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Dax Diameter

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Everything posted by Dax Diameter

  1. It’s never a bad night out when a club crowd this cool forget themselves and grin like Cheshire cats with gleeful abandon. It was an excellent short set but ‘Flowers’ needs to be swopped out with (dare I say it) ‘Easy’. I know they never would because they sadly don’t see the potential for their vocal blend in that track, but I can still dream. I’m pretty sure Sweet Female Attitude would like to re-establish “Flowers” as being their song in the minds of the public (and it was literally the only song anyone ever remembered them for).
  2. I have a copy but it’s at my family home and waiting for me with the cellophane still on. I’m unlikely to play it before Christmas holidays, sorry I can’t help.
  3. Current album ‘TENSION’, is Kylie’s 9th overall to peak at No.1 in the U.K. album chart upon release. I have fond memories of them all for different reasons. Were these big in your territory? Which do you prefer overall?
  4. Honey, it is not a crime for a woman to have a high libido - want/ need her clitoris to be stimulated and to experiment with who has the most talent to stimulate it in the most satisfactory way before settling down with the most talented dude. It was considered acceptable for women who were part of the hippie and flower power movements to partake in orgies as recently as the 1970’s. Millions of gays have done much the same at circuit parties and bath houses. It is simply not a crime to like penis and enjoy the pleasures that it can bring. Taylor never claimed to be a Mormon. She has lots of money, never has to work another day in her life ever again (if she so chooses) and is a long way from not being considered hot enough to lay in bed and get banged by a line of willing suitors between now and whenever she is no longer considered ‘hot’. By the point someone usually reaches the level of experience that Taylor now has, their lower private area typically becomes pretty loose and they lose their pelvic floor muscles. Therefore, it’s pretty safe to assume that as TayTay’s elastic becomes ever looser (as time passes), that she in turn requires an upgrade to a dude with ever larger equipment who can facilitate that loss in elasticity, (otherwise intimacy becomes equivalent to throwing a sausage down a freeway tunnel)! Until TayTay comes clean about her capacity to push melons out her cha cha, all we can do as an audience is enjoy her music and understated that with each and every change of man, accept that her elastic has atrophied and become ever looser and learn that each new boyfriend has a larger appendage than the previous one had. Remember what Taylor says about Karma .. you also don’t want to attract the bad kind by forming a negative opinion of her love of cock!
  5. There was an occasion when Keisha (and her then boyfriend), invited Amelle to the cinema and a meal with them both, Amelle later reported her take on how she felt about the meeting on Twitter, yes. It was years ago. At another point in time, Amelle and Mutya had an exchange on Twitter also. We know some of the same people and I have been employed at various points with companies (not Crown), who have had active business associations with various iterations of the group. I’m not an insider, I’m several degrees away from the inner proclivities of the group.
  6. The two members who remain (and always have been) on the worst terms are Mutya and Amelle. Both are PR savvy though - as negatively as they privately feel about the other, it’s not going to be something either of them will ever again publicly acknowledge on social media. What people don’t realise is, that after departing from the group, Keisha underwent years of intensive psychotherapy and as part of that, her therapist actively encouraged her to reach out to Amelle to find a resolution. This was done in good faith, so it speaks volumes that sometime after that occurred (and Keisha got the closure she sought), Amelle later felt the need to pipe up on social media and tell the world the meeting was awkward and “weird”. Mutya respects Heidi’s work ethic and what she contributed to the group, but does not agree with the direction Heidi’s loyalties took after she (Mutya) left the group. That is not a bridge that will ever be properly crossed or addressed until a future point when Heidi finally accepts that periodically re-signing her contract with Crown will never get her anywhere (even then a foursome is not an option).
  7. Jade simply has zero beef with anyone in the original lineup and they have zero beef with her (there never was any angst between them). The limited interactions she has had with them (mostly Keisha) are warm. There were whispers after Jade’s ‘Sweet 7’ honeymoon period was over, away from the public gaze (during the 4.0 Sony album sessions), that a small friction developed between Amelle and Jade in the studio, leading to Jade perceiving Amelle in less than glowing terms that eventuated in Jade having increased empathy towards Keisha. It was on that note (though not because of it), that 4.0 ended.
  8. Wake up people, you’re sleeping on a new excellent mainstream pop album:

    1. Capsule


      heard Red Wine Supernova and I absolutely HATED it. don't think i'm gonna give her album a shot personally, but i'm glad you like it! :D

  9. Article/ interview from London’s local listings guide “Time Out”:
  10. Someone is trying to monetize Claire downloads on Dbree (that are dropping anyway). Would you happen to know anything about that?
  11. Any artists who work with a writing/ production collective, they have never worked with before are taking a risk as to what the final output is going to sound like and as those writers/ producers are usually paid before work commences, I see why the group would release the work they’ve already commissioned and paid for. Ive held of giving my opinion as I really wanted to like it (and spend time with it to discover if the track is a grower), prior to commenting on it. I’ve done that now and try as I might, “When the Rain Comes” (at best) is nothing more than generic. It does not go anywhere and is nothing special. I was never a fan of “Girls” (and “Flatline” was ironically my least favourite track from the entire MKS era, with the exception of the writers demos), but “When the Rain Comes” (for me), is not even as good as those two. It sounds very ‘London’ and I like that they used their live band on it, but no way is this ‘first single from a new studio album by Sugababes’ material. This is no launch bomb, it plods along and it sucks. It is not Sugababes fault their session coalesced with George Moore and Iain James on a day when those writers/ producers were feeling particularly uninspired, but I would have expected George and Iain to have better tunes ready to pull from their back pocket, knowing they had such a legendary girl group lined up to write a top-line over them. Whilst I am disappointed in the track (and Sugababes even have some ‘B’ Sides I prefer to it), the one good thing I can say about “When the Rain Comes” is that I prefer it over and above “In the Middle”. One track of course, does not make an album and maybe this is just a ‘taster’ track and not a full blown first single (who can say at this moment in time). However, the way for Sugababes to really have put their collective middle fingers up to Island, Crown, Mark & Elliot Hargreaves, Sarah Stennett, Polydor, absent members of past lineups (and other sources of background toxicity) from intervening years, would have been to have worked with Dallas Austin (or someone still up to that calibre) and really have brought something to the table to launch with that ate. ”When the Rain Comes” is simply not a track that says “Sugababes are back in town, here to scalp and mean business”. The unnecessary use of autotune (confined to the harmony sections), also detracts from proceedings. I keep my mind open to the possibility they found the goosebump inducing magic that’s sorely missing (on this particular track), in other places on the album.
  12. Oh My God! Words literally fail me and cannot begin to describe what a truly historical, pivotal moment in the all time history of pop music this actually is! With some new releases I just think, “yeah whatever, I’ll listen to it in the morning” .. (but not this one). I hope they are signed/ I hope it’s not done on the cheap/ (I hope it’s a banger but looks like it may be a ballad/ mid-tempo). However, I’m truly open to whatever they wanna serve. I think I heard rumors of a song called “Bounceback” but not sure if it’s true (with the person who said it, citing an old Louise track as a reference point).
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