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  1. Can I get some help hearing this. I love that track
  2. Thank you, so excited to hear what you do with music
  3. Just saw this, amazing with that Kylie ft. Can you reupload your previous reworks
  4. No there not, there are still active links right now with that type of material
  5. Imagine paying money to do that for barely half a song. What a waste of time. She could have written a second verse or created a breakdown just to extend what’s basically an interlude, but instead she wants to gamble her situation again with what little fan fare is left for her.
  6. Yes i definitely can’t wait. I’m getting a ps5 just to play it.
  7. People post more nudes
  8. The Rain tapes where part of that huge leak that included instrumentals and unrelated tracks and outtakes from that leaker who infiltrated WB through infected emails and the Ray of light cd that was already produced and leaked on SoundCloud pre date 2018. The confessions leaks are the most recent and that was less than 6 tracks. The ROL session only went to show that Madonna did not do any heavy lifting for that master piece of an album because Orbit already had most of the production established before tracks were cut up and split into separate tracks.
  9. I forgot she had a two track EP with singles that should have had big releases together.
  10. If anyone is looking for teammates I’m still on ps4 because ps5 has no games till the new Harry Potter comes out. So I’m currently playing. Smite, Black Desert Online and Dead By Daylight, and Pokémon unite.
  11. Madonna will forever be a legend because she is the blueprint. She doesn’t have to win you over because everyone always comes crawling back. The ageism, sexism, and misogyny thrown her way is always going to be there by both sexes. I hope Madonna continues doing her thing because she hasn't changed one bit. So please continue bad mouthing her because she transitioned into the digital age where there is no such thing as mystery or privacy. I just want her to take the club kids to the future and deliver another confessions era takeover and everyone will love her again. To bad SOPHIE isn’t alive, they would probably be making music right now with Charlie Xcx.
  12. Yes what I hate the most about other pop interested forums is the amount of censorship they employ on their members if you don’t follow the heard. Places like Popjustice are just as shitty. Cannot stand how Peter allows the social justice crowd to police speech especially when it only benefits them, bunch of thin skin hypocrites. The amount of bullying from fags and trannies, inserting their personal issues when the conversation gets more opinionated and doesn’t stay objective. It’s unreal and I wish all those older members would have their account demoted. You can hardly talk about pop artist personal lives or criticize them when someone starts screeching about being the moral police for the thread. I’m glad Britney is speaking her mind. She is a legend and will eventually get through her grief once she destroys her family, lol. I hope she redirects her anger and nukes then from space cause they won’t be able to handle it.
  13. Please that bitch has no style and she already learned how to manipulate her narratives to benefit her. For once I wish Taylor would actually do something era defining that would set the trend. All I want from Taylor is to be super iconic and serve looks and veer into the house, drum n base or disco genres full speed ahead. Because she is so boring artistically I only get to see tiny glimpses of her potential to truly be iconic.
  14. What does it mean to vault tracks? Like people intentionally keep tracks to themselves for personal reasons or for the sake of making money off of them later? Just because I don’t understand why you would t just leak material that would otherwise never see the light of day unless you want to gain some monetary value from it later.
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