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Everything posted by Kesha

  1. I haven't even checked the new one
  2. I need Sailor Moon
  3. She isn't lying because it's not Kesha.
  4. You'll see it's not her if you zoom in
  5. It's not Kesha though.
  6. I hope it's a one time thing or a thing till she's free. But it could be a great side project too.
  7. I hope Kesha will be able to release an album
  8. ugh I just hope they'll see they're doing wrong but idk it looks like they won't tbh.
  9. Yeah but it had 12k signatures when it's closed ( http://www.thepetitionsite.com/en-gb/815/027/678/let-keha-have-creative-freedom/ ), this one is at 57k right now. I hope it gains more
  10. This is the same people who created #FreeKeshaLuke a year before the lawsuit, idk freekeshanow though
  11. The petition started in 2013, #FreeKeshaLuke was before the lawsuit, they leaked unreleased music etc. so it was for artistic freedom. Last week, a fan started a #FreeKeshaNow petition, I don't know what happened to it but days after it this #FreeKesha petition started by KeshaTODAY (the former FreeKeshaLuke account), Kesha and her mother indirectly support it.
  12. It's a new petition and so many people has shown support already Sign it if you haven't yet: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/646/007/918/freekesha-tell-sony-not-to-force-her-to-work-with-her-alleged-abuser/
  13. Dr. Luke started ruining her career even before this He ruined her Teenage Dream era (#JusticeForWarrior ) and didn't let her have her Dead Petz era (Lipsha )
  14. you can make it phf.org Pop Hail Forums Pretty Hot Flops Pop Hates Faves I'm bad at these
  15. Kesha tweeted this yesterday: https://twitter.com/KeshaRose/status/638511771016429568?p=v I don't expect much but I'm excited.
  16. He used to call me CZ, That stood for Crazy Zombie.
  17. Blow on the toilet Past Lives on the toilet Baby One More Time on the toilet
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. Omg Avatar is one of my faves
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