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Everything posted by sunshineslave

  1. Red Dress was great and Mutya is taking back the place she had before on the song with a matured voice and probably less boredom about singing that particular. I agree that Heidi and Siobhan are different and that in a lot of song, the original singer is the best. Siobhan does a better job replacing Heidi on ballads and mid-tempos (I actually prefer her on a lot of those like Caught in a moment) rather than on sensual bops. I still think she was good on Red Dress and was positively surprised by her playfulness which is not something I would have expected from her. I would have loved the MNEK remix. It would have fitted in the Garage bit with the end of Overload and Flowers
  2. I think Hole in the head has been on all the band's setlist since it's been released including the 2013 MKS tour and the summer festival tour this year. You might have been talking about another song. The song is Red Dress and they did something great with it. It was available on someone's story on Instagram but it isn't anymore. 🥲 Is that the song you were talking about because I believe both Mutya and Keisha hated it. It is even more suprising that these two agreed to sing it than Siobhan actually. Yeah I saw that. It is a pretty great setlist overall. I'm just slightly disappointed because they teased "many surprises" that I supposed weren't already on their summer tour. I'm pretty sure some songs will rotate during the tour with Caught in a moment, Run for Cover, replacing others and maybe some new stuff ? I'm afraid they're not there yet for including Ace reject, but if they sang Red Dress and About You now, I'm pretty sure we'll get it one day. They know the fans love it. Those are the new ones compared to the summer tour : - Red Dress - 2 Hearts - Love Me Hard - Same Old Story (Interlude) - Garage Medley - About You Now (longer version with a verses from Mutya and Siobhan) I'm pretty happy with these additions even tough I agree that there could be more obvious inclusion and even more surprising choices. Do you guys know if same old story featured I lay down mashup like in the teaser they posted on Instagram ? Did they actually sing ? What about the Garage Mashup ? I believe these were covers but I don't know which song for sure. From the videos I've seen I believe her vocals sounded better than this summer. Her replacement of Heidi on 2 hearts is heaven sent. She sounds raspy but her voice has always been (that's what I love about it).
  3. Hey guys, The tour is starting in two days. There is supposed to be surprises. What are your expectations ? This interview gives much informations : https://www.dazeddigital.com/life-culture/article/56816/1/sugababes-mutya-buena-keisha-buchanan-siobhan-donaghy-interview-tour-2022 I really wonder which song Siobhan is mentioning there. She talks about it again here : https://www.instagram.com/p/CjjAFTljbfY/ It's probably one of the poppiest song of their catalogue. She sounds like it's a song she don't usually enjoy that much but that the band made one of the best of the show. 2 Hearts preview : https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLRA-hDbVg/ Them singing this song is a dream. Those harmonies are heaven sent 🥰 I hope they'll sing the song in full. Would work really well live with those heavy drums.
  4. I don't know about their other recent work but I think "Waiting for you" is nowhere near as good as previous Xeno/Suga collaboration nor is it as most of the other MKS material. Still I'm also happy to hear Siobhan shine on it like you said. I do understand that with Xeno's methods, the Mutya and Keisha wouldn't want to work with him again. Especially since they hate some of the songs they made together. It's kind of bittersweet because these are some of the most favored by the fans, the press, and the general public. I hope MKS will get the chance to lead the narrative, use all their talent to create a masterpiece that is totally theirs and that get the recornition they deserved. I think the Dev Hynes collaboration worked really well, as well as the one with NMEK. Since they asked both to remix them for One Touch 2.0, I believe they would want to keep the collaboration going. Those two understand the girls and their sound and they seem to know how to spark their magic. Thank you for this very insightful post as always. I don't think the girls would have had the success they ended up having if they had it their way at the time (or maybe I'lm wrong) but I'm pretty sure they could today as they have matured a lot and opened up their perspectives. Xenomania's methods seem to be horrible for the artists involved and I definitely understand that they would hate working with him or even have a complicated relationship with the songs. How not to hate a song that was created from bits and pieces of your work but that sounds nothing like what you would go for. That's kind of crazy. I really hope the nightmare is behind them because let's be honest, being in the band has been far from easy for all 6 girls involved. They need to channel all the frustration and trauma into their new music. Their revenge album incomming. It definitely sounds more like One Touch than anything else they released but it's just not as good. Would not be surprised if it's confirmed it's a leftover. They probably removed Siobhan's credit like they did removed Mutya's from some songs Amelle recorded. They probably messed up the credit between the first time it got published and later times. The fact that there's no Heidi credit in replacement seem to confirm it. So are those the ones on genius ? Another question for you guys. Do you know why Mutya is missing from the writting credit from multiple songs ? Did she have less time to contribute ?
  5. We need more of Xenomania and Dev for the actual album. The former is unlikely because I believe working with him was complicated.
  6. That's too bad. Audio quality is essential. Some people can't make a difference because with bad audio sound system anything would sound the same quality. I hope we'll get the chance to finally get them.
  7. Thank you for those informations. I didn't know most of them and was wondering who they worked with on some of the tracks. For exemple I didn't know about Dev Hynes producing Take the wheel and Drive and Xenomania producing Waiting for you through it makes sense. Funny how the latter could be considered a 5.0 song I'm surprised no one has joked about that yet. This genius page has a list of all the MKS track, for some of them the credit are included with the lyrics, including the girls' writing credits which I think are important. I'm not sure how reliable they are tough. I noticed that Lay Down (the original) is missing from your list. It is produced by Dev Hynes as well and so is the swimming pool mashup (even tough the instrumental is not his). Well anyways we really need a Sugababes Wikia. I Mean the informations are all over the place.
  8. I can't understand that they didn't put it at least on the single. On Deezer (the french spotify) Girls appear twice on the tracklist of the album but it's the same version. Mess ! So it never leaked in HQ ? Maybe there are other tracks from the album with alternative versions. Would love to hear that.
  9. Is she the one who wanted the other version ? I personally like both but I understand that the people who live in the UK with that add going around didn't help liking the original.
  10. I would imagine MKS killing something like that. Both tracks are cute but the production is underwhelming. With the right arrangements and their killer harmonies it should stand out a lot more. There's so much we haven't heard yet. Thanks for the infos. Well actually the released version of Never Gonna Dance Again wouldn't sound out of place on Taller. I think Taller would be a much better album if they didn't reject Never Gonna Dance Again and My Love is Pink (if I'm not mistaken it's another 2.0 song later repurposed for Change). I wish it happened like that with a big hiatus to let Mutya breath and heal and then come back 2 years later with an album they would have taken the time to create without a lineup change. No shades to Amelle, who's great and who contributed a lot. I'm just allowed to dream the band didn't change so much.
  11. It's indeed weird that Love Like This haven't been published, tough I believe that when somethings is secretive like an upcoming single they find a way to hide it on the publisher's public catalogue until it's at least annonced. I've not heard of Kinf of London before. Do we have any other info than what's given on this publisher screenshot ? I've not heard of You Make It Happen either, but I definitely know Spice Girls/Touch's We're Gonna Make It Happen. I think Geri is the only one who's not "ashamed" of it these days. I think it was last mentioned in that interview. 😅
  12. I'm am not a fan of Sandé's work and I generally prefer the songs they write plus Flatline is my fav from them so I totally agree. Still I am curius about that song that reconciliated the label who wanted something commercial and the girl who wanted artistic integrity. Plus I wanna hear the choir. From the article it sounds like she wrote for them and not with them but did we get confirmation that Love Like This is wirtten by her only ? What a cursed song. I'm curious about those lyrics. I'm not surprised that she learned vocal ideas from MKS because they truly are Siren godesses.
  13. Very interesting insight although very depressing. The girls have hinted at things happening behind the scenes that got to the ending we know. Without this happening, Flatline and I lay Down wouldn't exist so there is a bit of good in this massive fuck up. I understand why they choose Flatline over Boys. It was a stronger testament and I believe the single would have worked if the label would have backed them up with radio plays, promotion and actual budget for the video. The video is pretty but it's only an exercice in instagram style. I think Boys as second single would have worked then. Summer of 99 and Love in stereo also had potential as pop singles. Who knows, the girls won the Sugababes name back so maybe them getting Love Like This back would be possible. After all no one released this song and it hasn't leaked so it still has the potential it had. Right ? I have trouble understanding why retracting her songs from the project helped Sandé. Did she get some money back from doing so ? Or did she intent to sell it to a project with more potential for a hit because it had people investing in it ? I don't but would love to have them. What we really need is for those song to be properly mixed and mastered and released. In my head canon the 7th album from the babes is the 14 best songs from the MKS sessions. Sweet 7 ? I don't know her.
  14. I wonder what a polished Be Kind would sound like because the Bridge demo that's out there sounds like an early demo. Would love to hear Love Like This as I believe it was planned as first single before Sande took it back and they choose Flatline instead.
  15. Any of you guys have informations about the tracklist of the MKS album? I heard that Siobhan posted some temporary tracklists and that there's also a final one but I don't know how true that is. Also do you know why Emily Sandé took her songs back, have anyone heard them in any form (sung by Emily Sandé or Sugababes) ?
  16. I would be curious to head the Whitney mashup with polishement and the babes on vocals. I'm still happy we got Freak like me instead because this is kind of weird.
  17. I do agree on all you said. I think Siobhan is the deepest one and the most sensitive. and thanks for the infos on the reconrding process. You're right. I definitely think Heidi contributed to the change of sound and I think she contributed a lot creatively. I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere that each girl wrote their own verse in Round Round so she definitely used to write actual lyrics but we can't be sure on most of their work during the time of their agreement. She most probably pitched ideas and gave input to what was produced in Catfight but wasn't credited because she didn't provide actual words for those songs. It doesn't mean that the songs would have been the same without her. There's a lot that someone can provide to the creative process by being there and contributing without actually providing concrete material by oneself. It's all about the energy they bring, the ideas,... By the way, Ugly is a good exemple because it's such a personal song for the girls that talk about their experiences yet they didn't write it themselves. It was still written from their personal experience.
  18. Yeah, the timeline is weird but anyway I give up. What's important is what works now. About 4.0's writting credits, I don't think it would have happened. By the point when 3.0 started working on Sweet 7 they didn't have any room to do that anymore, regardless of the talent they had for songwriting. I guess the management didn't care, they only wanted quick hits. I believe that Amelle was the only actual songwritter left when they turned into the 4.0 lineup and that probably wouldn't help. I think Heidi got credit on most 2.0 songs because there was an agreement that everything was shared but it seems like Keisha did a lot the writing (it's very apparent when she's talking about the process of writing some of them) and Heidi did the least. If you look at the writing credits from Catfight where they didn't work with that agreement, Keisha has 7 credits, Amelle 2, and Heidi only one with the other girls. I suppose the girls where in the room with the writers and whoever contributed lyrics or melody got credited afterwards. I'm sure they all contributed to the creative process but not necessarily providing words and melodies. As for Jade, she never had any credit on any Sugababes song nor did she on any of her solo material. I don't think she's a songwriter at all. A lot of talented singers don't have the ability to write songs. Maybe she would if she tried but wasn't encouraged to try. After all 1.0 didn't know they were songwriters before the producer encouraged them to channel the skills they had developed for poetry.
  19. Thank you for those informations. I didn't know about those reports and it made me sad that Siobhan felt this way. It surprising because on the first MKS interview, they said Keisha was contacted by the other girls in 2009... the same year Siobhan was quoted as saying she'll never forgive her. Keisha herself have been talking about it in that BBC interview, admitting that the way she expressed herself didn't work with some other people and that she needed to be more diplomatic. Keisha's behaviour is indeed peculiar, I've recently seen an instagram live she did with Mutya and a few of her interactions with the latter somehow made me uneasy. I think all of this is very complex and everyone involved has a different point of view but I would sum it this way : Keisha's behaviour was not well received by other members when they were in the band (Siobhan for sure, and most probably Amelle). Wether it was bullying or misunderstanding of her intentions is up to everyone's interpretation. Let's not forget that all of them were really different personalities and they didn't seem to have the same artistic vision (which I believe contributed to the richness of their work but probably didn't help getting along). The bullying claim is certainly not an invention from the media but they might have exaggerated it to have better stories. Wether racism was part of the motive for the exaggeration, I don't know. When they started all 3 original members were "angry teenager" (their words). The band have always been under a lot of pressure and had a toxic team (still their words). The media coverage was unfair and included lot of sexism and racism (Siobhan said in an interview that some journalists only asked her the questions and ignored the other two members). All of this didn't help for them to get along and work out their relationships at the time. I'm happy they managed to work this out somehow. Their relationship seems much more healthy now and they seem to appreciate each-other's company.
  20. I will take whatever they feel confortable doing as long as the quality is there and there's no completely new member (that would be an absolute mess). I understand what happened the same way you did but I believe the bullying bit is from unfair and racist media coverage. Keisha made a video about it (see : https://www.nme.com/news/music/keisha-buchanan-traumatic-racism-sugababes-left-her-needing-therapy-sugababes-2686091). Unless there's actual footage of the girls saying they've been bullied by her ?
  21. I couldn't agree more. On all of that except for having a 4 or 5 piece lineup. The only thing that's been constant in the Sugababes history despite the multiple lineup changes is that it's always been a 3 pieces band where all 3 of them had space to showcase their amazing vocals. All of the songs have been written with that in mind. 5 pieces worked on the Spice Girls for exemple because it was more about a group/gang of friends with very different personalities and it was not about showcasing how good they were individually as singers. Even if all 6 girls have their own personality most replacement have similar vocal range as the person they replaced. I really hope MKS will bring more new material because they have so much potential yet they didn't release much. That's also what's needed for them to be more than a legacy band. If that's all that it's gonna be, Heidi's presence would feel more logical than Siobhan's from the public's perspective. About Keisha not wanting to work with Heidi and wanting to work with Siobhan, we don't know what actually happened and how bad each "feuds" where. All we know is that they were teenager when Siobhan left, and it's easier to put past because, well, teenager get mad at eachother and they can work things out more easily once they're more mature. Plus leaving was Siobhan's choice and she had other reasons to do so. From what Keisha said, she was kicked out from the band, and it seems like Heidi acted as she was supporting her until she learnt from media that's she had been removed. She felt betrayed and I understand that it could be hard to trust the other person again. She said there are no bad blood between them anymore and they're being supportive from afar but they wouldn't work together anymore. Who knows, maybe with more time they'll be also able to collaborate again. I think that having all the girls on the scene together would only work on one circonstance : If they performed a medley with their biggest hits with each member singing her how part. That could only happen if the band wasn't active anymore because otherwise it could confuse people about who's actually in the band. Things have already been so confusing for the casual fans. It's been 4 lineup changes if you count the reset to 1.0. For a 3 piece band that's enormous.
  22. Yeah I understand and I think those comments are stupid. There are also comments saying that Siobhan has no place being here and that Heidi should be there instead. There's always gonna be those comparisons from the moment that they've both replaced each other. Keisha has expressed that she would never work with Heidi again and MKS seem to get along very well as grownups. I think people should be content with what is offered especially since they are bringing the quality. I agree about Sweet 7, it didn't work with Keisha either. I even think I prefer About a Girl with Jade (havent heard her take on other songs and have skipped Jade version of Get Sexy as most songs cause they were cringeworthy).
  23. I love them and MKS is definitely my favorite lineup. I love the texture of their voices especially together as their harmonies are heaven sent. This is a great exemple of the power of them 3 singing together : I'm so glad they got the Sugababes name back because I think the other name didn't do them justice. It's probably one of the reason their comeback didn't work out even tough Flatline is one of their best singles. I'm glad it's been rereleased as Sugababes. The material they recorded together since they came back was among their best. Too bad they never got the chance to release the rest of it before it leaked. I hope they'll release new material and include the best ones from those sessions as well because the contrary would be a waste. That being said I think the 3 other members were great. In all honesty, I didn't like what they released together, which didn't sound at all like the Sugababes, but I think it was more the management/label's fault because they didn't let them have any creative output at that point. I hate how all 6 members have been treated during the whole time. It really shows how the industry treat women. Heidi's essential to the Sugababes's Legacy and I love what she contributed. Her vocals are great and there's no need comparing. Her's and Amelle's contribution to the Sugababes' legacy shouldn't be disregarded. I think Jade never got a real chance to show what she could bring to the table creatively. Her vocals are not my type but her technicality is impressive.
  24. Thank you guys Yeah that's a crazy combination but it tells so much about my musical tastes. Thank you, I'll let you know if I need anything.
  25. Thank you Esther
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