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Everything posted by T2P

  1. nice crisp production on Modern Girl. I like the bridge
  2. there are still more songs from the list yet to leak. I hope we get them soon because there's some GREAT stuff from the other batches. It's really interesting how she did EDM, her old pop rock and ballady stuff all within the same 3-4 year period. I am really struggling for how to categorize things 💀
  3. was just going through the thread like always and saw that you made the original DGMGF edit. I used that for my Kendrick version so thanks. i love the laugh you added. Someone even put that whole ‘epic love’ album on youtube i found out through one of my friends 💀
  4. more useful info: shes been negotiating with sony since June, I just asked her if it’s track by track or for the whole lot. @bonniemckee:I’m negotiating for everything. I finally got a human on the phone and she’s been cool and cooperating but has recently been stalling. 🥺 so if this pans out we could definitely get some songs that we’ve never heard of
  5. also DNA has never sounded like a Britney song to me. it’s a different vibe and quite belty
  6. oh wow! now i have to adjust my albums hehe. nice work, every bit of info helps! RIP was a very recent leak
  7. 😂 it has no business being there. the random Dev castoff. there’s another song cory pop 2.0 that sounds quite similar
  8. here it is 😘 i decided to use this site so others can play the files without downloading, unfortunately not all of them are loading correctly. includes the songwriters for each track! everything else from epic era will be in my other albums
  9. i suspect she also wrote for Circus/TSC because a lot of these songs seem quite old
  10. Psycho, License To Love, Earthquake, Once Is Not Enough, Sayonara, U Won, RIP, Guilty Pleasure, Surrender. I wouldn't use 'Outlaw' since she seems to be putting it on her own album now. Obviously not all of the songs were actually pitched to Brit but they fit the sound. edit: Risky Business is VERY femme fatale, probably the most out of all the songs
  11. this is my current Femme Fatale album (thanks Ice Prince) Terminate 'Em Catch Me If You Can Battle Royale License To Love Risky Business Kiss Kiss Lie Detector I Dare You (feat. Ina Wroldsen) Psycho Femme Fatale Earthquake Rules of Attraction I'll share it here when it's finalized, there's so many tracks to go through
  12. Intro transition from Hey Alligator - inspired by the Galantis version and an extra chorus at the end
  13. haven't finished the album yet- titling it SLAY has been a big curveball. I've decided to work on the rest of her discography, just finished Thorns. These songs are actually really good! I feel bad for ignoring Mad Mad World all this time lol. I put some effort into revamping 'Dirty Laundry' plus making the cover, hope you enjoy
  14. does anyone know who made this image? i would love to use this but with 'Wild Heart' instead
  15. i've always been curious about why Bonnie didn't get a cut with Demi, since their vocal ranges are very similar. Now I see that Bonnie 'ghost wrote' Love Is The Game which Demi recorded. They must have beef for some reason. I always assumed Xtina was the woman that was intimidated by Bonnie's appearance, maybe it was Demi?
  16. super cute. i think this fits the vibe of what Bonnie would actually go for more than any of the others. our main limitation is lack of pics. before she announced SLAY I was using a vault concept because i hated all of her photoshoots.
  17. you couldn't know, i've never posted here before hehe. To make an updated version I'd like to hear @BraveNewSeth's mix of IWFCY please 🙏
  18. hi! I'm so glad that you liked my version. i put a lot of thought and care into crafting albums and i'm so happy that you see the vision, which i agree would have been what Bonnie wanted. I've made an updated album with the new leaks so let me know if you're interested. I also have to do it AGAIN now that we have an album title.
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