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Everything posted by 5htellinme

  1. I’m surprised that after all these years we only have fan made versions of their live studio versions and not any of the actual files. I remember the disappointment fans had when we heard the studio versions of songs like “Reflection” and “We Know” for the first time and they didn’t match the live versions they’d perform with a revamped instrumental. I feel like they’d actually be the easiest 5H-related media to leak besides photoshoot outtakes lol. There were a few snippets released on Dbree a while back but never leaked in full. The girls even re-recorded a ton of background vocals for live performances when Camila left in 2017.
  2. In addition to the usual song stems, I really hope someone makes a thread of 5H A.I. voice models so we could share fan-made songs and imagine what most of the writers demos would sound like with the girls’ voices. I think EVERYONE would want to hear what most of their released songs would sound like with actual equal line distributions and harmonies (aka Sledgehammer lol). There were a ton of A.I. covers on YouTube a while back but it seems like most of them got removed. Still, anyone who plans on trading or buying songs should be cautious that they’re not being scammed by an A.I. fake.
  3. Omg! Can you update your thread with the info?
  4. Thanks, I'll add it to the list! There are also a ton of snippets out there that I didn't include since we don't know what they're titled, so there's a chance some of the songs on the list are repeats.
  5. Hey!! Idk if there’s a separate thread on this site or another, but here’s a list of all the unreleased songs Normani recorded for Dopamine (at least the ones we know of): 1 on 1 Big Facts Black Woman Blessing Blue Bounce Back C’est La Vie Disconnected DUI Entertaining Feel/Real Me Friend of Me Go Deep Gold Last Best Thing Make It Hard Make Me Feel No More Ocean Club Parade Pick Up Your Feelings Remind Me Ride Out Ring Rocket Runaround Say Less Secret Love Somebody Else This Way Time Waster Touching Myself Used To Waiting for You And here are a few collaborations she recorded but later scrapped (again, that we know of): Flip A Switch (by Raye) If It Ain’t Me (by Dua Lipa) Un Día (One Day) (by J Balbun, Bad Bunny, Tainy) Day & Night (by Saweetie) My Love (by Calvin Harris) Untitled Big Freedia Collaboration Untitled Nicki Minaj Collaboration
  6. Hi! Can someone please update the tracker with all the most recent leaks??
  7. Have you guys heard all of these new AI fan made 5H edits?? It’s really refreshing to hear all the girls get equal solos (like Lauren on Worth It and even Camila on some of the Self-Titled tracks).
  8. Omg the 10 year anniversary leaks are soooooo good!!! I genuinely wonder why Come & Get It didn’t make it to 7/27 because it’s objectively one of their best vocally, sonically, production-wise, AND it fits that “beat-drop” vibe from 7/27. It’s sooooo different from what they usually do. Plus it’s one of their few/best moments harmonizing, which at the time would have been a perfect clap-back to critics and fans saying they don’t harmonize. The only thing I can think of might be the label thinking that sonically it’s a bit too different from the rest of 7/27’s generic sound and maybe the girls didn’t want the lyrics to contribute to them being sexualized? Still, it would’ve definitely been a stand-out deep-cut on the album and maybe even a good promo single. I don’t see them performing it live because of its demanding vocals and choreography, so probably just a release like The Life. Definitely could’ve been re-recorded for self-titled too since it would fit the album’s beat-drop sound and match the dark sound of Sauced Up. What’s the source for the Jennifer Lopez collab version of Come & Get it? Is there a leak/snippet out there? Maybe she cut a demo of it too, intended to put it out, and that’s why the label didn’t put it on 7/27.
  9. I once had an insider tell me years ago that the girls did a demo of Meghan Trainor's "Walkashame" with Lauren singing the chorus. I'm not sure how true it is, but they were a part of leaks5h and would tell me about stuff before leaks5h actually posted it, they even told me stuff about the That's My Girl video before it came out, so I think it's legit. It's also backed up the fact that in her new book, Ally talks about how they struggled to not have a song about a one night stand be released as a single from their first album: "We had some serious questions about the song's theme, which was about a girl's walk of shame, home from a drunken one-night stand. Again, most of the girls in our group were still pretty young," Ally writes. "It seemed way too adult for us. We let our management know we didn't feel comfortable with the lyrics, and they told the label." Despite pushback from the label—"The response was, basically: If we'd wanted to sign a Christian group, we would have signed a Christian group."—and waffling from the other girls in the face of such a response, Ally held her ground. The song was eventually dropped. "I was so beyond relieved," she writes, "I started crying." https://www.eonline.com/news/1197490/the-biggest-bombshells-from-ally-brookes-memoir-finding-your-harmony Also, the girls revealed to an australian radio station that they did a demo with Sia that ended up going to Shakira which was most likely "Try Everything": The insider told me: They also almost signed a deal with Google for the Reflection album which, had it gone through, would have included the release of either "No way" (which we know Lauren fought to get released) or another unreleased song called "I Almost Loved You." We know that they did a demo's for Prince Royce's "Double Vision" and Jason Derulo's "Better With You," I'm DYING to know what other songs by different artists they demoed and of all the unreleased/alternate content we don't even know about!!!
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