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Everything posted by Cornelia
The Interviewer absolutely did not use his Opportunity to talk to Bonnie correctly. Can someone on this Website do a little special Podcast with Questions from us? I'm sure Bonnie would like to do that and I think we'd have the best Questions and most interesting ones.
This extreme legend uploaded the full Bonnie Set onto Youtube, so anyone who couldn't attend (like me) can experience it!
So happy about the Vinyl and CD release! While I was too late for the Vinyl, I'm so happy I could grab a CD for my friend and I! I got her onto Bonnie with the Hot City Album and now she's obsessed too! In other News: Look at our Queen! Born for the Stage! I wish a label or Company would invest in her. She deserves the world!
Outlaw is a MUST!!! Dashboard sounds amazing as well! I'm not too familiar with the leaks from that Era aside the ones that made the Album, so I'll eat up everything she serves! I'm so happy she is making sure we're being fed, LOVE YOU BONNIE ᡣ𐭩
She can save the Bombastic Outtakes for a 10 year Anniversary Version hehe
I think mine is Bombastic... there is just something about that Song that puts me in a great mood and I think hearing it live would change me.
you can get like between 15k - 50k (and sometimes even in the millions) per sync. Didn't she have that Olympics Commercial that was always on during that period with Bombastic playing? That was probably one that was very good for her. We also should not forget that her Songwriting Deal (at first) was with Luke, so she probably had to cut her percentage in half. I wonder tho... has BMG ever reached out or talked to Bonnie, she seems like an Artist in their roster, especially cause their Deals are only 1-Album based. aaaand met up with my friend today, who I made listen to Hot City and one thing she kept complimenting was how crazy-good Bonnies Adlibs were, we stan a vocalist!
To have gotten all the Songs re-produced is a very expensive and time consuming process, matching up all synths, melodies etc. Same goes with Mixing and Mastering. You're probably looking at multiple thousands of own investment per Song. Mind you - you still have to compensate the people involved with all of your earnings from the Song. So it means you probably have a lawyer or someone involved to run the checks or check whatever statements / contracts. Now add promotional activities into that, whether they're music videos or little TikToks or whatever... it adds up. This is like an insanely huge, high budget Project for someone who doesn't have a super big audience, especially for someone like Bonnie who loves to deliver quality and knows what a good Song sounds like. Let's hope she gets some syncs for the Songs on this Album, so if your mom works at Netflix, if your uncle works and Hulu, if your aunt is chief-executive at Amazon Prime - tell them to sync/license this Album, so she makes her investment back!
Oh this just ruined my day! 😭
Not Hot City related buuuut, why was Modern Girl never released? I remember watching Insatiable and it being played there, wondering why it was not on Streaming. Lowkey would love it for a Deluxe / Side B, since it fits the whole Hot City Vibe.
Made my friend listen to the Album and her favorites were... Show You Mine, Jenny, Snatched, I Wanna Call You, Slay, Electric Heaven and American Girl. She also loved Just a Kiss and how different it was from the Album. Her least favorite was Stars in Your Heart (and even that received a 3/5). The Result of the listening: she became a BonBon!
https://www.instagram.com/bonniemckee/reel/C7sEWalSCwY/ She's so cute 🥺
I love how she actually loves/likes the music she is writing and doesn't hide it, unlike other popstars who always try to diss or undermine their past work. Bonnie being (rightfully !!!!!!!) proud of her work wether thats the legacy she has or just Demos she recorded makes her so much more likable to me. She actually is THAT good and she knows it. Thats MY queen of pop!!!!
I really hope someone in the Netflix editing Rooms finds this Album and orders a bunch of syncs hehe Also, the Q&A was so good. I think it's very interesting that she's toying with the Deluxe Idea. If she goes on Tour, that'd be the perfect time to drop it.
I spent most of today just listening to the Album on loud speakers, in the car, through headphones and wow.. This really is a Pop Bible. I can't believe we have a full Bonnie Project on our hands now. I really hope those who don't know of Bonnie yet and love Pop Music will wake up and give this masterpiece a chance. What a beautiful blend of Pop Music with its various sub-genres and always a catchy hook. Amazing.
WOW! Just finished listening to this masterpiece. What a great conceptual Album. If you're willing to immerse yourself into Hot City, with its themes and 80s soundscape - you will absolutely not be disappointed. This Album is a beautiful love letter sonically to the 80s, with IWCY + EBY showcasing the more Rock, less produced side of that. I do not think they're as different especially if you loved the Yahoo Performance and the one she did at that weird showcase along with Hot City. I even prefer it for IWCY, since it is a lot more dynamic than the demos. Ramblings aside. What a great GREAT Album. There is not a single filler, skip or boring moment.
less than two hours until it's out for me! I'm so excited! It's about to be THEE day!
I love reading these Interviews. Gosh, I am so excited for this Album to finally come out and all the music that will follow it! All love to Bonnie! Let's go to Hot City!!!
I remember being 14 years old constantly watching this acoustic performance, eager for the Album to come out. Look how far we've come. Bonnie is reclaiming her journey and soon Hot City will be ours!
I feel like she finally figured out her target audience the past year. The way she does Tiktoks and has the releases fairly well planned, the young Pop Fans who support her + give her Ideas. Whether people shade Liam and his Gag or love them - they basically helped her navigate a lot in this new social media space. I could see this being something, she can build off of. As much as I am SUPER excited and happy for Hot City, I am even more excited to see where this can go... more Albums, more Performances, new Fans who see her talent. It almost feels like it's the beginning again. There may not be a major label budget (yet ) but there are dedicated Pop-Lovers and BonBons ready to stream, love and appreciate!
It's so camp that the most-viewed part of the Jenny MV is the part where the guy takes off his shirt. She knows her audience lol
Hope Bonnies new Agency secured her a Guest-Judge Spot on Drag Race
The all around excitement about this Album makes me so happy. She really worked her ass off to make sure we get it... and it's really about to be here so soon. 😭 I cant even process all of this
Woah! So, the YouTube Playlist was correct and American Girl + Sleepwalker actually are on the Album! Get those Streams, Bonnie! Since someone pointed out earlier that the Data shows American Girl being from 2013, I think it's actually possible. If it were re-recorded, I think it had to have been mentioned in the title, to distinguish itself from the OG. Maybe there was some sort of agreement with Sony? 16 Tracks and almost an hour long of music is amazing! Most of them being Singles already will benefit Bonnie, since people have those Songs saved and love them already. This truly ended up being a Visual Album after all, since we have 7/13 Songs with Music Videos / Visualizers. The Cover looks amazing, very retro-futuristic. Perfect for summer! CAN'T WAIT AHH!
Pre-Order Link is back up: https://ffm.to/hotcity.SYZ