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Everything posted by izzzyyy

  1. My dumbass forgot to add the screenshots of the article, here ya go
  2. 'Bonnies' is another song they were pitched. It's got the same composers as 'Fools Like Us' + Julia Michaels. Julia and Justin work together a shit ton, and they even mention working with Fifth Harmony in this article: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/10/arts/music/how-an-unlikely-duo-became-the-hottest-songwriters-in-pop-music.html I think you need money to read but you should have at least one free article. Justin and her also did 'Dope.' It is very likely the song was passed to Julia when she was signed on for 7/27. She did work on Flex. I assume the song was conjured up in the same session as 'Fools Like Us.' It was pitched but never picked up. Once Julia came in to work for them, her and Justin tweaked the song and re-pitched it. I wonder why it was reregistered without them listed. This is the earliest recollection of the song, as it was first mentioned in an article. Screenshots of the article attached below. https://hamadamania.wordpress.com/2016/02/18/fifth-harmony-snags-julia-michaels-jack-antonoff-for-sophomore-album/ Julia was also confirmed in February. The people running the site aren't always going to be on top of every exact date obviously, so that's probably why she's reported on the 18th. Still in February, and they happened about 2 weeks apart, so it is extremely likely they were pitched it and recorded it. You can also update registered works, so it's not unlikely that they were once registered and then weren't. https://www.bmi.com/creators/updateworks I think it's worth adding at the very least.
  3. 'Say Goodbye' (the name, not Goodbye.) is Tommy Brown & Victoria Monét. These two also worked on the tracks 'Everlasting Love' and 'We Know.' It also has a random writing credit from the rapper 'Mo Cheddha' for whatever reason lol; I wonder if she was supposed to have a verse at some point.
  4. 5h recorded don't talk about love by grl, thoughts? these are the same exact credits as miss movin on
  5. She wasn't shelved she worked on Don't Wanna Dance Alone
  6. and this is why i seriously think that it's just camila in the final chorus of too much as well as those adlibs she does at the end. wow management SUCKED at distributing parts
  7. Smallest nitpick by the way but the poll was between The way you look, no catching feelings, and too much (not talk to me)
  8. Because of one of the composers* God I hate grammarly
  9. Leaks5h only has anything before December 2015. They hacked Dinah and Camila's iCloud at different times, but Dinah was first, IIRC, where most of their leaks are from. Camila's stuff was mainly her singing random shit over those beats. (Closure, Like Friends, Do, etc.) They only have BT, Reflection, and 7/27. (Not all of 7/27 but a large chunk, I'd assume, depending on whether Dinah was allowed to record at the writing camp. Leaking in full wouldn't do anything either; they leak in terrible quality. They'd need to give us dropbox links. I hope they return and spread their old files in High Quality before anything. We wouldn't know who bought the songs either way, unfortunately. Idk how updated Reflection's info grab is, but Hitmaka played the snippets. (The producer.) That was found very recently under further information inspection. (Thank you, Jeff, I also had the idea because the snippets show files with his name constantly. They were also playing the same day, which Jeff and I figured out.) Jeff also found an extended snippet featuring an extra 4 seconds of Dinah singing the chorus. Girls Like Us is not something we know is out there; skyupsahl has not said shit about it besides the fact that she was selling it for $500, she only uses bitcoin, though, and I would never pay that much for a Fifth Harmony song. I heard some people say it was sold, but I don't know again. It has a high chance of leaking, so I've heard from one of the composers. I've tried to buy You Gave Me Love before; what people have is just the protools, if you don't know what that is, it's just the entire recording session. I seriously doubt there isn't an official mix inside, I've heard about several mixes, but they wouldn't be worth anything. What we need is the protools. Unfortunately, those did not come from 5h stans; they came from Meghan stans, holding onto the entire session. I couldn't even find somebody willing to sell it to me, and I was ready to go up to $250.
  10. Yeah same he won't respond, unfortunately. We have more info in this one disc group if you wanna join, drop your disc I'll add you.
  11. Leaks5h was awful. It was a group of people who hacked Dinah and Camila's iCloud, which is where all their leaks came from. Epic was too secure with Fifth Harmony for them to constantly get hacked over and again. We also would have producer information on the songs they leaked in that case. Leaks5h leaked all the songs they had in studio (which was a few only) in horrendous quality because they leaked through Twitter after downscaling the quality beforehand. They disappeared after Camila left, I assume they will be back for the 10 year anniversary. (Maybe that's wishful thinking.) No, unfortunately, no Fifth Harmony songs are for sale. I've been around and asked around, I've even begged for a few leaks. The only thing people have is You Gave Me Love protools and possibly (?) Girls Like Us.
  12. I don't even think he remembers it exists. He probably has every set of words similar muted on twitter
  13. Yeah it’s in that video full of snippets, lemme get the link https://youtu.be/1oBoJCFi_JI
  14. Listening now not sure how I feel to be honest, the vocal effects are extremely annoying
  15. Harmonizers have lying kinks it’s fake. There hasn’t even been a leak of Meghan’s demo so I doubt we’ll get 5h’s any time soon
  16. yee ik we talked about it in dms but boost!
  17. It's absolutely absurd that people can make fake registrations for songs. It's so upsetting
  18. It is yeah I didn't see it at first but you can really see it when you have them side by side You Gave Me Love Ya Gameel Ya Gae Me L
  19. Yes that’s what I’m referencing. He had no faith in them but he was completely fine signing them and then scamming them like crazy. It’s so sad.
  20. Weird behavior. Also can I just say LA Reid is an absolute weirdo. Complained to high hell about them quote “not harmonizing” then had every single girl record the songs they did separately as if that would help with harmonies. Like what??
  21. Ally said they were originally all against it, but after Ally had her faith attacked for acting as a mother figure to the group they stopped fighting it because they knew they wouldn't get out of it. I think it went against Ally's faith and also most of all it went against her morals that everybody except her was a minor. (BO$$ was released July 7th, and it was given to them presumably much before that because you have to take into account the recording and mixing of the song, the filming, the concept of the MV, etc.) Let's say BO$$ was given to them in April/May/Early June, Walkashame was presumably recorded way before that because it was supposed to be their lead single. Very early in the Reflection era so probably January/February/March 2014. They would have all been minors except Ally. I think what is most disturbing about the walk of shame song is that it's so upbeat. It has these dark ass lyrics that were meant for a group that was 4/5 or 3/5 minors whilst recording the song. That is disgusting. They also told Ally that the lyrics didn't (HAVE) to be about sex and that in the music video it could be related to talking bad to a teacher. What the literal fuck. As for Worth It, that's not all. Look at the Reflection album cover, the girls are mostly covered but then look at Dinah. The YOUNGEST has her tits the MOST exposed, much like how in Worth It all the girls are covered but Dinah's tits are very visible. Ally seems very shaken by her experience in Fifth Harmony. I do not think that until the girls are much , much older we will ever get any in depth details outside of what we already know. There was definitely a lot more than Mental & Verbal abuse going on in that group. At the end of the day they could not figure out an avenue for Fifth Harmony, so they decided to be "safe" and immediately sexualise them which is so fucking gross because the girls had so much to write about. Heartbreaking and if any song leaks I really hope this isn't the one because that song deserves to stay locked up along with all the people who were okay with them recording it.
  22. This was in Ally's book yup! This is so fucking disgusting and Ally talked about it in her book. I can't believe they tried to get these girls to record this song as teenagers as their LEAD single. Thank god we didn't get it and I hope we never get to hear it either.
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