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Everything posted by T2P

  1. and this is just one platform! definitely enough that she should see some return on the investment i hope.
  2. some people are attacking her on twitter and tiktok for mentioning katy songs again if people are angry you’re probably doing something right! more promo.
  3. i’m so glad we finally have the title! Hot City is an amazing song too.
  4. not on mute though, has to be low volume at least
  5. does anyone know that The Cure video with a paid actor lady? I want to meme Slay with it. i can only find this but i swear there's another one.
  6. it's out! This is our universe / feelin' flyer than fire birds hate this lyric. it sounds good though. it's missing some of the post chorus at the end
  7. babes i didn’t post those pics. @wordswithsam did
  8. not me getting the credit 😂😂 im so talented
  9. i asked her to do a livestream this week. 'if i can figure it out, sure!'
  10. still not confident about a re recording but so far it sounds great. i’m so glad Oliver was willing to work with her again. i hope they milked that photoshoot so we get multiple pics, a lyric video etc.
  11. there's definitely 1 or 2 singers on there she could replace 🤐
  12. ok but why did your ‘source’ say Hot City was the single lol
  13. it’s re recordings……. if Taylor with all the $$$ in the world can’t get hers to sound good, i don’t have much hope for bonnie…
  14. i still can't believe somebody put that album with kendrick i made on youtube, now a lot of people think it's real
  15. the video is new? i assumed it was shot like 10 years ago
  16. omg slay coming 30th june 11:59:59pm yasss
  17. it’s always mixed signals with bonnie. i want to root for her but it’s difficult to believe she has the masters. i think a lot of industry people will support her when and if new music is announced. you can tell she gets really in her head thinking about her artist career.
  18. it absolutely is and was! but it barely made a blip here, not even top 40 which is tragic. I only heard it a couple of times. And my young teenage self was not sophisticated enough for All The Lovers and its mountain of bodies. it's great because now I can play songs like In My Arms and and Get Outta My Way completely fresh
  19. the art is declining tbh i grew up in Australia so i've known her my whole life. but i didn't join until Disco tbh, I was aware of Aphrodite KMO and Golden but the singles weren't strong enough
  20. there’s more unleaked to my knowledge the last leaks were avril bebe and gwen demos
  21. kinda wish she said more but i’ll take it i’m assuming bonnie only added a few lyrics or melody tweak
  22. ok but this chat bebe not mentioning that bonnie did her single dan saying im good should win a grammy zach praising jess glynn
  23. heh. it's definitely cohesive with the electro sex tracks but i find it annoying. but i did add BOMH
  24. here you go! hoping we get more tracks for this era. there is one outtake 'Mirror' but it's not cohesive imo
  25. Kylie Minogue - Kiss Me Once (Revised Album) There's a lot of good tracks here that didn't make the standard album. KMO has a poor reputation among fans but I was pleasantly surprised once I checked out everything! Be sure to check out these edits- Golden Boy, Black And White and Sparks
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