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thetaco last won the day on June 14 2024

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  1. I have no idea lol. That quality looks pretty good to me already I hope she or someone can get Reprise Records from Warner to change it. It would go well with Hot City’s fun artwork vibes in her discography page
  2. I’ll stream what I like thanks. It pays literally a cent per stream, so anyone getting their panties in a twist can cry about it. I’ll stream Katy’s new album, Kim Petras, Nicki Minaj, or whoever the fuck I want to…. 😆
  3. maybe they would if someone asked?? the albums owned by reprise records which is from warner music group maybe she or someone could dm them. yeah i’m surprised they changed the cover i like the original
  4. idk at all lol. i’d love to hear a leak if there’s one. and i know that shazam had said (since 2 years ago) that daydream had about 30 shazam’s so someone has had audio of these the whole time. and i wouldn’t assume bella would be shazamming herself 30 times. maybe people are dming her stuff for money like with victoria justice’s 2013 unreleased. bella said last year “she’d think about releasing the full album” after i commented on her insta about it, i even mentioned putting it on vinyl could be a fun thing. call it whatever and bad case of u still aren’t in my region so the album coming out would have 13 tracks be available instead of just my 4 i have, bad case of u and break into my heart are ok songs i like them but call it whatever is such a banger.
  5. Aw man she removed the new single Rendesvous from apple music, it’s greyed out now damn. I liked it
  6. girl calm down this isn’t american idol there’s no pitchforks coming at u
  7. they all be visible here https://artists.spotify.com/songwriter/1C5ae6ULA9N60snmhqkB96
  8. Let’s start talking about Bonnie’s actual music again guys. Honestly I’m so hyped she asked for deluxe suggestions, super excited 😆
  9. Can this please not become a Bonnie McKee AI Cover Megapost. Let’s talk about her actual album guys with her actual voice
  10. I like how Spotify even in 1024 knows who to put on the list together. Would y’all say this is a relevant suggestion list..?
  11. Yeah I’ve noticed the issues, my uploads are impossible to access. Anyone know a new website?
  12. the stats are all here. not daily but all time, a few are weirdly missing which makes no sense though https://artists.spotify.com/songwriter/5WOedGxnA81idBhEPfRzgl
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