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Dax Diameter

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Everything posted by Dax Diameter

  1. That may be so but I’m still not seeing any supposed evidence of Matthew Rosengart being anything other than a now departed, ex-legal representative for Britney, who once managed her affairs and you’ve not offered anything to the contrary to suggest he still is, which is a shame because his continued presence is the one thing that would assure so many that she is not in any actual danger.
  2. Claire’s debut album was proof that can’t be taken for granted. Also, what does ‘more music’ mean exactly once broken down? Another album of covers (or originals in the style of the “Euphoria” material)? Originals would inevitably mean flights to Sweden and sessions with Biff Stannard (who’s gonna pay for that)? Demon, who atypically generate 3000 sales (per release) from major label licensed re-issues primarily aimed at old gays? Plus when Steps debut at No. 2 it means sales of somewhere in the region of 20 k (when Claire does it translates as sales in the region of 7 k)! How much money can realistically be generated when a high PRS share (royalties) goes to those classic and rarely seen writers behind every track (leaving Claire with no PRS). I would like to discover next Friday that the album has not dropped like a stone to No. 451, but if it does are Demon going to retain Claire under contract (or let her go, like Sony did last time)? Claire needs to be very careful what she does next, otherwise another album in the same vein as “Euphoria”, might just tip her in to Jane McDonald/ Hazell Dean/ Nicki French territory on some Energize records type deal (and her vocal chords are literal gold), she’s way too good for touring regional gay clubs doing P.A’s, lip syncing to 7th Heaven remixes whilst some twink gets his life sucking off door staff down the back stairwell!
  3. Where is he then? Popcorned Planet on YouTube are team Britney and typically reliable, they think he’s gone and that if Sam were indeed a spy for Jamie (as Britney apparently now believes), then the one thing he did do during his marriage to Britney was to talk her in to letting Matthew go (on Jamie’s instruction). If Matthew is still on retainer by Britney, then he needs to stand up, be counted, make his presence felt and stop being a pussy - pretty darned soon! If Matthew is still there as the legal co-ordinator of all Britney’s legal affairs, it seems pretty unrealistic that (upon applying his legal assessment of Laura Wasser’s decades old legal work for Britney), he’d delegate Laura to handle Britney’s divorce from Sam in the present. We know Sam is locked in to a water right pre-nup but that doesn’t mean he’s not pulling whatever move he can to get a substantial financial settlement and based on Laura’s past performance in context of Kevin Federline, Sam might just walk of with a lotto sized win (whilst he otherwise threatens to reveal all kinds of mad shit about his life with Britney) just in time for her book to drop!
  4. It literally makes no sense that she’d let go of Matthew Rosengart and replace him with Laura Wasser (the lawyer responsible for fighting her corner during her divorce/ child custody/ maintenance arrangements with Kevin Federline). Why her intuition would not be telling her that Laura is a bit shit, toxic and best left in the dim and distant past - I do not know. Getting contractually involved with someone like that is an accident waiting to happen! I do think someone needs to give Madonna a boot up the backside and get her to fight Britney’s corner. I’d love to see her go toe to toe with Lynne Spears, cut through her BS and tell her some home truths. Lynne would be totally eviscerated!
  5. To protect the guilty, (like a certain person who shall remain nameless), let’s not embarrass ourselves any further by mistaking Kylie’s red wig for Bonnie McKee and bizarrely becoming offended there may be ‘Tension’ in ‘Hot City’ (neither artists’ promo is going to cancel the other’s out over a red wig ffs), lol !!

  6. Claire has said in a podcast that if she records another covers album in future, then this track will be under consideration for it:
  7. It seems the internet deem her response (below) to her original comments, is problematic in itself and I do tend to agree: There is so much in this statement to pick apart and read between the lines of ⬆️ and none of it is good or the attempt at salvation that she thinks it is. I’m consciously going to resist the temptation to extrapolate too much of my own interpretation of that statement - other than to say it appears she was unbelievably naive as to who her audience has been this entire time and since finally having had that epiphany (as a direct consequence of her earlier comments) - is now throwing that audience under a bus by basically saying that’s not the group she was courting anyway.
  8. OMG! She’s somehow only gone and entered the album charts at No. 2 (I was hoping for Top. 20 at best). https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/albums-chart/ This is the kind of unanticipated chart placing that dreams are made of! Congratulations to Claire 🥂
  9. The video for current single “Tension” is here:
  10. Hmm, I’m indifferent to the Sudlow remixes. They just don’t do it for me on any level and I will always go for a proper banging extended club mix over an edit every time (for me Sudlow fail on both scores, same as when they remix Steps). Whilst I was aware of JRMX prior to The Saturdays “Not Giving Up (JRMX Club Mix)”, that was the one that made me wake up to them and appreciate precisely what they bring to the table. I might be a little tired of “7th Heaven” and nowadays prefer the fresher, equally (yet often more) melodic mix arrangements of Matt Pop - but if there is some kind of internal politics at play that explains why Claire and her team have an inexplicable blind spot towards him and the magic he could work for her - then as a last resort, I’d even prefer a “Xanadu (7th Heaven Club Mix)” over the tepid ‘will this do?’ ness of Sudlow.
  11. The JRMX Club Mix of “Gloria” appears to be a highlight of the digital release for many. Whilst I’m fine with Steve Anderson’s extended mixes, I wish they would give “Xanadu” to JRMX (who would hopefully give it the same electro type treatment “Gloria” got). It would be awful if “Xanadu”s status as a bonus track meant it’s not even going to be considered for any remixes (at all). Claire’s rendition of “Xanadu” is way to good for it to be denied an extended club mix.
  12. This guy is a ex TMZ employee and whistleblower who has a credible evidentiary court reputation against them. During his employ with TMZ he was party to internal journalistic water cooler conversations about Britney, TMZ’s narrative/ agenda against her and the methods adopted by TMZ to artificially bend & steer the optics of published stories about Britney over the course of many different eras in her career. Even before his commentary on TMZ, no Britney fan on earth ever believed TMZ were at any point ever impartial and un biased towards Britney (they had previously been briefed by sources close to Kevin Federline and there is increasing legitimacy placed on speculation that Sam’s legal team are doing the same in the present). This is an evolving story and TMZ is not where it’s at any more, the area of concern y’all should be getting yer panties in a bunch over is Laura Wasser, being hired as Britney’s representative and divorce lawyer (the same lawyer who represented her many years before in her custody hearing with Kevin Federline) and whom it later transpired had been having unauthorized conversations with Kevin Federline’s legal team during that custody hearing. Matthew Rosengart appears to no longer be part of her legal team or on retainer by her and that should be something that is of everyone’s concern! Particularly when Laura Wasser was part of the original legal team that (in collaboration with Lou Taylor amongst others) got Britney locked in to her conservatorship in the first place. As if that wasn’t enough, relations are rumored to be thawing between Britney and her Mother whom she is turning to for support during the divorce process. It really does appear Britney is in trouble and swimming in a sea of sharks!
  13. No-one could ever have predicted what Roisin was going to say 48 hours ago. I am not a stranger to the lgbtqi + scene and over the years, I have heard many peoples first hand accounts and stories of the many ways in which they have suffered in the face of intolerance. I wish to make it clear that I absolutely do not agree with Roisin’s viewpoint or align with her perception of the trans community. As a result, I will only be updating this thread with occasional updates on Alison from now on.
  14. This is going crazy now. There’s a sudden demand for an extended club mix of “Xanadu”. I think Demon should shock everyone by getting Matt Pop to do it. He’s ‘hand in glove’ for this project and really should have been on board from the start! In fact, there needs to be Claire Richards/ Matt Pop Club Mixes for “Xanadu” and “Knock on Wood” (I don’t care if the latter is a leak - it needs to happen NOW)!
  15. I must have entered an alt. dimension as rumors suggest the album could enter the album chart, as high as No. 2. Which would equate to several, parallel album entry positions with Steps .. so if she can achieve that on her own, why would she want to indefinitely go on splitting the money five ways, when (lets me honest) - all any good euro gay wants to hear is her voice tackling this kind of material anyway? Never really got to the bottom of why Sony let her go after “My Wildest Dreams” peaked at No.9, so I wonder how such an unexpected occurrence would go down at their London HQ 🫢
  16. Ah okay. I was under the impression a large portion of those hundreds went on having the official album for a month in advance of its official release. Thanks for clearing that up.
  17. Why would it be a shame (for you), if you already have them? Taking self pride in being a ‘gate-keeper’ is a fools errand. Why not just finally leak them?
  18. Does that original song “Forever’s Beginning To Start”, date from the “Wildest Dreams” studio sessions or the “My Wildest Dreams” sessions?
  19. After having had the chance to listen to the deluxe album all the way through and having grown up with most of these songs, with the originals in my collection, I’ve split Claire’s versions into two categories that either do (or don’t) work for me: The Good: 01. Euphoria 02. No More Tears 03. So Emotional 04. I Surrender 05. Gloria [Ending is too sudden though] 06. Never Knew Love Like This Before 07. Love Is A Battlefield 08. Xanadu 09. Goodbye To Love [Enjoyed hearing a new part of Claire’s lower vocal register for the first time] The Bad: 10. Song For The Lonely 11. Summer Night City 12. This Time I Know It’s For Real The Average: 13. Never Trust A Stranger Best Remixes: 14. No More Tears (Steve Anderson Extended Disco Mix) [Should be at least two minutes longer] 15. Never Knew Love Like This Before (Mastercuts Extended Mix) Worst Remixes: 16. So Emotional (Le Flex Poolside Mix) 17. Euphoria (Orchestral Mix) [Unnecessary and too similar to track 1] Remixes It’s Always Better To Have In Non-Edited Form: 18. I Surrender (7th Heaven Club Remix) 19. Song For The Lonely (7th Heaven Club Remix) Observations: ”Song For The Lonely” sounds like pure Karaoke, it came as a shock that one of (only a few letdowns), was only the second track in. ”Summer Night City” was obviously lacklustre from the start and should never have been used and swopped out with a finished mix of Claire’s unreleased take on the Amii Stewart classic “Knock On Wood” (also recorded during these album sessions). Steve Anderson really dropped the ball on the production of “This Time I Know It’s For Real”, it’s simply awful and given the praise he has heaped on SAW in the past, I would have expected him to approach them in a more deferential way. Claire’s vocal shines on “Never Trust A Stranger” but a decision has clearly been made to shy away from the use of rock guitars on Kim original in an effort to airbrush the Pop/ Rock genre out and to avoid scaring millennial gays. The “No More Tears” extended mix should have been longer as it’s such an epic slo-build track (and original Donna/ Barbra 12” is two minutes longer) The “Le Flex Poolside Mix” of “So Emotional” kills the energy of all previous versions and is a total waste of time. Likewise the “Orchestral Mix” of the title track also fails to pack the same punch as the earlier main mix and they should have either included a 7th Heaven Remix Edit (or preferably the full length 7th Heaven Remix, if they had room). Whilst I’d have preferred Claire’s sophomore album to not have been a covers album and despite the above criticism’s everything else shines and is much better than much of the stale Rn’B sounding music being generated by U.S. artists (and U.K. ones who want to be like them).
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