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Everything posted by sunshineslave

  1. People can do anything now can they ? Melanie C's vocals are very realistic. You can feel it's been trained a lot on her vocals where Vicky's voice is just a sketch of what it could be. It does sound better with the 5 of them but it's still a terrible song. The real Mel C might have added a good old Ad lip for even more dynamism. I guess people will soon start messing with Sugababes lineups as well 🙄
  2. Yeah I definitely understand how you feel. I don't think they are trying to milk the fans but rather being cautious and testing the water. They won't print two editions of the album if it is gonna be a limited number of them. Since the normal edition is their vision I think it was right to have this one if they were gonna have only one on physicals. Seing how it sold out very fast with no promotion, they are surely gonna have reprints, maybe a more regular release available everywhere (like you said, in october probably or even for the O2). In those conditions I don't see why they wouldn't release the Deluxe Edition. Personaly, I don't mind as I'm not a fan of the deluxe tracks : I hate their version of Breath Me. I don't understand why they would turn such a delicate song into cheap Dubstep and especially release it now that it aged so badly. Keisha said on Instagram that she would have released it as a single. I'm glad they didn't. Back to life is ok but I never listen to it. The autotune on the released one makes me like it even less. I like Only You but not enough to miss it when it's not there. Plus I don't think it fits with the sound of the album. Would have been good on a dance EP with Light Up and Pillow Talk though.😋
  3. "Mutya Keisha Siobhan" was my first idea for the album's title so I would have loved that but I actually don't mind the lost tapes. Plus I love how they made it work graphically on the physical release. (By the way, limited CDs are being sold now as well!). And I think it's a smart choice commercially to point out it's not an actual new album. They need to keep the momentum for what's coming next. No regrets would have been great at the time but it wouldn't work now as I think there definitely are regrets that the era could not work out as planned and took 10 years to get closure. As for the sequencing I surely miss Love in Stereo but appart from that I actually think the tracklist really works well. Drum surely is surprising as an opener but, as far as I'm concerned, it's a good surprise. The song is so different that it wouldn't flow well in the middle of the album. As for Too in love, it's one of my least favorite from the era so I'm happy it's not there. Plus Beat Has Gone and Metal Heart being on the regular edition is mandatory for me so I'm glad they changed their mind. It totally makes up for the absence of Love in Stereo. I still miss the original version of Summer of 99 but the new one is still good so in general I'm pretty much happy with their choices.
  4. Exactly what I thought. Plus having the album called "Mutya Keisha Siobhan" in the Sugababes discography would make the original lineup stand more.
  5. I think the black one looks better. Silver vinyl are only gray as I've heard. The babes are announcing at every concert that they've got a big annoucenent to make at the O2. People believe that they are drawing a line with the Lost Tape era with the vinyl release to announce new music. Shygirl is announced as a support for the show. Maybe they'll premiere a collaboration at the show. Anyway they seem to be building up the cool alternative image they had again. They recently did the Boiler Room and from the images and the testimonies of fans, it was pretty wild.
  6. Love how the tape is hiding the Sugababes name because they couldn't use it at the time. It even happens on the proper vinyl not only on the cover.
  7. Mel C's dance stuff was pretty pop even if the lyrics were pretty serious. I don't think they would do silly stuff again. I think Geri used to be a great lyricist. She was behind the most sassy and fun lyrics from the band but I don't think she wants to be that person again. Her last offerings where quite boring AND cheesy to be honest. She's in a different place than being a pop star I guess. Something like some recent stuff from Jessie Ware would be great : both fun and mature.
  8. She seemed pretty uncomfortable during most of the song hiding behind David but she seemed to enjoy singing her own part and was more confident during these moments. I definitely see her agreeing to doing it with the comfort of having the other girls with her. It couldn't be clearer. She's been denying it so far. If she's not in defensive mode, it's that she's made up her mind. She don't want to get FOMO again by seing the other girls doing it without her. I soooo agree. Those were the worst from their carrer. Headlines wasn't so bad. It was more an issue of production than songwriting. It sounded like badly aged 90-00 music when their actual 90 music didn't sound this dated. Yes it was a bit cheesy but I don't mind a bit of cheesiness from the Spice Girls. They need to work with the right people to ignite that fire again. They count a lot of very talented people among their fans so... Mel C last album had great tunes and she had good use of some new blood to help her on her creative journey. The 2-3 new songs from Emma's album were great too (the covers were mostly cringy tough). I think they could still have it in them to make good music together. Maybe let those two handle the songwriting if they don't manage collectively 😜
  9. So cute 🤗 Obviously the tabloids' article title is exaggerated.
  10. I would love to have better quality for a proper live album and especially without the cut of sound during Hole in the head but I'm still very grateful someone finally put it online.
  11. That's so funny, but in fact that wouldn't be a bad idea. After all Beyonce's whole renaissance tour is done with her very limited in her dancing because of her injury and they made it work. Yeah I know it's Beyoncé, and she's got the biggest stage presence but I guess they could make it work with the babes limited dancing skill too. Maybe that's one of the surprises their preparing for the O2 Show 😁😊 And yeah, the choregraphy is howesome and they loved that so maybe that was an inspiration to take dancers (those dancers and especially this choreographer please ?😊) Anyway let's enjoy how their tour is now cause it's finally made it's way on youtube :
  12. Yeah, they commented and joked about it. Mutya said "let's do this" and Keisha was horrified saying she would butcher it. 😄 I remember Shiv said the Round Round routine was exhausting so I don't think we can expect a more sophisticated than that one. 😁
  13. 6:55 definitly looks silly but I think it's cute And yeah the stool "choregraphy" definitely worked better when they were bored teenagers. I don't think we'll ever get near this but that's the reason fan fiction exists 😁 : "Watch me faaaalllll"🤸‍♂️
  14. I get what you mean. MKS has never been about their dancing skills but rather for their coolness and completely asummed awkward half dancing. That Overload stool choregraphy comes straight from their very first performances. That being said, I think that they have great ernergy : Keisha owns the stage (she has so much charisma), Siobhan seems much more confident than she used to be (her stage fright days are long gone), and Mutya seems to be enjoying herself. The latter made a few error with Keisha playfully and professionally reminding her (they actually crack me up). Their songs are powered up by the new arrangement and their harmonies and vocals which are on top (Mutya's voice seems a bit dry but still she does manage pretty well). All in all, I think it's a great performance. The imperfection is what I personally love. They are just being themself and it works way more than 4.0 performing Sweat 7 songs with perfectly clean choreography.😁 Knowing their show is packed with hit, it must be an awesome experience. Too bad they are pretty unknown in France because I would love to see them.
  15. For now we have that and it's amazing : https://streamable.com/cnq2q5 I hope someone will put it online in full soon.
  16. The babes' show yesterday at Isle of Wight was broadcasted on Sky Tv. It was not available outside the UK. Anyone got the chance to record the broadcast ?
  17. Give them time (a lot of it)😊. First it was a very short About you now, then a longer one, and now the full one. We're getting a short In the middle, and we'll be slowly getting a full one someday 😁 (tough I do agree with @Leaving there, I like in the middle and their new version is killing it, but I think it's definitely enough as the song is quite repetitive). They definitely know the fans want Ace Reject, so I'm sure they'll end up giving it a go. After all they said nothing is off the table and I think it has more chances than Get Sexy or About A girl. I personally love Ace reject so I'm here for it but I'm pretty sure the casuals would go get a beer during that song.
  18. They did a few changes on the tour setlist.
  19. Yeah. A single just before the O2 would be great timing for them. It would be iconic to take the Spice Girls spot of november album releases and christmas number one single as well. One can dream.
  20. Colossal return to music ! Could it mean new things coming or they're talking about the tour, glasto and the Lost Tapes ?
  21. I didn't know about those leaks. Thanks a lot. The Woman one sounds like it's the acapella from a remix as those vocals are repeated. It's so frustrating to hear those clear vocals. Another peace without the full thing. The Go Go Go guitar stems makes me believe that the original song sounded pretty similar to the fan remix.
  22. This sounds great except for the bridge which is completely out of tune. Where does the acapella from the chorus come from ? It sounds pretty clear and is definitly not from the clip from the documentary. I wish we could hear the real thing cause it sounds sleek. There another remix from that same youtube channel for Go Go Go. It also sounds great. I wonder if they created the instrumentals or if they used some stock instrumentals. The latter seems like the most plausible option : It explains the tag and I think someone who has the skills to create such instrumentals would have made sure the bridge was in tune. Well this fanmade version sounds like the live vocals with some midi added which honestly sounds pretty cheap. But thanks to them for trying.
  23. I think Shivon said she would love to work with Calvin Harris so let's wait and see. They've already prooven they can rock any sound. To be honest I would even enjoy an acoustic album as it showcases their killer vocals perfectly. Shivon's story said they were in the studio with a team made only of women. Empowering anthem incoming ? Some Girl Power would be perfect to wipe out the disposable sexy nonsense of Sweet 7.
  24. Definitly ! It's crazy to know that Flatline, my ultimate favorite, is the only new song they produced together. All the other amazing work they did are only reworks of older tracks (The swimming pool mashup, Phoenix' Entertainement Remix, Same old Story Remix). Would love to see them writing and producing together more tracks. I'm sure they would be standouts. MNEK did great work with them as well and since his sound has evolved a lot since then, I'm pretty sure a new collaboration would do wonders. There are so many other producers I'de like them to work with again but I'de also love some new collaborations. I know they mentioned Pharell multiple times so I guess it will happen or has already. Some fresh new talent would be good as well to explore unexpected sounds.
  25. I have no idea if there's a better quality. I agree that it's a great song. It was a great choice to work with Bloodshy and Avant. I believe this is the sound of Sweet 7 but done the right way (including creative involvement, Keisha has writting credits). Too bad they didn't do it this way for that album. It would have turned out as sounding the way their team envisioned it while still being a Sugababes album.
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