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  1. by banning joan
  2. Lol, the title "Don't Get Mad (Get Famous)" reminds me of DISGASTING Banks
  3. I'm excited for the DISGASTING banks holiday ep that's she is gonna release! (Before Fantasea 2 lol)
  4. Thanks! I think you should add the live covers tbh lmao
  5. Wow, I feel you... It's amazing.
  6. yay thanks
  7. the gays are winning!
  8. yas happy bday queen
  9. Jojo - FAB
  10. You should move the DISGASTING banks album to june. She changed the date, again....
  11. i need to get to working then!
  12. bless you for this thread
  13. I really love the new music tbh i thought they didnt disband, he just works behind the scenes
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