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Dax Diameter

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Everything posted by Dax Diameter

  1. The concept is interesting but I think it needs a few years to develop before it gets good.
  2. You are no doubt familiar with the early “Terminator” films? During that point in Lisa Marie’s life, Her Mother’s boyfriend was the actor who later went on to play the original John Connor (a pivotal character from that film franchise). It appears he allegedly attempted to groom Lisa Marie and may (or may not) have also supplied her with Class A drugs from the age of 10. If not supplied by him, it would appear Lisa Marie sourced them to alleviate the pain and trauma of escaping his attempted abuse. I don’t know at what point her Mother became aware of what was happening to Lisa Marie but she dumped him when Lisa Marie was 16 (presumably as soon as she found out). Bizarrely, I can’t find reference to him receiving criminal charges though he apparently wrote a book (which Lisa Marie later responded to in a 2003 interview). When Lisa Marie was around 15, her Mother (a devout Scientologist for 40 years up until 2017), got offered a role in the then popular American soap “Dallas” and became busy with that. Most people are aware of how messed up Drew Barrymore’s childhood was, but even that is a far more diluted tale of childhood trauma than Lisa Marie’s.
  3. She was also notably married to Nicholas Cage amongst others and (publicly admitted) to a cocaine addiction between the ages of 13 to 17, at least five stints in rehab and later on experienced opioid addiction, some of which is summarised here. https://www.nickiswift.com/1166427/inside-lisa-marie-presleys-history-with-addiction/ https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1652954/lisa-marie-presley-health-elvis-opioid-addiction-symptoms-treatment/amp Her life in pictures: https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2023/01/13/style/lisa-marie-presley-photos.amp.html .. Also, one of her best songs (about her father), touching on where she too will now be buried, from her own successful Sheryl Crow inflected solo music career:
  4. I don’t believe she ever got over her son’s suicide and that (combined to the resurgence of interest in her fathers death and the obligation to endlessly confront that in the name of movie promotion) caused her to want to numb the pain, which I suspect led to her relapsing and ultimately placing too much pressure on her already broken heart. I still vaguely remember asking my mother why she was crying as she reacted to the announcement of Elvis’s death over a transistor radio, whilst I was too young to have any concept of what he and his music meant to her generation and in some small way the death of Lisa Marie (being announced years later by Alexa), feels like a kind of Deja-vu. I hope Lisa Marie is now at peace, finally reunited with her father and son.
  5. I personally feel “Freedom” was a stronger lead single than either “Girls” and “Get Sexy” and if it had existed as a substitute for either of those, it would have out performed both.
  6. Lineup politics aside, Do people not think ‘Freedom’ is a quality Bop?
  7. As a self confessed shameless pop whore with an insatiable curiosity for strength of melody (regardless of whatever politically inconvenient Sugababes lineup it originated from) and because “The Lost Tapes/ No Regrets” has now gone mainstream.. Other (now) more shadow aspects of Sugababes history have piqued my interest, resulting in a refreshed curiosity about the less explored, darker recesses of the overarching Sugababes catalogue/ legacy.. I would personally rather focus on the (HAJ), 4.0 + RCA/ Sony album that features ‘Freedom’, ‘Hard’, ‘Tetris’ & ‘Never Look Back’ and is at least (in part) produced by ‘the invisible men’/ Orson, who previously produced 3.0’s ‘Easy’ (during the Universal Island tenure).. However something instinctively now keeps dragging me back to “Sweet 7” (possibly because the roots of what came next stem from there), so to recap in the hope of shaking something out the tree for all of us..————————————————————— [Keisha Buchanan “Sweet 7” era vocal tracks plus current status of each individual track]. 01, Get Sexy ^ 02, Wear My Kiss * 03, About A Girl * 04, Wait For You * 05, Thank You For The Heartbreak * 06, Miss Everything * 07, She's A Mess ¥ 08, Give It To Me Now ¥ 09, Crash & Burn ~ 10, No More You + 11, Sweet & Amazing + 12, Little Miss Perfect + [Other Unused Leak from Stargate Sessions, NOT later re-voxed by Jade Ewen]: 13, Lincoln Continental + ————————————————————— ^ Officially Released with Keisha In WAV uncompressed Lossless Format. * Unofficially leaked from album sampler in MP3 [320 kbps] Format (widely circulated). ¥ Apparently, genuinely un-leaked to anyone, in any format. ~ An additional track apparently never recorded by Keisha and only recorded by the HAJ/ 4.0 lineup then subsequently worked into the “Sweet 7” track sequence only after Keisha’s departure. + Unofficially leaked from Stargate Sessions In WAV uncompressed Lossless Format. In limited circulation/ self ‘vaulted’ by an intentionally quiet, specific core fan group. ————————————————————— Note 1: All Stargate produced tracks that previously leaked in 320 kbps from the ‘Sweet 7’ album sampler are (independently of the sampler) presumably also present and included in the “Stargate Sessions: May 2009” - ‘pack’ in higher than MP3 320 kbps (including an unfinished early/ alternate work in progress Keisha vocal mix of “Thank You For The Heartbreak”) in WAV Lossless Quality. Note 2: Separately from above, Jade Ewen once admitted she had initially and mistakenly been given a CDr of rejected ‘Sweet 7’ era tracks from Crown to learn in preparation for her re-vox of the album. Nothing has ever suggested THIS specific CDr was limited to or exclusively consisted of Stargate productions. However, other known tracks from the ‘Sweet 7’, (completely un-leaked) reject pile includes: - Firefly (supposedly written by Bonnie McKee/ Brian Kennedy) - Better Than Love - Killer On The Run - Not Just A Girl - 2 x un-named Crystal Nicole/ Syience tracks - 2 x un-named RedOne tracks Note 3: There is an unconfirmed rumour that Stargate produced Sugababes tracks were amongst the leaked Alexandra Burke Stargate sessions from a decade ago, that bizarrely the Alexandra Burke stan who took possession of them (at the time), apparently tossed the Sugababes tracks aside as he was myopically and exclusively only interested in Alexandra Burke. Note 4: Similar to “When You’re Gone” from the TIMW re-pack, “Crash & Burn”, did not exist/ was not recorded by a (soon to be departing) original member during recording sessions for the original version of each (of the above) wholly separate and respective album eras. [Selected frames of reference]:
  8. it is an honour and a privilege to be voted winner of Favourite Newcomer. Sincere thanks to those who voted for me in the positive categories. The turn of events that took place in the Sugababes thread a few weeks back were embarrassing and I apologize for my part.
  9. Oh dear! the new over cooked (final) version of “Back to Life”. Not sure I will ever get used to the artificial sounding, auto tuned chorus or the new ad-libs (especially Mutya’s).
  10. I’d dearly love for them to release a final mix/ mastered version of “Enough”. It stands as a true testament to how strong these sessions are that we all have our favourites (and they are all different).
  11. Interesting that out of every track under their control they chose “Breathe Me” and “Back to Life”.
  12. I get why bad feeling between them and Polydor would be a reason they took a stand and changed the Polydor master sequence. Though, it is understandable why they would feel motivated to try it - given the loss of “Love In Stereo” and “Too In Love”. (It is most obvious “Beat Is Gone” is now out of sequence). It would be ironic if “The Lost Tapes” ended up selling more than Bananarama’s “In Stereo” album, as the girls and Richard X would then have ended up generating more cash profit by holding on to that track for longer. I understand why Richard did not have the patience to hold on and chill, after all there was no way of knowing this release would ever happen. I think several of the finished versions (I won’t call the old versions ‘demos’ because these are later mixes of the same tracks) .. sound overcooked. Various vocal lines have been switched out (cut & pasted) with less emotional, later vocal takes of the same lines which sounds strange as they segue directly into sections of the exact same vocal takes we already know as the songs transition and progress into different sections. Some of the new ad-libs (at least to me) sound a bit extra and detract from the actual songs. Listening to these from start to finish on headphones has been quite strange and I miss the ‘rawness’ of the less processed vocals and production in various places. its definitely interesting to hear these changes, knowing their intention was to make the music as commercially appealing as possible. However, I think I’m always going to prefer the more organic, less processed early mixes.
  13. Do you have any background on the “Love Is Religion” session? I always felt it popped off a little too much to be given such low status.
  14. A revised track-listing/ presentation as “The Lost Tapes” for a 2022 release by the girls & Whitney. (The commercial license to use the Kendrick Lamar Sample having long since expired). 01, Drum 02, Flatline 03, Love Me Hard 04, Summer of ‘99 05, Boys 06, Metal Heart 07, Beat Is Gone 08, No Regrets 09, Today 10, Victory 11, I’m Alright 12, I Lay Down 13, Back in the Day Going live midnight (Christmas Eve), U.K. time.
  15. The impossible has finally happened by Madonna’s own personal request: Should be international.
  16. It’s a difficult one.. On the one hand a person who contributed to the entertainment industry over many years has died.. On the other hand, as the years passed by it became increasingly obvious that she held some rather problematic right wing opinions.. However, most people have that older uncle (or whoever) that is likely to come out with the batshit crazy (aided by a glass of wine), around the Christmas table and very often we (the enlightened) have to remain stoic in the light of that.. The world changes so much, as does society, sometimes it can be worth remembering the little people at the bottom are merely conditioned by whatever changing values wider society and culture dictated to them were timeless and correct in their youth. Meanwhile (though very slowly) the world really does move on..
  17. Interviewer: “What would you like to achieve, what’s the goal”? Siobhan: .. “We’ve got things in the pipeline that we’re not discussing publicly at the moment”. + Keisha’s facial expression at that moment.
  18. Finally, someone not making excuses for him and who also possesses zero lust for his cock!
  19. It was over on the Friday, I draw your attention to the fact the subject changed, then he unexpectedly resurrected it two days later on the Sunday. It’s obvious to anyone he is the instigator so quite why you are trying to re-frame the facts to insinuate I was an aggressor is absolutely not impartial. It’s quite ironic that you in fact were the only one who engaged with him by seeking out a less than flattering photo of her. It is a mystery how you can morally justify that. I’m just glad it’s on your conscience (not mine).
  20. Oh my god, seriously? It’s called perfectionism. Consider yourself lucky I hold you to a lesser standard!
  21. You again? “controll(ing) one’s reactions”, typically starts with meaning something you say then sticking to it (pertinent case in point ending ending an argument). Yet here you are, still quoting me and addressing your incorrect narrative. In the words of the lady herself: [Lorraine] “And especially in the sort of job you do, if you’re not confident, if you’re feeling not happy with your body, it’s very difficult to then go on and give a performance”.. [Mutya] “Definitely, It’s better to feel better about yourself (than not). I believe if you want to feel good about yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks about it.. [surgery], go for it, definitely”.
  22. Oh, I don’t need your pity. You sound like a child who has been denied a second slice of chocolate cake. Perhaps you should consider that your knowledge (of what is a secondary language to you), is clearly not advanced enough for you to be engaging in its use (and lighting bonfires) with it in the context of casual debate. What was that you said about ending the argument? Again more bull.
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