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Everything posted by Speedy

  1. Lana del rey : burning desire Florida kils Gun and roses
  2. Lana del rey : burning desire Florida kils Gun and roses
  3. Music not the blink Bye
  4. https://www.dropbox.com/s/cfb8pm886omcg2q/paramore.zip?dl=0
  5. Charli sexosexo Ariana 5H () but torri kelly Me Right now
  6. You took a selfi with Everyone i can't
  7. Another day another Phf troll is that photoshooped ?
  8. Wait Brintey never ever sung her songs that's a fact , what are you smoking sis ?
  9. Where ? and how ? with Glory ? even jean is still better then glory Femme fatale was her best and last album
  10. FOr real sis it would be a mess i can't see Britney jean doing a track with justin
  11. the first single sounds a mess i want dark paramores not generic pop mess
  12. the way tweener exposed that gay is iconic i can't
  13. Another day another PHF scandal lemme post for real this time, these are from a couple of days ago
  14. Happy Birthday  Girl 

    Love u xoxox 


    1. Honeymoon


      Aw thanks speedy hope you dream about hairy men!! <3 

    2. Speedy


      @Honeymoon A dream ? Bitch i want a reality :tanya: 

  15. How long must we waiting for to be more active on Pophatesflops goddes forum ?
  16. Gays And homos Clean your Dirty ears wiht this 


    1. Tweener


      Slay me daddy Speedy. Celine is a queen!

    2. Speedy
  17. lorreen is out #Thread cancelled #bye
  18. Young and In love is lana's best song tbh i can't :fishie:

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