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High Princess

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Everything posted by High Princess

  1. These are too amazingThey all have a Born To Die sound to them. In love ♥
  2. Made this for Allie's #XPLANATION contest that ended yesterday. Don't know what it's for, or what the prize is, but since I am brainwashed, I entered. It took me a whole week, I came up with the concept and mixed the whole thing myself. Let me know what you think!
  3. Happy birthday my sunshine <3<3<3<3<3<3 

    1. Awesome


      thank uuu omg ily my high princess <3<3:D<3 :* 

  4. thank you guys im glad it's getting some use!
  5. He's still trying to redeem himself. Jay over
  6. 1. A smaller label, like Allie's sleepless records. They let her do a lot of cool stuff. 2. I can't really think of a producer. But i'd like a smaller one that no one really knows about, one that makes really clean and fresh beats. 3. Very Lana teas, I would post about it like 2 days before a single, a few hours before a video.
  7. Kinda indirect communication, but Lana clearly stalked my tumblr when she posted the ultraviolence edit I made ♥♥ and Allie replied to me 3x on tumblr, 1x over FB message and liked 3 of my tweets. That's about it.
  8. Charli's punk album, Grimes "scrapped" album with David, all the interludes etc. Original UV album ANTi disc 2 (not happening lbr) Lip$ha
  9. At the end of the day, you knew what you did was going to create a problem. You literally plastered your name onto a fanmade Cake single cover and illegally posted it to iTunes. The song was given out for free on soundcloud 3 years ago, and 3 years later Mr. Jay Tromp puts his name on something he didn't even create and tried to pay his bills. This is gonna cause articles and a lot of talk. Maybe think next time? Side note, if you wanna send me the remaining Gaga tracks that were on Paul's computer, that'd be hot.
  10. No, this isn't an April fools joke! A Gaga song called "Room In My Heart" was just registered on her APRA and BMI repertoires. The song was written with Elton John and is most likely for the upcoming album. Back in January, Elton said he was "writing with Gaga tomorrow (Jan. 21) I’ve heard two songs which are killer, they’re just great songs, it’s like back to the early stuff of hers." Hopefully this means stuff is wrapping up! The hype is coming back for me tbh
  11. Here you go! It's not perfect because they're different qualities but it's decent!
  12. Here you go! The beginning is cut off, but that's how she uploaded it to soundcloud. If you want, I made a version with the beginning from the final version. And ugh, I hope we get the album quality of the Bloodpop remix soon. The japanese dude that uploaded it doesn't want anyone to have the "best quality".. so fucking dumb
  13. Trust no one.
  14. Where is the DRUNK HOT MESS you're talking about? Clickbait isn't cute.
  15. Obviously it has you pretty bothered if you have to comment on it, and clearly you take the internet just as serious if its getting you this pressed. Someone needs to log out and it's not any of us
  16. Happy birthday! :magic:<3 

    1. Carcunt


      Thanks sis!!! <3

  17. Made another cover, this time for the Trouble demos. Just took the back of the album and untagged the hair. Kinda a long process but I think it turned out really nice! It also looks good in iTunes next to the original cover if I do say so myself Let me know what you think. As always, I can change it up to your liking
  18. Is it just me or is there certain...new?.... members here that try to act very bossy, like they run this site? Maybe some that act like they're a gem- like we needed them for certain things? I don't know how far I can go without it getting too obvious. Be that as it may.
  19. Like @BITCH said, start off with trouble. Then if you like it, listen to Trouble again. Perfectionist is okay, but very try hard. Some stuff still bops. And Mr. Watson is her best song no shade, so listen to that too!
  20. Thank you! I updated the original post with that title too, as well as unreleased just so people have options
  21. Laura Bettinson, born in England, coined the stage name FEMME in 2013 after performing in night clubs and small venues; and less than a year later she got picked up by Perez Hilton. In a routine wave to find new, interesting artists for his mixtape albums Perez Hilton Presents Pop Up!, he came across the video for 'Fever Boy' and she took off. Releasing six singles paired with six respective videos in the span of just over a year, FEMME was simultaneously working on her debut album - and thus Debutante was born. Only three of these already released, familiar tracks are seen on her upcoming album, which makes it even more fresh - although devoted fans may have tracked down deleted SoundCloud tracks and live versions of many of the other songs on the project. The Debutante experience explores a very 80s sound. It's something you'd expect to play in a cheesy remake of some old movie where a lovestruck girl sneaks away with a grimy boy during prom to make out under the bleachers. I say this in the best way possible. It's very back and forth but somehow manages to stay cohesive. FEMME's team describes the album as pop, but it sounds more like experimental punk with pop influences, with features of hard drums, guitars, and shimmering synths throughout many of its tracks. Following a mostly instrumental fifty second introduction called 'Your Poptarts Are Ready', the record opens with the already released promotional single 'Fever Boy'. With lazy vocals and difficult to follow lyrics, it wasn't the best choice for an album opener, following a fifty second climactic intro. You think you're getting something explosive, but once a familiar kick drum beat comes in, you're kind of let down. It would definitely turn some people off. But by the same token, the song on it's own isn't too bad - just not a highlight track, and not a good (technically) first track, either. Track six is the first official single 'Light Me Up', which was released on February 4th. This song gives a much better idea of what the album sounds like - a glittery and clean production with distorted vocals, interesting lyrics and a big shimmering chorus. "Tell me it's gonna get easier, don't let me take each step on my own. But if I'm coming home to you, you gotta just light me up,” FEMME sings over an 8-bit esque production. For sure one of the highlight tracks on Debutante, and a great choice for the lead single. One of the other highlights of the album is 'Double Trouble'. Already released, the song showcases FEMME's ability to produce a catchy melody. It seems like she has mastered the perfect pop recipe. A change from the buzzing drums seen on the previous tracks, and the closest thing you get to a ballad on this record. The strings-based and touching 'Calling All Stars' comes close as well, but due to it's short duration of only a minute and fifteen seconds, we don't really see it as a true album track. 'Dumb Blonde' is one of those rare percussion-based slow-tempos, backed by the contrast of some video game type sound effects and a morbid cello synth. "You treat me like a right dumb blonde, but I'm gonna show you how it's gonna be done," FEMME croons in an experimental spoken-sung style that Goldfrapp or Uffie would no doubt place their stamp of approval on. My personal favourite is the last track, titled 'Sirens'. It explores a sort of Bollywood Hawaii hip-hop sound. “Sirens sound ‘cuz I think you found me,” she sighs over the track. Based on where we see this in the albums tracklisting, it could hint at the next ones direction. But given how much of a perfectionist FEMME seems to be, I wouldn't get your hopes up for that one too soon. Debutante is out April 15th.
  22. Thank you guys
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