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Everything posted by izzzyyy

  1. How about we don't until Bonnie confirms that she's not releasing a deluxe/won't release it.
  2. Also, a completely reworked version of Die Happy (and I mean reproduced, nothing sounds the same other than the melody) is coming on the next album. Hitman is also being released at some point, (not for the epic album), and Bonnie said Outlaw has a chance to release. Other than that, I don't think she has any plans to release leaks? Maybe Dirty Laundry/Hey Alligator as well.
  3. I fear that at this point in her career, Bonnie will never get a full return on her investments in these projects, but I don't think she needs it to sustain her career. Bonnie has us and she's made it clear as long as we're here for her, she'll keep releasing. The one thing we can do to make sure she stays motivated is always pre-save! It helps her a ton and gives her a couple of grand for each release. (This also means I need ALL of y'all to stop doom-posting every SINGLE time a release gets delayed. Not directed at you OP :)) I have never seen you post negatively about her.)
  4. Hit It, Itty Bitty, Blow Ur Mind, and Never Say Forever leaked. Blow Your Mind (full), and Welcome to the world are not real.
  5. i told y’all! i fought almost every time the forum turned negative in 2022 to try and defend bonnie and stick up for her. i hope she knows she’s always been loved
  6. The cover is NOT ai at all, it's CGI.
  8. @Jennys GirlfriendI would like to formerly apologize - tho, I blame how Bonnie worded it. 😓
  9. I believe the source of that heard a snippet and said it sounded worse than Hitman but around the era of the leaked Mirage. Trying to get my hands on the og so I can check the file date of Mirage
  10. Mirage didn't leak at least idt? ~ that one is different iirc
  11. you can see Hit Me Up below Hot City, and Sleepwalker, Stars In Your Heart and Don't Get Mad Get Famous are the bottom three. There's only two you can't see
  12. f21 mv is coming with the album i think. she liked comments alluding to that
  13. This one is actually kinda related to Hot City! Not sure if she ever reworked it in 2023, but it was definitely for Hot City sessions during 2013.
  14. We were talking about ones we wanted to add so I added Hit Me Up to the convo! I'd love to include it as a bonus track, specifically because it already got released.
  15. Hit Me Up (Bonnie's Version)
  16. I think the different version she performed live will be on the album
  17. The odds are in good hands, trust
  18. one word: ugh.
  19. I’ll do a proper listening soon (cause it’s been sloppy as hell when I’ve been trying for like the past 30 minutes) due to me being stuck in class. I swear on my life she said something like “I love that song… you guys will just have to wait and see.” In response to The EH comment
  20. Electric Heaven is on the album I think? Or if it’s not anymore, it was. For some reason she was being mysterious (ie: “I guess you’ll just have to wait and see) because she thinks we don’t know, but she’s confirmed it several times. Though she did say it would get a “make over.”
  21. if any of y’all own a popjustice account please tell this bitch i said “I’m pretty sure this thread is for Bonnie McKee, not washed up, hairless, wanna-be comedians who recycle jokes.”
  22. Hi people idk how this list got out there but this was a preumptive guess on my part of what the tracklist would consist of. It wasn’t in any specific order nor are Love Spell or Soundtrack To The End confirmed. (Yet.) Most of these are confirmed to be included but not in this order.
  23. Sometimes I wonder if those grown, gay men have kinks of seeing women fulfill their pop star fantasy. If they think women are just objects on display for them, that serve no other purpose than to have their wet fantasy of what a pop star looks like. I wonder if they truly think being, “gay” absolves them of misogyny, or any wrong doing. I put gay in quotes because, if you’re critcizing a woman for not looking the part you want in your fantasy of a women’s pop stardom, I have news for you. If you have wet fantasies about her putting pop songs out, I have news for you.
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