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BITCH last won the day on February 20 2016

BITCH had the most liked content!



  • Birthday June 30

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One Hit Wonder

One Hit Wonder (4/7)



  1. Basically anything from her album Chaleur Humaine
  2. She debuted it at her show in LA. At the troubadour I think
  3. Yas I'm the legendary grimes
  4. thanks bby
  5. Clearly you do since you're so defensive over it. Call me a sanctimonious twat but thats my charm!
  6. using xoxo at the end of every post doesn't make you shady. Gays please learn to read
  7. all of these cultural appropriation articles, my impact really!
  8. thank you girls!
  9. Don't mind my suga daddy in the back ()
  10. Use soundflower and audacity!
  11. love it legend
  12. IMO, this is the deciding factor whether ill stick to stanning her. Loved NMTF, saw her live and it was amazing. Lean On was good but Kamikaze is absolute shit, Diplo ruined her. Hope she redeems herself with the studio, the live version sounds promising
  13. It matters to a degree, but I have to be emotionally invested in someones personalty to be in a serious relationship with them. Looks are usually the hook which draw me to talk to them
  14. Where did you share the sia songs? I'm not good at navigating this site. Thanks in advance :) you are the best!

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