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Lucas M

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Everything posted by Lucas M

  1. Pre-save made! ❤️👏
  2. She posted a new TikTok with a Slay commercial ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  3. Is Slay also re-recorded?
  4. Good, now my anxiety is through the roof. Slay and F21 have to be coming too right?
  5. She’s coming 😍😍😍
  6. Probably not, honey. We will always hope she gives us something, though
  7. So true, it`s really an amazing album. Last night I dreamed that she released it.
  8. I love bonnie in this, I think she’s singing less high, sounds amazing
  9. Thank you so much! I guess I already had this version of this song. It is indeed an amazing song, and I will add it to my playlists from now on. The thing is that Bonnie has so many leaked songs that you end up losing track of the ones you should pay attention to. Idk if it's just me. So I usually stick to epic songs, official releases, femme fatale demos plus a few other ones that caught my attention.
  10. Where did u find it?
  11. It samples hot n cold?
  12. I was jamming to her album today too! Happy New Years guys.
  13. Great job man!!! I think bonnie should consider using this
  14. Omg. I thought of doing that, but I didn’t want to cause I feel bad for her, since she was “mixing Slay” just before the 2020 leak and now she would probably have to mix everything all over again to change that 😭 but yes, 2020 production + 2014 lyrics would be the perfect combination for the perfect song 😍
  15. I thought I read that the file that has leaked was just the original file, not the final version . It sounds pretty different though
  16. Me too. I believe perfect version would be 2020 production and 2014 lyrics
  17. Not wild card 😭
  18. Oh, thank you... I guess it is the same file we've always had then
  19. She said on TikTok that American Girl can’t be on the album because it was released by the label. When her lawyer negotiated to get her the rights for her old masters, I guess it probably didn’t include AG because it was already released. It is on steaming plataforma though, so it is already part of her discography. It’s not like it is a leaked song that only we and a few more people who downloaded it listen to. When it comes to HMU and WUD, it is sad that they won’t be on the album. But I guess she’s always had to deal with giving away great songs. And we have enough great songs from the Epic sessions that make up an epic album.
  20. Yes! The music is epic and it was their loss (Epic’s).
  21. I respect the opinion of everyone, and a few people here expressed that they think Bonnie should name the album “American Girl” as a sort of clickbait strategy. I, on the other side, don’t like this idea and I feel that this album is epic and so much bigger than American Girl, which was released almost a decade ago and won’t be on the tracklist. I guess everyone is entitled to their opinions and this is mine. I loved American Girl the minute I first heard it in 2013, specially the relatable but still authentic lyrics, but I seriously don’t get all the nostalgia. Bombastic was even better imo, and she has a lot of tracks on this album that are so much bigger than American girl. All this for a few more streams? This album is gold, it has a lot of potential, and even if it doesn’t top the charts, the music will stay and go on for eternity because of its quality. So i think the naming of it should be handled with the class it deserves. The moment is now, she is releasing more pop perfection bops than the whole industry did the last years. Maybe “forever 21”, “fake it till you make it”, idk. Maybe “Epic”? Lol
  22. I’m glad she’s still trying to put out the album. I still have hope it will come out
  23. This is from before she said she’s facing legal issues 😔
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