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Everything posted by sunshineslave

  1. Here you go : Also Shiv was on Sophie Ellis-Bextor's podcast. Hear the full thing : https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/spinning-plates-with-sophie-ellis-bextor/id1521331095 It was really insightful. Shiv confirms the Lost tapes is made of demos and it's funny to hear her talk about it before release knowing the interview would be out after the surprise. It is soothing hearing that Keisha is one of the reason helping her out of her stage fright (OK that but mainly being a mother). Would never though I'de hear that one day. It's nice to hear artists interviewing artists. The questions are more intersting and fair plus Sophie exactly gets what Shiv means about the industry.
  2. NEW LIVE EP ALERT https://music.apple.com/us/album/apple-music-home-session-sugababes/1675931052 It's out on Apple Music and iTunes. Same formula again that works for them, a new (lost tapes) song, a classic one, and a cover. And lucky us, it's different songs from the Piano room thing. Back in the days Freak like me People (Libianca cover) The vocals slay. I'm so happy they performed Back In The Day. Freak Like Me sounds pretty conventional and unsassy for that song but the vocals are still amazing. Love to hear Siobhan on this and Keisha killing the "good for me" line. I didn't know People or the original performer but it's great and suits them really well. Will give the original a listen. I'm glad you've been able to see them but wish you had a better experience to enjoy it fully.
  3. New Keisha Q&A Great news ! They're gonna make The lost tapes vinyl happen. Oh and it's official, she hates Sweet 7. it's not like we needed proof but now her position is pretty clear.
  4. They really reign supreme on pop music. I need more of this. Hope they'll make a live album at some point. I was disappointed as well when I saw they performed No Regrets as we already have a recording of a performance they did of the song but the orchestra really is something so I'm happy they did. Funny how they like to cover songs named Flowers when they are finally getting their flowers.
  5. Nice interview. It's nice to hear them say they are going to perform all their lives Rolling Stone style. This Overload performance is my fav arrangement of the song and one of my fav performances from the band. I'de love for them to do more like this. I love the modern production on The Lost Tapes but I feel like their voices would be better highligted in an acoustic context, espacially Mutya's whose register sometimes get drown in the production. An acoustic live album with their best hits would be great and I don't think it wouldn't stick them into the Legacy Artist label because every artist does that once in a while. By the way, “Today” is now being A-listed at Radio 2. It is record of the week. All of that means it's gonna be played a lot. It's beginning to feel like a proper single. Maybe they'll end up recording a video unless they are still keeping the momentum for new new music. The piano session will is tommorow. Live on BBC radio 2, supposedly around 11:30, then uploaded on here : https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/m001485m One video should also be uploaded on BBC's YouTube page. (thanx popjustice).
  6. New interview ! : https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/music/tours/sydney-mardi-gras-headliners-sugababes-triumphed-over-heartbreaking-struggles/news-story/4bdeae9f68e45ff5b5485f70f4c23bc8 Keisha: It feels so good to have some new music out to perform. Keisha: Our pet peeve is the whole ‘heritage band’ thing. We’re grateful for the past the Sugababes have had, but it was important to have some fresh things out for fans. So I read into that that you're definitely gonna get more from the Lost Tapes on the Australian Tour.
  7. I'm not sure if that was clear but those songs are the songs that BBC2 played during the week because they choose the Lost Tapes as their album of the week. I believe BBC2 choose the songs themselves even though they might have been influence by Flatline being a single and Today being the song the girls are pushing on playlists. The BBC2 performance is something else and has yet to happen. I hope they will use more songs from the lost tapes in their future concerts now that it's been released but nothing is for sure. I guess they will still push hit loaded setlists until they have an album with brand new material to promote.
  8. So the follwing songs where played on BBC2 as the THE LOST TAPES was album of the week : Monday - No RegretsTuesday - Summer of '99Wednesday - I'm AlrightThursday - TodayFriday - Flatline Pretty nice selection, that could definitely work as singles. I'm surprised they didn't play Boys but don't know what could have been replaced in it's favour as they are so good. I guess almost anything from this album could have worked as it is a solid body of work.
  9. Oh wow. I want to hear that. If we didn't know about that song before I would have supposed it was a VB solo song. Maybe we'll get it officially if they bother giving us a real treat for Forever deluxe in 2025.
  10. It looks great ! Thanx Physical is essential and I'm sure they'll release one one day. Maybe new music is imminent and they want to release that first. The unexpected attention the Lost tapes got (like the BBC2 exposure) might change their plans, and push them to promote a bit the Lost tape before going forward with new music. Who knows ? By the way, they are doing a performance for BBC2 piano month. Apparently they'll be doing 2 of their songs and a cover. See : https://www.instagram.com/p/CneZyMdrc0m/?hl=fr I hope they'll do 3 songs we don't have good recording of them performing in the last 10 years. A classic song and a lost tapes song would be perfect. Would love for them to do Stronger with Keisha's powered up adlibs and Siobhan would be great.
  11. I don't know this. Will have to check it out. 👍 On other subject, the girls are album of the week on BBC2 with the Lost Tapes. Should get them some welcome exposure. I guess it means that Flatline might finally get it's first airplays 10 years later
  12. Oh Gosh! I had forgottent about that version of the video. Haven't seen it since my childhood. The posh one cracks me up. Thank you !
  13. For those who still wonder if the band's name played a role in the lack of success of Flatline then, here's a story :In 2013, a group of friends discuss seing the girls performing Flatline on TV.Friend 1 : "I searched Sugababes on Spotify and it says the last release is called Sweet 7. I searched for the song there but stopped after the second cause it sounded awful. "Friend 2 : You're mistaken, the band is called MKS. Sugababes is another band now. But I tried to find them on Spotify and it didn't work.Friend 3 : Giiiiirls, the bands name is the girls' actual name. I remember Quiche and Shivonne. You should type that on Google then you'll find out and only then you will be able to find that on Spotify.Friend 2 : well, I still find nothingIn most similar cases people didn't bother getting past 1st mistake. There an alternate version of the story that starts with a 4th person who tried Sugar babes and found nothing either.
  14. It is definitely stronger than Get Sexy, that I personnaly hate, and I agree that it stands out more than Girls, even if I prefer the latter. I don't live in the UK so the boots advert haven't spoilt that song for me which I think is a fun pop song, but yes one of their weakest lead singles because it's quite repetitive and not innovative like the previous ones. The first 3 songs of Catfight are halfway between the Spice Girls and Amy Winehouse both of which I'm an absolute fan (with obvious nods to the Jackson 5, the Supremes and the motown era in general). I just can't help but to love it, even if it doesn't feel that much Sugababes-y appart from the fabulous vocals (3.0 at their best !). Exactly !
  15. humm personally I would say bop. However, in term of quality it doesn't come near the level of most singles released by the babes before Sweet 7. To me, It does sound better than any song on that album, except maybe About a girl. I like them both as generic bops but not so much as Sugababes tracks.
  16. Same here. I wonder if they recorded more tracks like Hot Under the Collar during the Catfight era. It is kinda similar to the direction they went during the sweet 7 era but it was actually good, less americanised and more authentically them.
  17. This is such a nice and unexpected surprise. I'm so overjoyed because that album really deserved to be officially in their discography. It's so weird but epic to have this sit just after Sweet 7. Hearing the songs in their full mixed/mastered glory is so overwhelming. Having Drum as an opener is such a bold move I never knew where to put it in my tracklists as it never fit but it reigns supreme as an opener. The whole tracklist works really well and elevated the whole work in something cohesive. The only downside is that Flatline kinda feels flat after Drum while it worked well as an opener. I guess it was one or the other. I'll probably get used to it. Hearing the finished album in full makes me realize how beat driven it is. Appart from Flatline and Love Me Hard, the beats are really hard and prominent which contrasts really well with the pop melodies and the heaven sent R&B harmonies. Even their midtemoo and ballads have strong hip-hop beats or even Breakbeat. It's amazing how I don't even miss Love in stereo from the collection even if it was one of my favorites. This is such a strong body of material. A nice continuation of the One Touch sound with a bit of their strongest 2.0 sounds. The downsides are very few. I've been disapointed by the changes in Summer of 99 (I miss those guitars in the chorus but also on Siobhan's middle 8 that sounded more ehtereal on the demo) but I do get that it probably fits better on the album this way. I just need to adjust. Also I believe Keisha's verse in I'm alright was stronger and more emotional. All of this is only nitpicking when everything sounds so good. All the other songs sound better and I was surprised I liked Victory so much when it bored me before. I think it is intelligently placed and the mixing really makes it work. I'm also glad Metal Heart and Beat has gone are now officially on the tracklist and not just bonus tracks because they are essential. Both are really quintesseentially Sugababes songs with strong emotions attached with such a powerful deliveries. (Keisha's chorus is beat is gone kills me everytime). The cover they used is the one that I used so it really comes full circle. I'm so happy that this finally got released especially with the Sugababes name. It is some kind of deserved justice. I hope that the fact that they released this independently will help them get more coins. It would have deserved to have the real album treatment with singles and promotion but that time has been gone for a while so I'm very happy with that surprise. This year has been full of surprised. I hope this will allow them to have more 0.1 tracks on their setlists. I think tracks like Boys and Summer 99 will work with the general public. Anyway, I think this low-key release probably means they will put forward new music songs "SOON". How do you guys/gals feel about this ?
  18. OK thank you for clearing all of this once again. That's probably an unpopular opinion but I actually love Paradise and think it works very well as a second track (just after Flatline). That would work for a more indie approach to the album which would probably not work for the general public. I do like the tracklist they intended for though. Boys do work as well as a second track, and gives a popier approach to the album. I think Beat Has Gone and Metal Heart are some of their best work so they would be great on the regular album rather than bonus tracks on the Deluxe edition but it's still great they decided to include them in some capacity. Considering Flatline flopped because it was a wrong choice of single when we know it wasn't supported properly by the label (no radio plays, low budget video,...) is kinda unfair. I don't think it could beat any of their top selling singles but with the right promotion, the Sugababes name, and the right timing, it could have been an Overload level kind of success. I might be wrong tough as I never guess what's gonna be popular.
  19. Thanks a lot. This interview is very telling and it gives a clearer and honest view on what happened between Siobhan and Keisha. They do admit not liking each-other at the time of One Touch and having gotten to know each-other now for a more peaceful relationship. Even if they account the team responsible for making it worse, they admit they did things to each-other which is pretty normal for two teenagers who are not friends who spend so much time together under pressure. I love this one. I think they will never release it tough cause it would be a Bananarama cover even through they wrote de song and recorded it first. Such a waste. It is fun with a bit of an edge to it. Their vocals kill it. It sounds flatter in Banannarama's hand. I think Why Did The Lights would make a great track for closing the album. I love it. Those harmonies send me to heaven. The tracklist of the deluxe differ from the one you gave me earlier (13. Victory, 14. Metal Heart, 15. Only You) and the release dates differ as well. Were there multiple options or have some informations been retconned ? Also were some of the tracks that leaked recorded after this tracklist was decided, after the album was pushed back again ?
  20. I forgot about the label being different between albums. They're definitely going to try and milk the album. ---- Apparently, MKS's most honest interview about Siobhan departure in an interview with Q back in 2013. It's available here on popjustice but it's accessible only to member. Any of you have it ? I'll be curious to see.
  21. We definitely need the material in HQ and I want to know how they would sequence the MKS stuff as an album. I think we're not getting Love In Stereo as it would be a Bananarama cover now but we need all the other hot stuff they recorded in good quality. Personally I would even be up for a double album/mixtape but I don't think that's gonna happen. There's definitely going to be market for the MKS album especially since it's strong material. I'm pretty sure the reviews will be rave for that body of work. As for the rerelease of Angels with dirty faces I don't see it happening or if they do, I don't think they would promote it with more than social media posts. I really think Heidi's presence is not in the books, and it would be weird to have MKS promote a 2.0 album. I don't think anyone would be at ease with that. One Touch's anniversary was a great opportunity because the current lineup is the lineup who made this album. It was a proper way to celebrate how the band started. I really don't see the lineups changing again multiple times to match the anniversaries of the albums. The rerelease could work if they don't promote it specifically. As I said, a little promo on social media including messages thanking Heidi for her contribution would work. I would be up for it if the rerelease includes interesting stuff and is not just a cash grab.
  22. I think they just changed it because it worked better with Mutya beginning. They did the same with 2 hearts. Plus it's probably tastier to have things switched up from time to time to not have Siobhan replacing Heidi in every single song. It's also probably better to start the show with someone who was originaly in that first song.
  23. I thought at first that she had been in that band too at some point. Heidi, queen of being in every girlsbands. There even was a ludicrous rumour saying she would replace Victoria in the Spice Girls for the 2019 shows. ----- New lineup incoming ? That's a cute moment and the fan does a great job. He must have had the time of his life. Anyways, I love promisses with their grown up voices. Personally I'm pretty satisfied with the current lineup but the last video shows that adding one voice doesn't kill the balance of their vocals. Plus Heidi harmonized very well with Mutya and Keisha so that should be great.
  24. I knew Too Lost in You was popular among fans but I didn't know it charted this well. It even beat Freak Like Me. Was it because of it featuring in Bridget Jones' OST or something ? The way Get Sexy and Girls did better than Overload at some point is past me....thank god it climbed back ---- Keisha saying "Thank you for your support, celebrating every line up of the Sugababes" : Her and Mutya have also been saying that they will be getting Today on streaming SOON. I don't know what we could expect, will it only be a single upload on streaming services ? I think we can safely say that we're not getting new music soon nor old unreleased music promoted as new. Maybe an EP or even a mixtape with the best MKS tracks would be the best moove to please the fan who've been supporting them for so long, bringing the amazing work to the world, and still keeping the momentum for when they would release a new single and album when they're ready (might be in a few months).
  25. I posted the wrong video. Here you can hear the first verse by Mutya and Siobhan etheral ad libs in the outro.
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