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Everything posted by genji

  1. Idk the full process but the common (if you can call it that) method takes the raw vocals of an artist, learns from it, then sort of layers it atop the vocals of another artist. Thus imitating the sound of the artist, but not generating entirely new (per se) audio. A different method which generates audio off of text input sounds more like the artist it’s trying to replicate IMO but in more cases it’ll fail and throw in random notes where they shouldn’t be (e.g. the Ariana Grande cover of Diamonds)
  2. I don’t want to be invasive but I think I could find out what it was, iirc though I think dlmbm wasn’t on the tracklist and and religion was the closer
  3. I don’t know the tracklist but the original version of Lana Del Rey’s “Honeymoon” had 2 demos on it, “Pink Flamingoes”, and “Ice Cream” (alternatively Soft Ice Cream)
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