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evolution last won the day on September 1 2015

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  1. Also I'm pretty sure Full Moon Fever is around somewhere
  2. Since this was posted I was only able to get hold of one song from the unleaked
  3. i honestly never heard about that but who knows? her team is messy anyway
  4. Map of the World was supposed to be the lead single of her sophomore album until she decided to quit music lol
  5. i know that. what im saying is that full demo is out there w a few ppl
  6. I don't have it. I wish I do but... I want it so bad. I know someone who has it
  7. There's also another version of "The Promise" which has a different Nadine verse
  8. Her demo slays too! The demo actually sounds way way different than what Rih released.
  9. I wonder if the LIZ songs leaked too? Were they in that leak package? If so, someone PM me the songs. LOL
  10. Thank you so much! Mess at everyone's trade list leaking. This is why I only trade with a select few of you. You guys can't keep a song to yourself. Thank God I didn't trade for any of these cos I know eventually they will leak. Thanks again @trayertrash
  11. Thank you! Can't wait!
  12. Someone re-up pls
  13. I also didn't know she wrote Egoista. That song is a bop!
  14. My Heart Wants Me Dead (Demo) Gushy Gushy Young & Stupid Bass Drum Starlight Reasons
  15. Hated it hours ago but now I'm bopping!
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