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Everything posted by Speedy

  1. what about the people who are selling your unleaked songs girl ? leak them honey
  2. it's one of my fav album ever even tho i never heard of her before but she fuckings slays ..Lost on you >>>>>>>>>>>>>>all pophatesflops's favs
  3. not you almost gave him a song that i gave you
  4. the thread the conversation the expose that whore's dad '' i just can't
  5. @trayertrash is beautiful women yes but i'm not into pussies and women's holes it's disgasting i just can't
  6.  happy birthday to the best admin of all the times ..your an amazing person boo i love you as much i love your forum ..and i will forever be on Phf  whatever :yeah: 

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I love you so much Speedy. :yaskween: Thank you for always being so kind to me and my flop forum, I'll cherish you forever!


  7. Aid Moubarak to All the muslim gays and whores ..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Speedy


      9 hours ago, Countess said:

      Who's Aid Moubarak? :orly: 


    3. Hawks
    4. Speedy


      3 hours ago, Hawks said:



  8. Please fix the title ''I'm black rat''
  9. @Tweener I love you sis 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tweener


      Not you being a nasty gay again

    3. Hawks


      there's only one thing right in this sentence and for sure it's not my sexuality 

    4. Tweener
  10. 1 day
  11. less then 4 days
  12. 5 days Omg
  13. happy birthday dear you help me in a lot of personal stuff that has nothing to do with music and i'm glad i knew you u r such a sweetheart Thank you for being here to me  u r an amazing person <3 

    1. DeletedAccount


      Thank you so much speedy <3

  14. this is fucking disgasting sis bye
  15. the melody is so beautiful ...lyrices are everything ..i feel you boo
  16. i loved it
  17. Since when u like beardy hairy men Stream badliar on amazon indonisia thanx
  18. you were the only one posting on that thread everynight
  19. the xvideo thread is dead if u know what i mean
  20. ALL the male singers and rappers and Melanie martinez
  21. Just cause i hate you i will make sure to never ever make this track circulate
  22. Another day another scall****ed album by charli sexo xoxox
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