I mean anything is possible. Truly we will never know unless leaks5h confirms themself. However I think you might be onto something. It's like I said, it's likely to be the same people solely because the masters are SO tampered with. I mean how are you going to have not one, not two, not three, not four, but talking in almost every single snippet leaked?? It's the girls talking as well. It has to be from one of the girls iClouds.
The thing I'm hesitant on believing is that Ladder was lied about being a 7/27 outtake. I think it sounds like a 7/27 outtake. Also, if you look at leaks5h patterns, this is the only one lined up with an era picture. Ladder is also an oddball in that it sits at the table with all the studio versions they released & Double Vision. I believe that Ladder was likely a very, very recent leak by them, and it sparked whatever mess the leak party was after Camila left.
They likely are a group of hackers who are Fifth Harmony mega-stans, seeing as they leaked every song we heard before and immediately after Camila left. (Outside of songs leaked directly by the producers.) Also randomly came back to leak PSA & Feel So Right. But notice a pattern as well. Every song they leaked besides Young & Beautiful was LQ/128kbps or even less if it was from the iCloud files. (Aka No Catching Feelings.) Now that they're gone we have songs leaking in 320kbps-160kbps. That was UNHEARD of for Fifth Harmony, some people don't even know that they have songs beyond that quality. (All Again was the first one, then Monies, then Drown On Solid Ground, Better With You & No Boys Allowed (Even though it's 160kbps, still better than nothing.) I honestly am happier with where we are now.. we aren't getting snippets as often but it was NOT worth the quality we got.
The studio bounces thing makes even more sense & definitely supports this theory. This is why I don't believe even if we got direct links they would not be the quality we were looking for. Just a bit higher quality sadly. I am really hoping that we will be able to get all of their old leaks in higher quality, because what we currently have is down right atrocious. I cannot even listen to half their unreleased discography without my volume high. I cannot believe higher quality versions of songs we already had in 320kbps (All Again & Monies) leaked but we still don't even have the 320 version of Over.
Sorry just did a huge complaint but we move!
As for Tellin' Me, yeah it's very likely that they do have it. I'm believe Dinah might have the version they used for the live shows, (because I still hear Ally in the chorus) meanwhile Jake has the official studio version. (Which with Lauren singing the first verse AND the bridge means Dinah has NO verse which is incredibly heartbreaking.) They could be saving it for their 10 year anniversary, or they might not just have it. It depends. The version Dinah leaked was also very LQ so we'll have to see. Hopefully it surfaces one way or another.
Another thing with the tracklist, I'd believe it's real if we even got a snippet for the songs that don't exist cause still it looks fishy. Maybe it was made before BO$$ or Sledgehammer. We again dk. I hope it was real at some point, though it'd be disappointing. I've basically made like albums using unreleased 5H so this would be really cool to put together.
Really sad about Boyfriend. I love the demo Hitmaka presented and also the girls version. It sounds SO good. Definitely "Boyfriend, Boyfriend." I wonder if the snippets Daily Dinah got are ones from the song that was being sold around back then.
Anyways yeah just went on a super long rant but hope you're all good