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Everything posted by T2P

  1. warning guys someone did it today under Bonnie McKee i am very disturbed
  2. highly agree. u can pick any line ’take off your shirt i wanna feel your skin’ ’palm trees and pink skies’ they all come at the exact right moment with perfect delivery, they’re visceral and visual etc. nobody does it like Bonnie.
  3. it's supposedly on the whiteboard https://genius.com/albums/Bonnie-mckee/Epic-records-album-scrapped it feels different to the other tracks so i think it was before American Girl was written maybe before she signed the deal. i think it's too dated to be Bombastic
  4. epic album, bonnie doesn’t remember it though probably 2012
  5. does anyone else think Hot City sounds like the Shrek 2 soundtrack? in the best way.
  6. Ally Brooke is not listed either but both attended the Snafu party last week. i think we will get more info soon https://www.instagram.com/p/CvQNQXkvnn7/?img_index=1
  7. praying she doesn't trim anymore climaxes. if Forever 21 or Rewind Your Heart are shorter my heart might fail 🙏
  8. yes it's out midnight locally. i listened and the vocals are excellent
  9. the way Hot City single is already CLEARING all the re recordings of Demi Taylor JoJo etc. our indie girl did that. i can’t wait to start streaming and purchasing in 6 hours.
  10. 1 min snippet up on tiktok! it sounds good. polished just like slay.
  11. i cant believe we’re getting the album… i hope she doesn’t announce 2+ months in advance and i hope we can get it by October. the sooner the better.
  12. hot city on the way! i personally LOVE hot city and think ill be playing it more than slay! i hope production stays the same. i wonder if she can hit that note at the end
  13. i want that too but her voice cant handle it. she sounds super croaky and nervous all the time now. id love another person to read it though
  14. i know some people think Slay is a bad song so seeing these numbers feels validating!
  15. i refuse to get excited for a single this month maybe in August though
  16. ur right she did say that. i just never interpreted it as not being able to re record.
  17. what?? since when?? it’s not a transition, just a coincidence. she would be smart to put them together tho.
  18. electric heaven dgmgf 💀
  19. lmaoo ive had dreams like this too. or about new made up pokemon games etc. so exciting.
  20. i hope Ryn Weaver went to Bonnie’s 4th of July party (and someone stole her hard drive)
  21. we need Right Now for gay hookup memes
  22. someone pointed out that firebird is probably the Pontiac Firebird a vintage car. once i read that i accepted the lyric.
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