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  1. Anyone else going to see them in Paris next year? 🥳
  2. Also it got me thinking that if they could add Breathe Me (a cover) on their album, they’d need to ask Sia for permission I think. That was relatively easy since they’re in contact & she helped them write Victory. They could have added Love in Stereo as a Bananarama cover technically. They’d only need permission from the songwriters (themselves) so I don’t see why it should be hard. It’s one of my favorites and far better than breathe me… 😭 I was the one who asked on her youtube video comments if she remembered Light Up🤡 she definitely doesn’t care for that track
  3. I wish it would leak. Tbh I still haven’t fully moved on from Love In Stereo, Too in Love, Swimming Pools and Light Up not being available to stream officially 🥹
  4. Did anyone go to Amelle’s concert today? She sang Get Sexy👀 A short snippet was posted on the Portsmouth Pride instagram page
  5. i want it too😻
  6. Thank you sooooooo SO much!! 💜💚💛
  7. Yes!! 🥹🥹🥹🙏
  8. yes please!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹
  9. omg?? where did you find them
  10. Does anybody have the bonus disc from the One Touch anniversary edition? I want to listen to the alternative mix of One Foot In but it is unavailable everywhere 😭
  11. Did Amelle say that on her twitter? I don’t remember it. I’d like to think it got taken out of context since it’s such a bitchy thing to say How do you know so much? Are you friends with Keisha?
  12. It makes sense because they never bothered to follow each other on social media all these years…. I feel so sorry for Jade.
  13. oh my god i’ve been wanting these for over a decade
  14. Hey everyone! I am a huge Sugababes fan and i’m so relieved to find a forum i can actually contribute to. I’ve been keeping track of that other fans are saying through PopJustice for a year i think (or even more) but it is impossible to create an account there. I have just read all 26 pages and I am soooo stoked. A lot of tea has been spilled haha Regarding their unreleased material: My favorite MKS track is Light Up. Does anybody know if there is a story there? Why don’t they like it? Last Year before The Lost Tapes got released i even commented on keisha’s vlogs asking if Light Up would ever be released and all she could say was she did not even remember the song. I hope she was joking lol To keep us fed while brand new music is on the way, the girls could easily release a Lost Tapes Collector’s Edition featuring Light Up and another track 🥹 I know i’m delusional. In my dreams they haven’t released the Deluxe edition (CD & vinyl) because they will do it soon but with a couple more MKS tracks so that it helps the album chart a bit higher? Also I have Killer on The Run, made during the Sweet 7 sessions, in case anyone is interested. Apparently it has been leaked for years. it is super easy to find it online. Does anybody know how/when Jade contacted any 1.0 members since they got their name back? I saw someone saying Jade is surprisingly also sending them support from afar and got curious if there is a story behind that, even if it’s small.
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