album of those songs. I mean I have em all I just think hearing them in that way would be interesting.
  11. Oh everyone said Endless... Yeah I can tinker with it! And I mean with this I honestly didn't do much to the pic. Just added the text. I thought the picture was flawless.
  12. You guys are way to kind Know how to make a guy feel special
  13. I've always wanted to be a Jock!
  14. Thanks! I think I may try making a Body Say one with like the official stills! But in the mean time...
  15. I left out the "A" what a flop... lol And thanks again! Im actually tying to get back into the groove of things cause I haven't done this in a while so some of the stuff isn't up to par but the Demi ones is for sure more up to par.
  16. I can for sure take off the flare if you want me too! I also released I spelled "Unreleased" wrong so I made a fixed version! But thank you!
  17. Body Say. I find it to be sexier. And lets be honest, Demi delivers vocally. But I do love GFY. I would love to hear a mash up
  18. Ok probably alright for now. Not totally happy with it.
  19. Wait, is Jump Rope going to leak? Or is it just some terrible rumor. I mean there is almost nothing known about the song.
  20. See I dunno if thats what I want to use it for. And I'm still tinkering with it design wise. So I dunno lol
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