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Everything posted by deleteduser

  1. bitch please, you have an 40mins to spare
  2. you took over this thread boo...
  3. This should help explain, it's interesting too tbh
  4. "Where do babies come from is really personal" yeah.. whatever bitch
  5. She's being selfish af, she has more than enough songs for an album but she's gonna make us wait like two years for a new fucking concept album...
  6. Stalking could mean anything from emails to being followed, i'm assuming a lot of it was online and then got to the point when he found out where she lived that he left letters and shit on her doorstep, she's not seen him properly because he always used to run off... She did hire security for her front door, but her back door wasn't covered, i'm guessing because she didn't think anyone would be able to get in that way, idk

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      you spelled Natalia kills wrong

    3. Jump Rope

      Jump Rope

      stop asking for melanie martinez unreleaseds 

    4. deleteduser


      i didn't lmao

  8. Flopzealia hasn't been around 7 years, she's irrelevant, please keep comment's on this topic sensitive to lily, imagine she was watching, comment's like "it was azalea's..." won't help (Not that I think she's watching, I just don't wanna worsen any situation)
  9. Boo, think about others, it's not just your opinion that makes an impact, ask dennis for what you want but don't just decide for everyone that YOU don't want more sia
  10. No one knows anymore... it's like 70% begging dennis for stuff, 10% NTS & MW fighting & 20% I don't even know
  11. Dennis it's about time boo
  12. Common boo, you've had vacation, it's time for a new Dennisxclusivebby! :hail:

  13. 0 idea, i'm guessing he's a psychopath
  14. He children aren't usually at her shows, if they are, they will be wearing heavy duty sound isolating headphones, i'm sure they care more about Peppa Pig more than what Mummy is saying...
  15. Are you actually human? is this relevant in anyway to this situation? Kesha sings about sex constantly but everyone is backing her in her legal case
  16. After seven years of being harassed, being ignored by the police, Lily Allen's stalker is arrested... Lily Allen on being stalked: ‘I was asleep. He steamed into the bedroom and started screaming’ It started with a tweet. It ended with a stranger breaking into her bedroom as she slept, intending, he told police later, to stick a knife through her face. A seven-year ordeal, which has left Lily Allen “a changed person”, feeling isolated from friends and family and let down by the police, this month saw a man convicted of harassment and breaking into the singer’s London flat when she was at home with her friend and two young children. Read the full story here: http://www.theguardian.com/music/2016/apr/16/lily-allen-stalked-singer-police
  17. It's not about spreading kindness, he's not who you think he is, if you want the full story, DM me, but please don't go around saying i'm lying or anything, it's a very irritating situation for me, please don't add to the fire..
  18. So, I'm 100% sure I have mention this before, long story short, this guy is a lier and a scammer, we were friends for a while but he lied to me multiple times, leaked things I gave him for next to nothing, and then scammed me, I was too stupid to see what he truly was, He's back & I don't want anyone else to go what I went through, however this is only a caution, I don't know if he'll do anything to screw anyone else over but trade with him at your own risk... (if you want to know what happened, dm me)
  19. @obsessed Happy Birthday <3 

    1. Obsessed


      thank you <3 

    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Omg, I'm so late. :stretcher: But happy birthday boo! <3 Hope you had a great day!

    3. Obsessed


      Thank you!!! <3 

  20. He doesn't have any Melanie boo
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