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Everything posted by yan

  1. I wrote this song about the feeling of always reminiscing of the old times, of the memories of a good time and feelings you have with friends, family members, or anyone, and you get stuck in this nostalgia and always want to replicate, but you need to move on to have new great memories again, nostalgia sometimes is a prison



  2. sometimes we want to fight things that are naturally how life goes, and there's nothing you can do about it, you just accept your fate beat by Bailsxc


  3. this demo was left in the dust for 2 months, which idk why, it is one of the most beautiful lyrical demo songs I've written, talks about missing a person, but you have to move on with your life and leave to grow but it also has the meaning of grieving it depends which lens you seeing. 


  4. Love Race talks about a love or crush that didn't work out or the person was not good, but sometimes when you think about the past you still think about the situation and wonder... What if everything was different? but now you don't care because you know your worth



  5. hello y'all, i did a demo kinda 2000s vibe 

    bittersweet is very ambiguous to be honest, for me (who wrote it) talks about a relationship in which someone is going downhill and the other after many attempts to help, gets tired and gives up on the relationship, and now just seeing the person sinking without interfering anymore


  6. "Scanned" the last chapter of the trilogy, when the obsessions become unbearable, happens a tragedy. when your love becomes an obsession and you become blind to the truth, not only that you want to possess the person in a level you want to become them. now you steal his career, fashion, voice, and soul, "you became him" 


  7. 1 year and 5 months and no sign of new music, oh god 😭
  8. "Need Someone" is an indie, experimental pop, experimental hip hop demo song, that follows the history/ narrative from "Yan's Is A Star"  What happens after you realize that what you thought someone was it's just your creation? someone you've been in love with for so many years, you feel so betrayed, right? but this was your fantasy and imagination to begin with... that's why you always need someone and what's gonna happen after you find someone that you "need"? 

    beat by composition x





  9. kiss & cry - domino game lay banks - tell ur girlfriend usher - daddy's home
  10. this is an open letter to a celebrity to his fan, but this is just an imagination of this fan, an illusion of what this celebrity truly is, there's no idol for him, but he's already too obsessed

    the lore begins with "Yan's Is A Star"
    video by Marylin-forever
    beat by sepjer
  11. aaah nah y'all that are so kind, thanks so much for being so welcomed, I'm very glad
  12. love it so much! incredible, love everything, the song, the MV, love the concept, amazing!!!
  13. omggg that's amazing
  14. "Paper Hair" it's a drum n bass track, track that uses hair as metaphor to detach yourself from false places and ideas or people (paper hair) to grow into yourself and recognize and let yourself shine and be you (real hair)




    1. Crystal <3

      Crystal <3

      Can't wait for the final!! Sounds great!

    2. yan


      @Crystal <3 thank you so much crystal <333, i can't wait to start releasing my official songs <3, thanks for the support.

  15. omggg i love it, love the aesthetic
  16. i did my first dance live performance, I'm so glad and happy about this opportunity

    (sorry for the bad quality & I'm the red hair one)


    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      It's giving main character energy! What an absolute slay :hail: 

    2. yan


      @Main Pop Girlomggg thank you so so so much <3

  17. Hi Y'all, I'm Yan, and i'm new here, idk if i can post this but anyways, i'm a singer, dancer, and songwriter, and i post some demo songs on my SoundCloud, this one is one of my favs, i write and did the melody alone 


    1. Crystal <3

      Crystal <3

      Welcome to phf!! And yeah ofc u can self promote. Myself (Crystallisee), @/Ice Prince (Edward Sidler) and @/Main Pop Girl (Kitty Force) all do music too!! 💗 also young and reckless is sooo good :hottie:

    2. yan


      @Crystal <3 omggg that's freaking amazing, love it the artist support here, and thank you so much, I'd like to listen to all of your guys songs <3

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