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Jennys Girlfriend

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Everything posted by Jennys Girlfriend

  1. My friend just did an xXx-tra long and sweetened edit of DGMGF and it absolutely GIVES, including some crazy new high notes. If you loved the extended and still want more... get your life.
  2. The album isn't even out in the US yet and I am absolutely floored how negative some of you have no qualms about being. Why do you have to have such negative HOT TAKES that you bring here to influence other people to not like a song before they have a chance to hear it? Why not sit with the album for awhile? I feel like since this forum is LITERALLY why this album exists (and considering the we know Bonnie is reading), we could focus on what we actually DO like from the album for literally one day omfg. I can't wait to listen.
  3. We are so close (days/hours away) to official album announcement and release still stuck in whiteboard fanfic/speculation purgatory. 😂 Right back where we started, I can't.
  4. She's working WITH Liam but that doesn't mean he's featured as an artist. She might be working with him to plus up lyrics or something else under the hood. No shade at all to him but what would featuring him achieve? She was way too excited and hyping it up for it to be someone quite so unknown. A feature that doesn't further the reach of her work doesn't make strategic sense for her and given peoples reactions to the name Liam, it's definitely not something that will excite fans.
  5. Interesting, but these theories seem unlikely to me. I feel like based on her interaction we can expect more recognizable names.
  6. Seems safe to bet based on what she implied in her Live that one of the features will be a re-work/remix of DGMGF (wonder which artist jumped on this?) and Snatched (which I'm guessing will be a Pride release?)
  7. The final version of Jenny is SO BONNIE while also breaking new sonic ground for her. It fits so well in the Hot City lore but appeals to a different part of the ear. This will represent a standout on the album and I think will age beautifully. And the video! As fun and goofy as it is sleek and sexy. (Some other artists who lean into quirk should take notes on this fine balance!) A perfect new level unlocked in the Bonnie-verse of 70s/80s-inspired visuals that feels like its been there the whole time. Also QUEER RIGHTS! Bonnie if you're reading this... You are NAILING IT. We've been right about you all along.
  8. I'm excited for Jenny (obv lol). I wonder what the final production will end up being, given the (at least) 2 very different demos. The "album version" which has the synths in the verses OR the alternate one that has a build up in the pre-chorus and bigger more rhythmic chorus? I know in the previews we hear the synths so I can imagine it goes that way but I like the sweeter treatment of the chorus/pre-chorus tbh... I'm curious if she took an approach in between the two.
  9. She was my top artist and SLAY was my top song. She had this cute little artist video in the Wrapped story. I regret nothing, it's been a huge year for her and I'm glad she's doing the thing.
  10. Y'all are being so nasty about this song and this rollout. It's a bad look. She's heard the feedback and is unlikely to do such a short song again. Why continue to be petty about an artist doing her best? Her music videos have been fire so far and this will be too. I'm seated.
  11. I get it! It's hard and unpredictable and it's a black box. But for artists with Bonnie's profile, music quality and genre, she has very few options for distribution outside of playing the TikTok game. Even labels are making artists do similar things. That's the problem with business that is the opposite of a meritocracy and runs almost entirely on mystery math and luck and has 0 real gatekeepers. I just don't want to begrudge Bonnie for trying everything to get her music heard. DGMGF was never one of her most treasured demos (as evidenced by how many of you were surprised and disappointed to hear it was the next "single") and I don't think we should pretend every song needs to be treated as sacred. As fans I think we should be less critical and more understanding of some of these difficult choices. She could easily pull the plug on ALL of this. That said... the presave thing is so fishy and bogus. It is not a good system. We shouldn't have to sign up with these shady third party sites in order to support artist on a separate streaming platform—or for a functionality that no one needed and doesn't even work. It's giving scam, both for us and for Bonnie.
  12. Is it really puzzling or is it just personally disappointing to you? I think it's helpful to zoom out of the quality of the music for a second and fans personal desires on every track and understand the bigger picture. Bonnie having a viral hit should be a priority for her and her fans, so she can unlock benefits of her new deal and continue putting out music that suits her vision. Shorter songs have a better chance at that in the TikTok world none of us chose (or even seems to like), but which all of us live in. Bonnie has to make tough choices, and since she's a self-funded artist, we aren't going to get every item on our wish list. We're just not. I think the tone of some of these criticisms is out of pocket considering she's going out on this limb FOR US.
  13. I think we gotta give Bonnie a little bit of grace and put this release in context. She has put out a pair of 3-minute+ singles this year, with fully realized videos that she poured her money, creativity and sweat into, knowing the algorithm wouldn't favor it, because she wanted fans to have those experiences. She did this at great personal cost and risk. She deserves to have support in releasing not just this album, but her future music, and her signing a distro deal makes sense. She has every right to take a fun, lyrically conceptual song—that was never really meant to be more than a verse and a chorus—and rework it for the TikTok era. She deserves some viral momentum, and I support her chasing it. We know Bonnie reads these forums. We know we're gonna listen and stan regardless. I think it would suit us all to stop having such entitled reactions when things she releases aren't exactly like what we wanted (or like what we remember from demos, which were never finished and we shouldn't have even been listening to anyway lol) and stop acting like we only support her as much as we personally favor her most recent creative output. Let's think bigger and do better for our girl! She's working her ass off and killing it.
  14. DAMN I love the new production on this song. (You can listen through most of the first chorus on TT). And you know it will sound even better on streaming.
  15. Seems like she's best off not being overly-focused on the hype cycle and trying to game the algorithm or compete endlessly for people's shorter and shorter attention spans. (Look at Kim and Slayyyter; whole albums full of bops that just happened and we've all already kind of moved on from them in terms of discourse.) I think she should do whatever brings her the most creative satisfaction in terms of number of singles, videos, album release moment, etc. That's what she said she's doing this for: herself, and the fans who are following no matter what. (Besides: the songs from this project are going to succeed in the long game. She's gonna get so many syncs and ancillary deals from this amazing music, plus who knows what kind of viral sounds it could produce... all in good time.)
  16. Found this video of Bonnie doing Hot City last night in Minneapolis. She premiered the music video on the screen during her performance and it looks SO GOOD UGH. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwuAzAaM3i0/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  17. Hot City is just so perfect. It is such a pure distillation of Bonnie's lyrical mastery. A couple people have called the lyrics cheesy but I think that take ignores how hard it is to conjure truly original visuals with words that still sing well and work technically—and also continue the themes and tones from her other songs. PLUS the vocals and production on this are just so well executed. This one is starting to seriously compete with I Want It All as my favorite Bonnie song ever, and I think this is the most commercially viable song she's put out since AG. So happy for her.
  18. Just found it: https://www.tiktok.com/music/Hot-City-7255000420983015425?_d=secCgYIASAHKAESPgo8pfEyc9%2BWlKtaY3OyCN4H5zKu0ITrxTCT4TVc%2F90QbF7EL7I3DghFticfWlujjaEK6trKXyYIVh1EsMPiGgA%3D&_r=1&checksum=1ab2c4795fbe56564d76220557f98c2792ffedf9d6a92516e2bbc06e40d55812&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAA8HhK5r3hcF88laBfQB3OoX3lBS81i1zwtC8l6uVa5SrrnMipP2WyjcpuKVJ2yrtK&share_app_id=1233&share_link_id=B0B3ADCA-B00C-4E35-BDA9-D78DD9450DC0&share_music_id=7255000420983015425&sharer_language=pl&social_share_type=7&source=h5_m&timestamp=1690415618&tt_from=copy&u_code=db509mb633iamb&ug_btm=b6880%2Cb5171&user_id=6798315594293167110&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=copy
  19. I was trying to find the part of her live when she said it but I couldn't find the direct quote. Just that she had reworked it pretty extensively, no additional details! Anyone else remember this?
  20. It was a little hard to tell since she was doing live vocals with the assist of the bassist but none of the songs sounded dramatically or even noticeably different than what we've heard before in this context. Definitely no major changes like what she did in speeding up and adding those amazing new synths in Don't Get Mad Get Famous, which she teased on her live last month (or what we can expect from I Wanna Fucking Call You which she has said will be very different).
  21. I was there, it was great! She sang to tracks (not a band) with a basist because it was a last minute opportunity she said. She looked and sounded amazing. She did Jenny, Hot City, Slay, and American Girl... but toward the end of American Girl she transitioned into a produced version of the Katy medley she used to do (Teenage Dream, Dynamite, California Girls) and then transitioned back to American Girl for the close. I had only ever heard that medley on piano or guitar so this was new! It was amazing hearing her sing these songs live for the first time in so many years. It seems like she's just in an amazing place mentally, physically, spiritually, etc. and it just felt amazing to see. So proud of her!
  22. Y'all thought I was lying when this was mostly accurate! 😂 I think my Hot City lead was re: the album title not lead single, oop. And I was right about Snatched. (Let's see if it actually is a collab, that would be amazing.)
  23. That's a juicy angle but I think we'd want to be careful so as not to sour any potential future collaborations. If that narrative is out there, it's human nature for the large artist to buck the suggestion that their success was not truly their own and never work with them again out of spite. One way I've alway tried to make people understand the quality of this album is describing at "Teenage Dream pt. 2 that no one has ever heard." Another thought I had is that there's been a recent resurgence in the popularity of dance music, not like what was on the radio in early 2010s but still. I think we are just now rounding the corner to a place where we can think back on the early 2010s with nostalgia and this album fits nicely into the narrative of that. I think we should keep talking about this, find a clear angle that really feels timely, develop a list of smaller (probably gay) pubs and podcasts and YouTubers that Bonnie has a chance of being covered by/hosted on, and send pitches/start politely pressuring them on socials.
  24. Any PR girlies in this forum? Social is one thing but I think one way to make a big impact would be to get the word out at some pop/queer pubs that used to cover her releases. The story of the release (the 10-year wait, the success since, etc.) is so strong, and the music is obviously major.
  25. lol no magic 8 ball, I had what I thought was a great source on the Hot City thing. I DID hear a new song from this source that I'd never seen posted/mentioned in this thread before and (in haste) shared what I heard here. But I removed on second thought when I didn't want to a) implicate that source and/or b) post false info I couldn't verify. Trust me, wasn't trying to mislead. Only ever been supportive of Bonnie and this group and will continue to be! ✌️
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