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Everything posted by gordonna

  1. omg 😭 glad you enjoyed the video! welcome back!! my question to Bonnie (after watching the Daniel Wall interview): would you ever consider writing a song for your arch-nemesis Lorde?
  2. Saaaame lmao just bought my ticket last night. Hermosa Beach here I come!
  3. Y’all my lil Bonnie video hit 150 views 🥺👉👈 I know that’s not crazy or anything but I’ve never done anything like that so I’m really proud lol
  4. Great to see Show You Mine doing so well!
  5. That’s totally fair! It’s not my fave by any means, there are just so many other bops. I’d probably only put it above Just a Kiss, but that’s because I’m not a big ballad person.
  6. I have to agree, this album is fabulous; to me, it’s near-perfect. Yes, even the lyrical and production changes. My only complaints are extremely minute/nit-picky: The verses for I Wanna Call You could’ve used some additional touches (they are a bit simple) but at the same time, the song itself is very juvenile and always has been, so it also kind of works. The chorus production is great and makes up for my small gripes. Rewind Your Heart could do with some additional harmonies in the second verse to spice things up (since the backing melody is very simple). Rewind Your Heart could also use some additional ad libs or belts in the final chorus. These are all subjective, and NONE of them make a big impact on me. Also, Snatched is great and I think it actually fits the album well, which I guess makes me an outlier lol. It actually makes me sad that so many in this thread don’t like Snatched. The song is clearly a little “I love you” to all of the gays that hyped her up on TikTok and Insta for years to release this album. Seeing it get trashed is like watching a child get a Christmas present from their mom that they didn’t want. 😭 It pains me. I hope Snatched grows on the girlies over time, I think it’s great.
  7. Didn't know Outlaw leaked in lossless -- anyone have it? I only have SGGH.
  8. Ditto on the album cover comment. When I was editing my Bonnie video and had to put in the complete confection artwork version of Teenage Dream I was like “ew, that’s right, what the hell is this” 💀 This discussion about a potential deluxe version is very compelling. She definitely needs to put out Love Spell; what a SONG. I’m also morbidly curious about this alleged second Dr. Luke song she mentioned in the r/popheads AMA…
  9. Here you go, besties! Hot City wouldn’t exist without our combined fan passion, so this is for you. Thank you all for so many good memories over the years. I hope you enjoy.
  10. Curious, because one of the photos on the page for Everything But You credits Max Martin, and he was STILL credited on it on BMI’s site when I checked yesterday. 🤔
  11. Video is going live at 4PM CST. 👀 I’ve never made a video before so I doubt it gets traction, but this is also low-key my attempt to help her get some listens, so I am somewhat trying to play the YouTube game with upload times lmao. I will post here right after it goes live! Edit: but here is the link to the channel in case y’all want to “click the bell” LMAO
  12. It's... incredible. I'm speechless
  13. Oh my GOD, the extended version of DGMGF is UNREALLLLLLL 😱
  14. Also, do y'all have a companion EP/tracklist separate from the album? 👀I'm keeping the album itself as-is so I can enjoy it as its own project. This is mine, I think it flows pretty well. If Right Now ever leaks, it'll go after Waking Up Diagonal. And Outlaw and Mirage just BELONG together on the same record, they are like spiritually related to me. The yin and yang of pop songs with a Western pastiche. I hope if she ever rerecords them that they come as a package.
  15. God y'all are hyping me up so much. Going to stay awake til midnight and listen. I tried to listen to the snippets via the New Zealand Apple Music website and Snatched was the only song that wouldn't load. It must be too powerful.
  16. Y’all are scaring me about Everything but You. Omg. I might stay up til midnight to listen.
  17. Well girls, I’ve done something unhinged. I’ve filmed and edited a 40-minute video all about Hot City. It’s about the years when this album was announced, the departure from Epic, the in-between years, the drama on this thread, and the long anticipated release. I’m uploading on Friday, and I will share it with you lovely people once it’s up in case you want to take a trip down memory lane.
  18. We're so close, I can barely stand the wait! Someone should leak Right Now to tide us over. 👀🔫
  19. I have to echo this. I played that shit to DEATH when it finally leaked because it was my favorite track, so I'm impressed that the new mix has revitalized it and kept me coming back consistently. Love it!
  20. The new production on JGAB sounds SOOO GOOD!!! I love the ad libs she put into the second half of the song. Ugh and the video! I love it. It's surreal that this is finally happening. I genuinely believe the album will come now, but even if it doesn't, I'm so happy that she has been giving these songs the justice they deserve. 🥰
  21. YESSS my fave song is getting a release! Can't wait! 🥰
  22. Ain't no damn way. She told the Rolling Stone writer it'd be coming this fall. 🤡 behavior I'm back on the doom train. It's never coming.
  23. I feel this. For me personally, even though we're finally getting actual singles released (not just "it's coming soon!!"), the lack of an album preorder makes me feel like this could still end up not happening.
  24. I was hoping we'd get a preorder link dropped with the latest single. I need to see the track list!
  25. According to the Rolling Stone article, the tracks we know are on the album include: SLAY Forever 21 Jenny's Got a Boyfriend I Wanna Fucking Call You Snatched And while it isn't outright stated in the article, the album is called Hot City, so it would be pretty weird for that song not to be on it as well. We also know that she was re-recording Love Spell recently, right? I'd say that's a lock as well. What other songs has Bonnie stated are coming in the last few months?
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