I’m an original fan, I will always be loyal to her, I don’t necessarily agree with certain low-key things she has done at certain points but she broke societal taboos, moved the zeitgeist forward and altered western society in a way very few artists did before her and none since. I’m grateful to have witnessed that magic occur first hand and to have watched those barriers come down. I admire her relentless, progressive drive and I will never criticize her on the basis of her age, her looks or the perceived energy levels someone her age is believed to have and I do believe in the karma her critics will one day receive when they reach her age. However, as much as her existence permanently altered me, I’ve long since evolved beyond that point and I’m simply not feeling her right now but I’m absolutely not the ‘fair weather’ type and when all is said and done, I will always check in with her and will always have her back.