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Everything posted by sunshineslave

  1. Mutya does ad libs there as well and I think they all do background vocals. Siobhan as the lead singer of the song has gone missing.😋 This is nowhere near the original but it's still a nice boppish version while we wait for the album coming SOON. This was a nice performance ! They slayed it like they always do and the crowd was huge !💪
  2. The Babes shutting down Glastonbury for the second time even with a bigger stage is so iconic ! Amelle seems to be having fun and i'm glad for her fans and for those who like those songs that she decided to keep them alive. MKS reuniting under the Sugababes moniker and keeping the legacy alive is definitely a good thing for her career. Of course it means that she can't reform 4.0 under that name, but that was very unlikely anyway so everyone wins.
  3. It's a full circle moment. She's cosplaying as Heidi cosplaying as her for the greatest hits. 🤣😂 More seriously, I actually think her hair is ok but I get the wig feeling.😋
  4. First I'll start with er Get Sexy ? 🫠😂 To be fair, I did listen to a lot of those artists in the early days of the Sugababes but somehow they seem to be the only ones I still really enjoy. And that's their power, they could be included seemlessly in an ultrapop 90-00 playlist, still some of their tracks wouldn't be at odd in indie and alternative music playlist even if most of the other songs included were pretty recent. I mean Overload and Freak like me still sound super current and fresh. New video of the girls about their legacy and new music : They seem pretty exited about their new material especially Siobhan. I love how all 3 used to hate Red Dress and now it's Keisha and Siobhan's favorite song to perform on their set. There are professional videos out there of the set. I can post them if needed. It was the samey setlist but they did rock it and they showed as super confident. It was their biggest crowd so far I believe, performing for the first time at the Wembley stadium.
  5. It's really touching to see her testify about those things she went through. She seems to be forgiving and very mature. Let's not forget that the babes were in the public eye at such a young age. It must not have been easy to deal with all the scrutiny and the content judgement.
  6. Well you have the right to have your own opinion and I was not trying to dismiss that. I was just giving mine. The interview is just recent and I didn't post it to proove my point first because I didn't know I needed to justify myself, and second because it was included in such a powerful and intimate interview by Keisha about overtaking trauma that I didn't want it to be disminished by being used only to talk about the reception of the song. Here is a transcript of the part I was referring to: The full interview can be seen here. I really recommend it for people who want to know about her journey with mental heath. Beware that it can be triggering : Back on subject, you're obviously have every right not to believe what she says about When the rain comes. I don't believe everything the babes say is gospel and I know that they sometimes remake history. About the song, I personally think it's obvious it's not lead single material and I'de honestly be very surprised if the girls though it was going to be a hit when they released it. They know better. If so they would probably have invested in a music video to defend it or at the very least shorts videos on social medias. As for the fan's reactions, I don't pretend I've done a great an in depth research to know how people perceived it. On buzzjack and popjustice, I've seen bad reactions at the beginning but mostly positive ones once the song had grown on people. I'm not here to argue, just share my perspective on the subject. Now I would appreciate that you don't make accusations about my intentions. I respect your opinion and am opened to be proven wrong. But you need to respect my opinion for what it is. It's not that deep. it's just music.
  7. Keisha said again in a recent interview that When the rain comes was released very organically right after making the song because they wanted to share the vibe. They actually were quite surprised that it was so well received. And indeed it was well received. Yes there was disappointment that they didn't release a bop, and yes, it didn't make an impact chart-wise, but it got great review and fans ended up being very supportive once the disappointment washed out. After all those years of recording and things being leaked before being released, I believe it was the right choice. They needed to show they were actually releasing new stuff. And that was a present to the fan, making sure they wouldn't go throught the same thing as for the MKS Era. Plus they probably need to release stuff to make sure they keep the name. They're also needed new stuff to perform. They obviously not gonna give full spotlight to the Lost Tapes because it's an old album that leaked a while ago. Siobhan said they have bops up their sleeve so I believe that when the campaign for the album starts it will start with a bang music wise and they will promote it as needed. That being said, I think people will support them but I don't know if a number one will happen again. But they don't need it honestly. They just need to keep releasing great music. And when they do, they need to give the new music a real spotlight in their setlist. It's great they are using their legacy to full extent but they need to keep being a relevent act in music and not just a legacy act.
  8. SOON ! Hope is a dangerous thing for a Sugababes fan to have... but I have it.
  9. You can find it on this genius page for the MKS era. If you click on the arrow next to the title you can see the credit, they are also available along with the lyrics if you click the song title. All those you listed are here except for Take the wheel (unless it's listed under another title). About the upcoming album, Popjustice has a list of producers they've been working with since 2019 : 1. MNEK 2. Craigie Dodds 3. Aston Rudi 4. LOXE 5. Kabba 6. Future Cut 7. Dan Caplen 8. Iain James 9. George Moore 10. Pharell Not confirmed if it actually happened but they said before COVID that they had session planned with : 11. Dev Haynes 12. Madeon Plus they said multiple times in interviews that they wanted to work with Burna Boy and Calvin Harrys adding that no one they asked has refused to collaborate with them. That plus the fact that Harrys has been a fan since One Touch, it would be really silly if it didn't happen just because they didn't ask.
  10. I don't think Push the Button or Overload are going anywhere to be honest. They are two of their signature songs and most popular for both 1.0 and 2.0 lineups. I can see About you now coming and going because it's a 3.0 song, the rest of the biggest hits are probably going to stay. The best option for now is that some of the biggest song are stacked into a medley so they can have more time for other stuff. Otherwise we can only hope for them to make new hits so the older one are not as mandatory as they are now to attract the general public. That being said, new music seems to be coming soon. 😍😝 https://www.witneygazette.co.uk/news/24309241.sugababes-bring-bops-nocturne-blenheim-palace/ They've mentioned some of the same informations in another interview with Keisha using the S word again so it at least means that they have a body of work that they're confortable with. With lots of big shows coming including Glastonbury, a new single soon and premiering other songs live would be the best opportunity to get people exited for what's coming.
  11. Right ! I would love the 2019 remix. I know Melanie C is aware that we want it and said it was a good idea to release it (she talked about it in her Isolation chat) but it never materialized. 🫠 Are you su ?prised.
  12. Unnoficial Holler remix getting lots of plays This is quite nice but I wish the vocals weren't pitched down. What about the girls releasing it for Forever 25 ? I know this won't happen.
  13. New remix of Round Round getting traction on TikTok. It's pretty strange cause I had something very similar in mind for them to end the song with live with Keisha belting "And I go... and I go... and I Go" while the babes everyone in the crowd were jumping. This slaps but we need the verses. What about an official release with MKS on vocals just like for Joy (Push the button) ?
  14. I think they killed it. It was definitely appropriate that they sang hits for the occasion they got a MOBO to celebrate their 25 years of carreer. Overload was a no brainer as it's the only hit this lineup got. It's the perfect way to close the legacy era and move on. They did When the rain comes quite a few times recently on TV and I'm pretty sure that now that they've established their legacy back they are going foward with new music to release and to perform. They didn't want The Lost Tape to be the big event, hence not performing that many new songs from this album which they consider a demo album and not a comeback album. I'm pretty sure that after the release of the 9th album, their setlists will be at least 40% of post Sweet 7 songs. At least I hope strongly that it will be the case. It's been a blast seing them rework/reinterpret those songs but now we need something fresh or at the very least rework of songs from their back catalogue they haven't done yet.
  15. That definitely wouldn't be impossible. 🫠😂 That was actually the song that made the most sense to me as part of a medley as it's an R&B tune (even with the rockish synthpop sound of Are friends Electric). I would be suprised if it was only that song though. The MOBO (litterally "music of black origin") is for celebration of Black music no matter the origin of the maker. I was wondering which other song they could include. They've been channeling black music their whole carreer but it's mostly been mixed with other genres that are not (Mainly pop). Maybe that's the point of celebrating them for contributing to the evolution of channeled genres by mixing them with other influences and making them popular music.
  16. So finally people have been getting their When the rain comes single after much delays. The single charted ! # 2 in the physical chart #4 in the vinyl chart #16 in the sales chart The cover is pretty different than the mockup with the text looking like rain falling. I actually like it even if the original was better to my liking. The picture is not mine (Lapras from Pop Justice). Great ! I'm surprised they are even getting there as they are not that well known in the US. Might be the occasion to meet new artists and producers they might end up working with. I wouldn't mind Jack Antonof (who I hope will finally get Lana Del Rey a Grammy) if he uses his bombastic sound for the babes.
  17. The girls are continuing getting their flowers. This is well deserved. Do you think special performance means new song ? Timeless hits might suggest a medley but one can only hope. They are getting a lot of support from the media and the press and are determined to work their ass off. I'm pretty sure they could get very far with their proper come back if they release the right song.
  18. Someone at Pop Justice mixed their vocals on People with something that sounds like the original instrumental. I think this sound fits them. We can hear their amazing vocals more clearly than on some beat heavy stuff they've been doing. I think they've been enjoying the afrobeat sound as they (and Shiv) have been using some on their videos and stories and citing Burna Boy a lot. Everyone they asked to collaborate have said yes so what are they waiting for asking him ?
  19. Superb performance. They also nailed When the Rain Comes and Overload : Love the shorter version that still ends with the Majestics' garage remix. Apparently Overload has climbed to top 5 on spotify (probably due to the new year eve show). Talk about pop justice.
  20. It has new vocals by MKS ! You can hear Siobhan's verse in this snippet : https://music.apple.com/nz/album/joy-push-the-button-single/1720771559 Funnily, Their vocals don't sound as good as their live ones but I'm still loving it. They keep on giving. this will be perfect to put them back on with the electro casuals.
  21. Sugababes spill the tea! Teasing with a 'really eclectic' new album : https://www.instagram.com/p/C0jn6T1RplG/ Guys I was really disapointed when "When the rain comes" was released but it turns out it's one of my most played song of the year. It's such a grower. I can't wait to hear what they have in store for us, especially with an eclectic album where they experiment with sounds. 🤭 Keisha has been sharing daily Vlogs to sum her her/their year. This one got little bits of them in the studio with their all woman team : I love their picture in the lake looking like absolute babes.
  22. That's probably their best option for staying independent while still having label support.
  23. Thanks a lot for that. All around the world is so funny. I remember Keisha making fun of it in in that game : Thank god they didn't go in that direction for One Touch (the album) but that's still fun to listen to. It's also nice to hear those demos. Glad they continued working on One Touch (the song) cause that Alternative sound kinda cheap. The other ones are interesting to hear. Sugababes On The Run sounds funky. Must be a sample from an old record.
  24. I feel the same. I don't want to hear them or any snippet before it's proper time. Those girls have suffered so much from the leaks. It's one of the reasons The Lost Tapes was released 10 years later than due (not the only one I know), and we're pretty lucky we ended up getting it.
  25. Sorry, I didn't understand everything. It seems very interesting tough. For exemple, I don't know what Monday is appart from being a day in the week.
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